
class ObservableIntegerArray(delegate: ObservableIntegerArray) extends ObservableArray[Int, ObservableIntegerArray, ObservableIntegerArray]

Wrapper class to JavaFX's ObservableIntegerArray.

Wrapper class to JavaFX's ObservableIntegerArray.

Value Params

Wrapped JavaFX ObservableIntegerArray providing implementation.

class ObservableArray[Int, ObservableIntegerArray, ObservableIntegerArray]
trait SFXDelegate[ObservableIntegerArray]
trait Builder[Int, ObservableIntegerArray]
trait Growable[Int]
trait Clearable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(n: Int)

Create ObservableIntegerArray with specified capacity.

Create ObservableIntegerArray with specified capacity.

Elements will be zeroed out.

Value Params

Size of new ObservableIntegerArray. This value cannot be negative.


if n is negative.

Concrete methods

override def addAll(elems: Int*): Unit

Append given elements to the end of this array.

Append given elements to the end of this array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def addAll(src: ObservableIntegerArray): Unit

Append given observable array to the end of this array.

Append given observable array to the end of this array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def addAll(src: Array[Int], srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Append portion of given regular array to the end of this array.

Append portion of given regular array to the end of this array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def addAll(src: ObservableIntegerArray, srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Append portion of given regular array to the end of this array.

Append portion of given regular array to the end of this array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def copyTo(srcIdx: Int, dest: Array[Int], destIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Copy specified portion of this observable array to dest regular array.

Copy specified portion of this observable array to dest regular array.

Definition Classes
override def copyTo(srcIdx: Int, dest: ObservableIntegerArray, destIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Copy specified portion of this observable array to dest observable array.

Copy specified portion of this observable array to dest observable array.

Definition Classes
override def get(idx: Int): Int

Select the element at idx in the array.

Select the element at idx in the array.

Definition Classes
override def set(idx: Int, elem: Int): Unit

Set the element at idx in the array to value.

Set the element at idx in the array to value.

Definition Classes
override def set(destIdx: Int, src: Array[Int], srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Copy a portion of given regular array into this array, replacing affected contents.

Copy a portion of given regular array into this array, replacing affected contents.

Definition Classes
override def set(destIdx: Int, src: ObservableIntegerArray, srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Copy a portion of given observable array into this array, replacing affected contents.

Copy a portion of given observable array into this array, replacing affected contents.

Definition Classes
override def setAll(elements: Int*): Unit

Replace the contents of this array with the given elements.

Replace the contents of this array with the given elements.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def setAll(src: ObservableIntegerArray): Unit

Replace the contents of this array with the given observable array.

Replace the contents of this array with the given observable array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def setAll(src: Array[Int], srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Replace the contents of this array with portion of the given regular array.

Replace the contents of this array with portion of the given regular array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def setAll(src: ObservableIntegerArray, srcIdx: Int, length: Int): Unit

Replace the contents of this array with portion of the given observable array.

Replace the contents of this array with portion of the given observable array.

Capacity is increased, if necessary, to match the new size of the data.

Definition Classes
override def toArray(dest: Array[Int]): Array[Int]

Write the contents of this array into the specified array, if it is large enough, or a new array if it is not.

Write the contents of this array into the specified array, if it is large enough, or a new array if it is not.

Definition Classes
override def toArray(srcIdx: Int, dest: Array[Int], length: Int): Array[Int]

Write a portion of this array's contents into the specified array, if it is large enough, or a new array if it is not.

Write a portion of this array's contents into the specified array, if it is large enough, or a new array if it is not.

Definition Classes

Inherited methods

Append another observable array to this array.

Append another observable array to this array.

Value Params

Array to be appended to this array.


This array, expanded to contain the indicated array.

Inherited from
def ++=(src: Array[Int]): ObservableIntegerArray

Append another array to this array.

Append another array to this array.

Value Params

Array to be appended to this array.


This array, expanded to contain the indicated array.

Inherited from
final def ++=(xs: IterableOnce[Int]): ObservableIntegerArray
Inherited from
final def +=(elem: Int): ObservableIntegerArray
Inherited from
def addAll(xs: IterableOnce[Int]): ObservableIntegerArray
Inherited from
override def addOne(elem: Int): ObservableIntegerArray

Append new element to this ObservableArray.

Append new element to this ObservableArray.

Value Params

Element to be added to end of this array.


This ObservableArray.

