Package com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions

Class Summary
Actions Static convenience methods for using pooled actions, intended for static import.
AddAction Adds an action to an actor.
AddListenerAction Adds a listener to an actor.
AfterAction Executes an action only after all other actions on the actor at the time this action was added have finished.
AlphaAction Sets the alpha for an actor's color (or a specified color), from the current alpha to the new alpha.
ColorAction Sets the actor's color (or a specified color), from the current to the new color.
DelayAction Delays execution of an action or inserts a pause in a SequenceAction.
DelegateAction Base class for an action that wraps another action.
FloatAction An action that has a float, whose value is transitioned over time.
IntAction An action that has an int, whose value is transitioned over time.
LayoutAction Sets an actor's layout to enabled or disabled.
MoveByAction Moves an actor to a relative position.
MoveToAction Moves an actor from its current position to a specific position.
ParallelAction Executes a number of actions at the same time.
RelativeTemporalAction Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete since the last frame.
RemoveAction Removes an action from an actor.
RemoveActorAction Removes an actor from the stage.
RemoveListenerAction Removes a listener from an actor.
RepeatAction Repeats an action a number of times or forever.
RotateByAction Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a relative value.
RotateToAction Sets the actor's rotation from its current value to a specific value.
RunnableAction An action that runs a Runnable.
ScaleByAction Scales an actor's scale to a relative size.
ScaleToAction Sets the actor's scale from its current value to a specific value.
SequenceAction Executes a number of actions one at a time.
SizeByAction Moves an actor from its current size to a relative size.
SizeToAction Moves an actor from its current size to a specific size.
TemporalAction Base class for actions that transition over time using the percent complete.
TimeScaleAction Multiplies the delta of an action.
TouchableAction Sets the actor's touchability.
VisibleAction Sets the actor's visibility.

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