
final case class ConstQ(in: D, fftSize: I, minFreqN: D, maxFreqN: D, numBands: I) extends SingleOut[Double]

A UGen that performs a constant Q spectral analysis, using an already FFT'ed input signal. For each input window, the output signal consists of numBands filter output values. These values are '''squared''', since further processing might need to decimate them again or take the logarithm. Otherwise the caller needs to add .sqrt to get the actual filter outputs.

The default settings specify a range of nine octaves and numBands = 432 thus being 48 bands per octave. At 44.1 kHz, the default minimum frequency would be 35.28 Hz, the maximum would be 18063.36 Hz.

Value parameters:

the fft size which corresponds with the window size of the input


the input signal which has already been windowed and FFT'ed using Real1FFT in mode 0 or 2. The windows should have been rotated prior to the FFT so that the time signal starts in the middle of the window and then wraps around.


the normalized maximum frequency (frequency in Hz, divided by the sampling rate). should be greater than zero and less than or equal to 0.5.


the normalized minimum frequency (frequency in Hz, divided by the sampling rate). should be greater than zero and less than or equal to 0.5.


the number of bands or kernels to apply, spreading them evenly (logarithmically) across the range from minimum to maximum frequency.

trait Serializable
trait SingleOut[Double]
trait Lazy[Double]
trait GE[Double]
trait Expander[UGenInLike[Double]]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

final def name: String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: