
class TableViewFocusModel[S](val delegate: TableViewFocusModel[S]) extends TableFocusModel[S, TableColumn[S, _]] with SFXDelegate[TableViewFocusModel[S]]

Wraps a JavaFX TableViewFocusModel.

Wraps a JavaFX TableViewFocusModel.

Value Params

JavaFX TableViewFocusModel to be wrapped.


Creates a new ScalaFX TableViewFocusModel from its JavaFX counterpart.

class TableFocusModel[S, TableColumn[S, _]]
class FocusModel[S]
trait SFXDelegate[TableViewFocusModel[S]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(tableView: TableView[S])

Creates a default TableViewFocusModel instance that will be used to manage focus of the provided TableView control.

Creates a default TableViewFocusModel instance that will be used to manage focus of the provided TableView control.

Value Params

The tableView upon which this focus model operates.

Concrete methods

def focus(index: Int, column: TableColumn[S, _]): Unit

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Value Params

The column of the item to give focus to. Can be null.


The row index of the item to give focus to.

def focus(pos: TablePosition[_, _]): Unit

Convenience method for setting focus on a particular row or cell using a scalafx.scene.control.TablePosition.

Convenience method for setting focus on a particular row or cell using a scalafx.scene.control.TablePosition.

Value Params

The table position where focus should be set.

def focusedCell: ReadOnlyObjectProperty[TablePosition[_, _]]

The position of the current item in the TableView which has the focus.

The position of the current item in the TableView which has the focus.

Inherited methods

override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def focus(row: Int, column: TableColumn[S, _]): Unit

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Value Params

The column of the item to give focus to. Can be null.


The row index of the item to give focus to.

Inherited from
def focus(index: Int): Unit

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Causes the item at the given index to receive the focus.

Value Params

The index of the item to get focus.

Inherited from
def focusAboveCell(): Unit

Attempts to move focus to the cell above the currently focused cell.

Attempts to move focus to the cell above the currently focused cell.

Inherited from
def focusBelowCell(): Unit

Attempts to move focus to the cell below the currently focused cell.

Attempts to move focus to the cell below the currently focused cell.

Inherited from
def focusLeftCell(): Unit

Attempts to move focus to the cell to the left of the currently focused cell.

Attempts to move focus to the cell to the left of the currently focused cell.

Inherited from
def focusNext(): Unit

Attempts to give focus to the row after to the currently focused row.

Attempts to give focus to the row after to the currently focused row.

Inherited from
def focusPrevious(): Unit

Attempts to give focus to the row previous to the currently focused row.

Attempts to give focus to the row previous to the currently focused row.

Inherited from
def focusRightCell(): Unit

Attempts to move focus to the cell to the right of the the currently focused cell.

Attempts to move focus to the cell to the right of the the currently focused cell.

Inherited from

The index of the current item in the FocusModel which has the focus.

The index of the current item in the FocusModel which has the focus.

Inherited from

The current item in the FocusModel which has the focus.

The current item in the FocusModel which has the focus.

Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def isFocused(row: Integer, column: TableColumn[S, _]): Boolean

Tests whether the row / cell at the given location currently has the focus within the UI control.

Tests whether the row / cell at the given location currently has the focus within the UI control.

Value Params

The column of the item to give focus to. Can be null.


The row index of the item to give focus to.


true whether the row / cell at the given location currently has the focus within the UI control.

Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from

Concrete fields

override val delegate: TableViewFocusModel[S]