final case class Real1IFFT(in: D, size: I, padding: I, mode: I) extends FFTHalfUGen

Backward or inverse short-time Fourier transform UGen for a real-valued output signal. The FFT size is equal to size. The output is a succession of time domain signals of length size - padding. Depending on mode, the output input size is supposed to be either size or size + 2.

Value parameters:

the complex signal to transform.


packing mode of the input signal. 0 (default) is standard "packed" mode, whereby the real part of the bin at Nyquist is stored in the imaginary slot of the DC. This mode allows perfect reconstruction with a Real1IFFT using the same mode. 1 is "unpacked" mode, whereby the output windows are made two samples longer, so that the Nyquist bin is included in the very end. By definition, the imaginary parts of DC and Nyquist are zero. This mode allows perfect reconstruction with a Real1IFFT using the same mode. 2 is "discarded" mode, whereby the Nyquist bin is omitted. While it doesn't allow a perfect reconstruction, this mode is useful for analysis, because the output window size is equal to the fft-size, and the imaginary part of DC is correctly zero'ed.


amount of zero padding for each output window. These are the number of sample frames to drop from each output window after the FFT.


the frequency domain input window size (fft size)

trait Serializable
trait SingleOut[Double]
trait Lazy[Double]
trait GE[Double]
trait Expander[UGenInLike[Double]]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

final protected def makeUGen(args: IndexedSeq[UGenIn[_]])(implicit b: Builder): UGenInLike[Double]
Inherited from:
final protected def makeUGens(implicit b: Builder): UGenInLike[Double]
Inherited from:
final def name: String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: