
final case
class In(rate: Rate, bus: GE, numChannels: Int) extends MultiOut with IsIndividual

A UGen that reads a signal from a bus. Whether an audio- or control-bus is used depends on the rate of the UGen. and behave differently with respect to signals left on the bus in the previous calculation cycle (control block): can access audio signals that were generated in the current calculation cycle by synths appearing earlier in the node tree. It does not read signals produced by nodes in the previous calculation cycle (i.e. synths appearing later in the node tree), the input would instead be zero. To allow such "feedback", InFeedback can be used.

In contrast, does not distinguish between "new" and "old" data: It will always read the most recent value found on the bus, whether it was generated earlier in this calculation cycle, left over from the last one, or set before by the client.

'''Note''': The server uses the first NumOutputBuses channels to write to the sound card, followed by another NumInputBuses to read from the sound card. For convenience, the pseudo-UGens PhysicalOut and PhysicalIn can be used.

Value Params

index of the bus to read from. When numChannels is greater than one, the other channels or read from the adjacent indices.


number of channels to read

See also
trait Serializable
trait IsIndividual
class MultiOut
class SomeOut
trait Lazy
trait GE
class UGenSource[UGenInLike]
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def name: String
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from

Inherited fields

lazy override
val hashCode: Int
Inherited from