Definition Classes
ObservableArray -> Growable
Inherited from
def apply(idx: Int): Int

Select an element by its index in the array.

Select an element by its index in the array.

Value Params

Index of selected element.


Element at given idx.


if idx does not satisfy 0 <= idx < length.

Inherited from
override def clear(): Unit

Empty array, clearing builder contents, resizing it to zero.

Empty array, clearing builder contents, resizing it to zero.

Capacity is unchanged.

Definition Classes
ObservableArray -> Builder -> Clearable
Inherited from
def ensureCapacity(capacity: Int): Unit

Grow array capacity if currently smaller than given capacity; do nothing otherwise.

Grow array capacity if currently smaller than given capacity; do nothing otherwise.

Value Params

Required capacity.

Inherited from
override def equals(ref: Any): Boolean

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Verifies if a object is equals to this delegate.

Value Params

Object to be compared.


if the other object is equals to this delegate or not.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
override def hashCode: Int

The delegate hashcode

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def isEmpty: Boolean

Tests whether the collection is empty.

Tests whether the collection is empty.


true if the collection contains no elements, false otherwise.

Inherited from
def knownSize: Int
Inherited from
def length: Int

Alias for size

Alias for size

Inherited from
def mapResult[NewTo](f: ObservableIntegerArray => NewTo): Builder[Int, NewTo]
Inherited from
def nonEmpty: Boolean

Tests whether the collection is not empty.

Tests whether the collection is not empty.


true if the collection contains at least one element, false otherwise.

Inherited from
def onChange(op: => Unit): Subscription

Add a listener function to Array's changes.

Add a listener function to Array's changes.

Value Params

Function that will handle this ObservableArray's modifications data, to be activated when some change is made.


This function '''will not handle''' this array's modifications data. That is, it will be notified that an array it is associated with has changed, but not which array the which data within it was changed.

Inherited from

Add a listener function to Array's changes.

Add a listener function to Array's changes.

Value Params

Function that will handle this ObservableArray's modifications data, to be activated when some change is made.


This function '''will handle''' this array's modifications data. That is, it will be notified which array has been modified and which array elements have been changed.

Inherited from
def onInvalidate(op: => Unit): Subscription

Adds a no argument function as a JavaFX `InvalidationListener`. This function has no arguments because it will not handle invalidated values.

Adds a no argument function as a JavaFX `InvalidationListener`. This function has no arguments because it will not handle invalidated values.

Value Params

A Function with no arguments. It will be called when value was invalidated.


A new scalafx.event.subscriptions.Subscription to remove JavaFX InvalidationListener.

Inherited from

Adds a function as a JavaFX `InvalidationListener`. This function has all arguments from `invalidated` method from InvalidationListener.

Adds a function as a JavaFX `InvalidationListener`. This function has all arguments from `invalidated` method from InvalidationListener.

Value Params

Function that receives a ScalaFX Observable. It will be called when value was invalidated.


A new scalafx.event.subscriptions.Subscription to remove JavaFX InvalidationListener.

Inherited from

Produces collection from builder.

Produces collection from builder.


This ObservableArray.

Definition Classes
ObservableArray -> Builder
Inherited from
def size: Int

Retrieve length of data in this array.

Retrieve length of data in this array.


Length of data in this array.

Inherited from
final def sizeHint(coll: IterableOnce[_], delta: Int): Unit
Inherited from
def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit
Inherited from
final def sizeHintBounded(size: Int, boundingColl: Iterable[_]): Unit
Inherited from
def toArray: Array[Int]

Translate this observable array to a regular array.

Translate this observable array to a regular array.


Regular array containing this array's contents.

Inherited from
override def toString: String

Returns the original delegate's toString() adding a [SFX] prefix.

Definition Classes
Inherited from
def trimToSize(): Unit

Shrinks capacity to current length of data in this array.

Shrinks capacity to current length of data in this array.

Inherited from
def update(idx: Int, value: Int): Unit

Set the element at idx in the array to value.

Set the element at idx in the array to value.

Value Params

Index of element to be changed.


New value for element at idx.


if idx does not satisfy 0 <= idx < length.

Inherited from

Deprecated and Inherited methods

@inline @deprecated("Use `++=` aka `addAll` instead of varargs `+=`; infix operations with an operand of multiple args will be deprecated", "2.13.0")
final def +=(elem1: Int, elem2: Int, elems: Int*): ObservableIntegerArray
Inherited from