
trait SpanSugar

Trait providing four implicit conversions that allow you to specify spans of time by invoking "units" methods such as millis, seconds, and minutes on Int, Long, Float, and Double.

This trait enables you to specify a span of time in a clear, boilerplate-free way when you need to provide an instance of Span. This can be used, for example, with the failAfter method of trait Timeouts or the timeLimit field of trait TimeLimitedTests. It can also be used to specify timeouts when using traits Eventually, Futures, Waiter. Here are examples of each unit enabled by this trait:

Int Long Float Double
1 nanosecond 1L nanosecond 1.0F nanosecond 1.0 nanosecond
100 nanoseconds 100L nanoseconds 99.8F nanoseconds 99.8 nanoseconds
1 microsecond 1L microsecond 1.0F microsecond 1.0 microsecond
100 microseconds 100L microseconds 99.8F microseconds 99.8 microseconds
1 millisecond 1L millisecond 1.0F millisecond 1.0 millisecond
100 milliseconds 100L milliseconds 99.8F milliseconds 99.8 milliseconds
100 millis 100L millis 99.8F millis 99.8 millis
1 second 1L second 1.0F second 1.0 second
100 seconds 100L seconds 99.8F seconds 99.8 seconds
1 minute 1L minute 1.0F minute 1.0 minute
100 minutes 100L minutes 99.8F minutes 99.8 minutes
1 hour 1L hour 1.0F hour 1.0 hour
100 hours 100L hours 99.8F hours 99.8 hours
1 day 1L day 1.0F day 1.0 day
100 days 100L days 99.8F days 99.8 days

This trait is not the default way to specify Spans for two reasons. First, it adds four implicits, which would give the compiler more work to do and may conflict with other implicits the user has in scope. Instead, Span provides a clear, concise default way to specify time spans that requires no implicits. Here's an example:

Span(1, Second)

If you already have implicit conversions in scope that provide a similar syntax sugar for expression time spans, you can use that by providing an implicit conversion from the result of those expressions to Span. Note that because of implicit conversions in the Span companion object, you can use a scala.concurrent.duration.Duration (including in its "sugary" form) where a Span is needed, and vice versa.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object SpanSugar.type

Type members


class FloatingGrainOfTime(value: Double)

Class containing methods that return a Span time value calculated from the Double value passed to the FloatingGrainOfTime constructor.

Class containing methods that return a Span time value calculated from the Double value passed to the FloatingGrainOfTime constructor.

Value parameters:

the value to be converted

class GrainOfTime(value: Long)

Class containing methods that return a Span time value calculated from the Long value passed to the GrainOfTime constructor.

Class containing methods that return a Span time value calculated from the Long value passed to the GrainOfTime constructor.

Value parameters:

the value to be converted



Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Doubles.

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Doubles.

Value parameters:

the Double to which to add time units methods


a FloatingGrainOfTime wrapping the passed Double

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Floats.

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Floats.

Value parameters:

the Float to which to add time units methods


a FloatingGrainOfTime wrapping the passed Float

implicit def convertIntToGrainOfTime(i: Int): GrainOfTime

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Ints.

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Ints.

Value parameters:

the Int to which to add time units methods


a GrainOfTime wrapping the passed Int

implicit def convertLongToGrainOfTime(i: Long): GrainOfTime

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Longs.

Implicit conversion that adds time units methods to Longs.

Value parameters:

the Long to which to add time units methods


a GrainOfTime wrapping the passed Long

implicit val postfixOps: postfixOps