
object Dust extends ProductReader[Dust]

A UGen generating random impulses with values ranging from 0 to +1 . The pulse duration is one sample for audio-rate and one block for control-rate operation.

The approximate RMS energy is (density/sr).log2 * 3 - 4.8 where sr is the sample-rate. For example, at 44.1 kHz, a density of 1000 Hz yields an RMS of approx. -21.2 dB.


// decreasing density
play { Dust.ar(XLine.kr(20000, 2, Seq(20, 20))) * 0.5 }
See also
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait ProductReader[Dust]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def ar: Dust
def ar(density: GE): Dust
Value Params

the average number of impulses per second

def kr: Dust
def kr(density: GE): Dust
Value Params

the average number of impulses per second

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): Dust