
abstract class UnitInspectorAsserting

Class holding lowest priority InspectorAsserting implicit, which enables inspector expressions that have result type Unit.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object InspectorAsserting.type

Type members


abstract class InspectorAssertingImpl[T, R] extends InspectorAsserting[T, R]

Abstract subclass of InspectorAsserting that provides the bulk of the implementations of InspectorAsserting methods.

Abstract subclass of InspectorAsserting that provides the bulk of the implementations of InspectorAsserting methods.



implicit def assertingNatureOfT[T]: InspectorAsserting[T, Unit]

Provides an implicit InspectorAsserting instance for any type that did not match a higher priority implicit provider, enabling inspector syntax that has result type Unit.

Provides an implicit InspectorAsserting instance for any type that did not match a higher priority implicit provider, enabling inspector syntax that has result type Unit.