
Abstract class that in the future will hold an intermediate priority WheneverAsserting implicit, which will enable inspector expressions that have result type Expectation, a more composable form of assertion that returns a result instead of throwing an exception when it fails.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object WheneverAsserting.type



implicit def assertingNatureOfFutureAssertion: WheneverAsserting[Future[Assertion]] { type Result = Future[Assertion]; }

Inherited implicits

implicit def assertingNatureOfT[T]: WheneverAsserting[T] { type Result = Unit; }

Provides support of WheneverAsserting for Unit. Return Unit when the check succeeds, but throw DiscardedEvaluationException when check fails.

Provides support of WheneverAsserting for Unit. Return Unit when the check succeeds, but throw DiscardedEvaluationException when check fails.

Inherited from: