
@deprecated("Should move to using Handlers", since = "2.35.1")
trait InOutImpl[S <: Shape] extends Node
[Since version 2.35.1]
trait Node
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Out1LogicImpl[A, S]

Value members

Abstract methods

def canWrite: Boolean

Whether all outputs are available for pushing.

Whether all outputs are available for pushing.

def completeStage(): Unit

Exposed from GraphStageLogic API.

Exposed from GraphStageLogic API.

protected def freeOutputBuffers(): Unit
def inValid: Boolean

Whether all input buffers are valid.

Whether all input buffers are valid.

def process(): Unit
def pushOut[A](out: Outlet[A], elem: A): Unit
def setOutHandler[A](out: Outlet[A], h: OutHandler): Unit
override def shape: S
Definition Classes
def updateCanWrite(): Unit

Requests the update of the canWrite status.

Requests the update of the canWrite status.

protected def writeOuts(outOff: Int): Unit

Inherited methods

def completeAsync(): Future[Unit]
Inherited from:
def failAsync(ex: Exception): Unit
Inherited from:
def launchAsync(): Future[Unit]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
final override def postStop(): Unit

Invoked by Akka after processing of external events stopped because the operator is about to stop or fail. Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Invoked by Akka after processing of external events stopped because the operator is about to stop or fail. Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final override def preStart(): Unit

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
protected def stopped(): Unit

Subclasses can override this

Subclasses can override this

Inherited from:



implicit protected def control: Control

Inherited implicits

implicit protected def allocator: Allocator
Inherited from: