
Base class for 2-dimensional FFT transforms.

trait WindowedInAOutA[Double]
trait WindowedInAOutB[Double, Double, Double]
trait Node
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def gainFor(fftSize: Int): Double
protected def performFFT(): Unit

Concrete methods

final override protected def processWindow(): Unit
Definition Classes
final protected def setFFTSize(r: Int, c: Int): Unit
override protected def stopped(): Unit
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final protected def aTpe: DataType[Double]
Inherited from:
final protected def bTpe: DataType[Double]
Inherited from:
protected def clearWindowTail(): Unit

The default implementation clears from readOff to the end of the window buffer. This method is not called if fullLastWindow returns false!

The default implementation clears from readOff to the end of the window buffer. This method is not called if fullLastWindow returns false!

Inherited from:
def completeAsync(): Future[Unit]
Inherited from:
def failAsync(ex: Exception): Unit
Inherited from:
protected def hIn: InMain[Double]
Inherited from:
protected def hOut: OutMain[Double]
Inherited from:
def launchAsync(): Future[Unit]
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
protected def newWindowBuffer(n: Int): Array[Double]
Inherited from:
protected def onDone(inlet: Inlet[_]): Unit
Inherited from:
final override def postStop(): Unit

Invoked by Akka after processing of external events stopped because the operator is about to stop or fail. Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Invoked by Akka after processing of external events stopped because the operator is about to stop or fail. Calls stopped and then removes the node from the control.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final override def preStart(): Unit

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Final so we don't accidentally place code here. In order to initialize state, use NodeHasInitImpl and implement init.

Definition Classes
Inherited from:
final protected def process(): Unit
Inherited from:
protected def readIntoWindow(n: Int): Unit

Reads in a number of frames. The default implementation copies to the window buffer.

Reads in a number of frames. The default implementation copies to the window buffer.

Inherited from:
protected def readWinSize: Long

The default number of frames to read in per window equals the window buffer size

The default number of frames to read in per window equals the window buffer size

Inherited from:
def shape: Shape
Inherited from:
protected def tryObtainWinParams(): Boolean

Tries to prepare the parameters for the next window. If successful, returns true otherwise false. If successful, it must be possible to successively call winBufSize.

Tries to prepare the parameters for the next window. If successful, returns true otherwise false. If successful, it must be possible to successively call winBufSize.

Inherited from:
protected def winBufSize: Int

The size for the window buffer, or zero if this buffer should no be used. This can be polled multiple times per window, the element might thus need to be saved (in tryObtainWinParams()). In most cases, it will be sufficient to poll the value in tryObtainWinParams and implement winBufSize by calling the value method of the corresponding input handler.

The size for the window buffer, or zero if this buffer should no be used. This can be polled multiple times per window, the element might thus need to be saved (in tryObtainWinParams()). In most cases, it will be sufficient to poll the value in tryObtainWinParams and implement winBufSize by calling the value method of the corresponding input handler.

Inherited from:
protected def writeFromWindow(n: Int): Unit

Writes out a number of frames. The default implementation copies from the window buffer.

Writes out a number of frames. The default implementation copies from the window buffer.

Inherited from:
protected def writeWinSize: Long

The number of frames to write out per window. This is polled once after processWindow. The default equals the window buffer size (winBufSize). If an implementation wants to truncate the last window when the input terminates, it should override fullLastWindow to return false, in which case the default implementation of writeWinSize will return ``

The number of frames to write out per window. This is polled once after processWindow. The default equals the window buffer size (winBufSize). If an implementation wants to truncate the last window when the input terminates, it should override fullLastWindow to return false, in which case the default implementation of writeWinSize will return ``

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final protected var fft: DoubleFFT_2D
final protected var fftCols: Int
final protected var fftRows: Int
final protected var fftSize: Int
final protected var gain: Double

Inherited fields

protected val fullLastWindow: Boolean
Inherited from:
final protected var readOff: Long
Inherited from:
final protected var readRem: Long
Inherited from:
final protected val tpe: DataType[Double]
Inherited from:
final protected var winBuf: Array[Double]
Inherited from:
final protected var writeOff: Long
Inherited from:
final protected var writeRem: Long
Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit protected def allocator: Allocator
Inherited from:
implicit protected def control: Control
Inherited from: