
object GenWindow extends ProductReader[GenWindow[_]]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case object Blackman extends SimpleShape
case object Gauss extends SimpleShape
case object Hamming extends SimpleShape
case object Hann extends SimpleShape
case object Kaiser extends ParamShape
case object Line extends SimpleShape

Line begins at zero and moves linearly towards one, but not reaching it. For example, a GenWindow(10, GenWindow.Line) * 10 would count in integer steps from 0 to 9, then wrapping back to zero.

Line begins at zero and moves linearly towards one, but not reaching it. For example, a GenWindow(10, GenWindow.Line) * 10 would count in integer steps from 0 to 9, then wrapping back to zero.

sealed trait ParamShape extends Shape
case object RaisedCosine extends ParamShape

The "modulator" part for the roll-off in a raised cosine filter. It follows the formula

The "modulator" part for the roll-off in a raised cosine filter. It follows the formula

 x(n) = cos(a*n * Pi) / (1 - (2a*n)^2)

with a = freq/sr the normalized roll-off frequency, specified as the window's param, and the singularity of x(0) = 1.0.

case object Rectangle extends SimpleShape
object Shape
sealed trait Shape
sealed trait SimpleShape extends Shape
case object Sinc extends ParamShape

The sinc or "cardinal sine" function. The parameter is the normalized frequency (frequency divided by sampleRate).

The sinc or "cardinal sine" function. The parameter is the normalized frequency (frequency divided by sampleRate).

case object Triangle extends SimpleShape

Value members

Concrete methods

override def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int, adj: Int): GenWindow[_]
Definition Classes