
object Handlers

In the mess of all the different implementation classes, this is a new approach for collecting standard type of handlers which correctly handle the issue of different polling frequencies and buffer sizes between inlets. They are currently not optimised for array operations, but assume a simple value by value polling.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed trait In[A] extends InOut with InHandler
sealed trait InAux[A] extends In[A]
sealed trait InDAux extends InAux[Double]

Version specialized for Double

Version specialized for Double

sealed trait InDMain extends InMain[Double]

Version specialized for Double

Version specialized for Double

sealed trait InIAux extends InAux[Int]

Version specialized for Int

Version specialized for Int

sealed trait InIMain extends InMain[Int]

Version specialized for Int

Version specialized for Int

sealed trait InLAux extends InAux[Long]

Version specialized for Long

Version specialized for Long

sealed trait InLMain extends InMain[Long]

Version specialized for Long

Version specialized for Long

sealed trait InMain[A] extends In[A] with Main[A]
sealed trait InOut extends Resource
sealed trait Main[A] extends InOut
sealed trait OutDMain extends OutMain[Double]

Version specialized for Double

Version specialized for Double

trait OutIMain extends OutMain[Int]

Version specialized for Int

Version specialized for Int

sealed trait OutLMain extends OutMain[Long]

Version specialized for Long

Version specialized for Long

trait OutMain[A] extends Main[A] with OutHandler
trait Resource

Value members

Concrete methods

def InAux[A](n: Handlers[_], inlet: Inlet[E[A]])(cond: A => A)(implicit tpe: DataType[A]): InAux[A]
def InDAux(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InD)(cond: Double => Double): InDAux
def InDMain(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InD): InDMain
def InIAux(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InI)(cond: Int => Int): InIAux
def InIMain(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InI): InIMain
def InLAux(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InL)(cond: Long => Long): InLAux
def InLMain(n: Handlers[_], inlet: InL): InLMain
def InMain[A](n: Handlers[_], inlet: Inlet[E[A]])(implicit tpe: DataType[A]): InMain[A]
def OutDMain(n: Handlers[_], outlet: OutD): OutDMain
def OutIMain(n: Handlers[_], outlet: OutI): OutIMain
def OutLMain(n: Handlers[_], outlet: OutL): OutLMain
def OutMain[A](n: Handlers[_], outlet: Outlet[E[A]])(implicit tpe: DataType[A]): OutMain[A]