
object Lazy
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait Expander[+U] extends Lazy

A convenient implementation of the Lazy trait for elements which typically expand to ugens. This will be typically used for elements which do not directly need to generate ugens but rather spawn more graph elements. For the direct generation of UGens, use a subtype of UGenSource.

A convenient implementation of the Lazy trait for elements which typically expand to ugens. This will be typically used for elements which do not directly need to generate ugens but rather spawn more graph elements. For the direct generation of UGens, use a subtype of UGenSource.

The constructor body of this trait will call Graph.builder.addLazy to automatically register this element when instantiated.

Type parameters:

the type to which this element expands, e.g. Unit or UGenInLike

See also: