
object Length

Companion object for Length that provides implicit implementations for the following types:

  • scala.collection.GenSeq

  • String

  • Array

  • java.util.Collection

  • arbitary object with a length() method that returns Int

  • arbitary object with a parameterless length method that returns Int

  • arbitary object with a getLength() method that returns Int

  • arbitary object with a parameterless getLength method that returns Int

  • arbitary object with a length() method that returns Long

  • arbitary object with a parameterless length method that returns Long

  • arbitary object with a getLength() method that returns Long

  • arbitary object with a parameterless getLength method that returns Long

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithGetLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def getLength(): Int; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Int.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Int.

Type parameters:

any type with getLength() method that returns Int


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithGetLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def getLength(): Long; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Long.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with getLength() method that returns Long.

Type parameters:

any type with getLength() method that returns Long


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def length(): Int; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Int.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Int.

Type parameters:

any type with length() method that returns Int


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def length(): Long; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Long.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with length() method that returns Long.

Type parameters:

any type with length() method that returns Long


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessGetLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def getLength: Int; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Int.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Int.

Type parameters:

any type with parameterless getLength method that returns Int


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessGetLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def getLength: Long; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Long.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless getLength method that returns Long.

Type parameters:

any type with parameterless getLength method that returns Long


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessLengthMethodForInt[T <: AnyRef { def length: Int; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Int.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Int.

Type parameters:

any type with parameterless length method that returns Int


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfAnyRefWithParameterlessLengthMethodForLong[T <: AnyRef { def length: Long; }]: Length[T]

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Long.

Enable Length implementation for arbitary object with parameterless length method that returns Long.

Type parameters:

any type with parameterless length method that returns Long


Length[T] that supports T in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfArray[E]: Length[Array[E]]

Enable Length implementation for Array

Enable Length implementation for Array

Type parameters:

the type of the element in the Array


Length[Array[E]] that supports Array in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfGenSeq[SEQ <: Seq[_]]: Length[SEQ]

Enable Length implementation for scala.collection.GenSeq

Enable Length implementation for scala.collection.GenSeq

Type parameters:

any subtype of scala.collection.GenSeq


Length[SEQ] that supports scala.collection.GenSeq in have length syntax

implicit def lengthOfJavaList[JLIST <: List[_]]: Length[JLIST]

Enable Length implementation for java.util.List

Enable Length implementation for java.util.List

Type parameters:

any subtype of java.util.List


Length[JLIST] that supports java.util.List in have length syntax

implicit val lengthOfString: Length[String]

Enable Length implementation for String

Enable Length implementation for String


Length[String] that supports String in have length syntax