
final case class DEnvGen[L](levels: D, lengths: GE[L], shapes: I, curvatures: D)(implicit numL: NumInt[L]) extends SingleOut[Double] with ProductWithAdjuncts

An envelope generator UGen similar to SuperCollider's DemandEnvGen.

For each parameter of the envelope (levels, durations and shapes), values are polled every time a new segment starts. The UGen keeps running as long as level inputs are provided. If any of the other inputs terminate early, their last values will be used for successive segments (e.g. one can use a constant length or shape).

Note that as a consequence of having a "hot" levels input, the target level of the last segment may not be reached, as the UGen would terminate one sample earlier. As a workaround one can duplicate the last level value with a length of 1.

The difference to DemandEnvGen is that this UGen does not duplicate functionality in the form of levelScale, levelBias, timeScale, and it does not provide reset and gate functionality. Durations are given as lengths in sample frames.

trait Serializable
trait ProductWithAdjuncts
trait SingleOut[Double]
trait Lazy[Double]
trait GE[Double]
trait Expander[UGenInLike[Double]]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def adjuncts: List[Adjunct]
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

final def name: String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: