
trait Timed[T]

Trait that provides a timeoutAfter construct, which allows you to specify a timeout for an operation passed as a by-name parameter, as well as a way to signal/interrupt it if the operation exceeds its time limit.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def timeoutAfter(timeout: Span, f: => T, signaler: Signaler, exceptionFun: Option[Throwable] => StackDepthException): T

Execute the passed in function f and time it, if the time it takes to complete the function the function execution exceeds the passed in timeout, call the passed in exceptionFun to create an instance of StackDepthException and the implementation is responsible to handle it.

Execute the passed in function f and time it, if the time it takes to complete the function the function execution exceeds the passed in timeout, call the passed in exceptionFun to create an instance of StackDepthException and the implementation is responsible to handle it.

Value parameters:

the function to create StackDepthException for failure


the passed in function to be timed


the Signaler used to signal/interrupt the function when time limit exceeded


the maximum amount of time allowed for the passed function


the T returned by function f