
trait Sortable[-S]

Supertrait for typeclasses that enable the be sorted matcher syntax.

A Sortable[S] provides access to the "sortable nature" of type S in such a way that be sorted matcher syntax can be used with type S. An S can be any type for which the concept of being sorted makes sense, such as sequences. ScalaTest provides implicit implementations for several types. You can enable the be sorted matcher syntax on your own type U by defining a Sortable[U] for the type and making it available implicitly.

ScalaTest provides an implicit Sortable instance for types out of the box in the Sortable companion object:

  • scala.collection.GenSeq

  • Array

  • java.util.List

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def isSorted(sequence: S): Boolean

Determines whether the passed sequence is sorted, i.e., the elements of the passed sequence are in sorted order.

Determines whether the passed sequence is sorted, i.e., the elements of the passed sequence are in sorted order.

Value parameters:

the sequence to check whether it is sorted


true if passed sequence is sorted, false otherwise.