
final case class Slices[A, L](in: GE[A], spans: GE[L])(implicit num: Num[A], numL: NumInt[L]) extends SingleOut[A] with ProductWithAdjuncts

A UGen that assembles slices of an input signal in random access fashion. It does so by buffering the input to disk.

Value parameters:

the signal to re-arrange.


successive frame start (inclusive) and stop (exclusive) frame positions determining the spans that are output by the UGen. This parameter is read on demand. First, the first two values are read, specifying the first span. Only after this span has been output, the next two values from spans are read, and so on. Values are clipped to zero (inclusive) and the length of the input signal (exclusive). If a start position is greater than a stop position, the span is output in reversed order.

See also:
trait Serializable
trait ProductWithAdjuncts
trait SingleOut[A]
trait Lazy[A]
trait GE[A]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def adjuncts: List[Adjunct]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final def name: String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: