
object RandSeed extends ProductReader[RandSeed]

A UGen that resets the seed of the synth's random number generator upon receiving a trigger. All synths that use the same random number generator reproduce the same sequence of numbers again. The generator can be set using the RandID UGen.


// reset seed via mouse button
play {
 val freq = TIRand.kr(40, 100, Impulse.kr(4)).midiCps
 RandSeed.kr(MouseButton.kr(lag = 0) + Impulse.kr(0), 234)
 SinOsc.ar(freq) * 0.2
See also
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait ProductReader[RandSeed]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def ir(trig: GE, seed: GE): RandSeed
Value Params

the seed for the random number generator, read at the moment the trigger arrives.


trigger that causes the seed to be set

def kr(trig: GE, seed: GE): RandSeed
Value Params

the seed for the random number generator, read at the moment the trigger arrives.


trigger that causes the seed to be set

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): RandSeed