
final case
class Index(rate: Rate, buf: GE, in: GE) extends SingleOut with IsIndividual

A UGen which reads a single sample value from a buffer at a given index.

It uses the in argument as index into the buffer, truncating that argument to an integer. Out-of-range index values are clipped to the valid range.

While designed for monophonic buffers, it works with multi-channel buffers by treating them as de-interleaved. For example, if the buffer has two frames and two channels, index 0 corresponds to frame 0, channel 0, index 1 correspond to frame 0, channel 1, index 2 corresponds to frame 1, channel 0, and index 3 corresponds to frame 1, channel 1.

Value Params

The buffer to read from.


The sample index into the buffer. This is truncated to an integer automatically.

See also
trait Serializable
trait IsIndividual
class SingleOut
class SomeOut
trait Lazy
trait GE
class UGenSource[UGenInLike]
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def name: String
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Inherited fields

lazy override
val hashCode: Int
Inherited from