Type members


object ARCWindow
object Allocator
trait Allocator
object ArithmSeq

A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AsyncAudioFile, it exposes other array types to the use site.

A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AsyncAudioFile, it exposes other array types to the use site.

trait AsyncFileBufferD extends AsyncFileBuffer[Double]
trait AsyncFileBufferL extends AsyncFileBuffer[Long]
object BinaryOp
object Biquad
object Bleach
object Blobs2D
object Broadcast
object Buf
abstract class Buf
object BufD
final class BufD extends Buf
object BufI
final class BufI extends Buf
object BufL
final class BufL extends Buf
object BufferDisk
object Builder
trait Builder
final case class Cancelled() extends Exception
object Clip
object CombN

Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex1IFFT.

Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex1IFFT.

Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex1FFT.

Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex1FFT.

Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex2IFFT.

Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex2IFFT.

Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex2FFT.

Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex2FFT.

Binary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream even if the operator yields a purely real-valued result.

Binary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream even if the operator yields a purely real-valued result.

Unary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream for most operators (ex. log, carToPol) or a real stream for some operators (e.g. real, mag).

Unary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream for most operators (ex. log, carToPol) or a real stream for some operators (e.g. real, mag).

object Concat
object ConstQ
object Constant

Similar to GraphStages.SingleSource but with proper toString

Similar to GraphStages.SingleSource but with proper toString

object Control
trait Control extends ControlPlatform
object DC
object DCT_II
object DEnvGen
object DelayN
object Distinct
object Done
object Drop
object DropRight
object DropWhile
object Empty
object ExpExp
object ExpLin
object Feed
object FileBuffer
trait FileBuffer[A]

A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AudioFile, it supports 64-bit resolution and does not perform any internal caching.

A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AudioFile, it supports 64-bit resolution and does not perform any internal caching.

trait FileBufferD extends FileBuffer[Double]
trait FileBufferI extends FileBuffer[Int]
trait FileBufferL extends FileBuffer[Long]
object FilterSeq
object Fold
object Fourier
object Frames
object Gate
object GenWindow
object GeomSeq
object GimpSlur
object HPF
object Hash
object Histogram
object IfThenGE
object IfThenUnit
object Impulse
object LFSaw
object LPF
object Latch
object Length
object Limiter
object LinExp
object LinLin
object Line
object Loudness
object Map
object Masking2D
object MatchLen
object MelFilter
object Metro
trait Node
trait NodeHasInit extends Node

Overlapping window summation with offset (fuzziness) that can be modulated.

Overlapping window summation with offset (fuzziness) that can be modulated.

object OnePole
object OverlapAdd

Overlapping window summation. Counter-part to Sliding.

Overlapping window summation. Counter-part to Sliding.

object Pearson
object PenImage
object Plot1D
object Poll
object Progress
object Real1FFT

Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real1IFFT.

Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real1IFFT.

Useful page:

Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real1FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real1FullIFFT.

Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real1FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real1FullIFFT.

Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real1FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real1FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

object Real1IFFT

Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real1FFT.

Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real1FFT.

object Real2FFT

Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real2IFFT.

Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real2IFFT.

Useful page:

Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real2FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real2FullIFFT.

Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real2FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real2FullIFFT.

Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real2FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real2FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

object Real2IFFT

Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real2FFT.

Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real2FFT.

Repeats contents of windowed input.

Repeats contents of windowed input.

object Resample

Reverses contents of windowed input.

Reverses contents of windowed input.

object RunningMax
object RunningMin
object RunningSum
object ScanImage
object SetResetFF
object Sheet1D
object SinOsc
object SinkIgnore
object Slices
object Sliding extends SlidingPlatform

Sliding overlapping window.

Sliding overlapping window.

object SortWindow
object StreamIn
trait StreamIn
object StreamOut
trait StreamOut
object Take
object TakeRight
object TakeWhile
object Timer
object Trig
object TrigHold
object UnaryOp

Unzips a signal into two based on a window length.

Unzips a signal into two based on a window length.

Unzips a signal into a given number of outputs based on a window length.

Unzips a signal into a given number of outputs based on a window length.

object ValueSeq
object Viterbi
object WhiteNoise
object Wrap
object Zip
object ZipWindowN

Zips a number of signals into one output based on a window length.

Zips a number of signals into one output based on a window length.


type GBuilder = Builder[NotUsed]
type In[A] = Inlet[E[A]]
type InA = Inlet[Buf]
type InD = Inlet[E[Double]]
type InI = Inlet[E[Int]]
type InL = Inlet[E[Long]]
type Layer = Int
type Out[A] = Outlet[E[A]]
type OutA = Outlet[Buf]
type OutD = Outlet[E[Double]]
type OutI = Outlet[E[Int]]
type OutL = Outlet[E[Long]]
type Signal[A] = FlowOps[A, NotUsed]
type StreamInElem[A1] = StreamIn { type A = A1; }

Value members

Concrete methods

def In[A](name: String): In[A]
def InA(name: String): InA
def InD(name: String): InD
def InI(name: String): InI
def InL(name: String): InL
def Out[A](name: String): Out[A]
def OutD(name: String): OutD
def OutI(name: String): OutI
def OutL(name: String): OutL

Concrete fields

final val Args: Group[(Int, Long, Double, Boolean)]