
object PhysicalIn extends ProductReader[PhysicalIn]

A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input. This is a convenience element for accessing physical input signals, e.g. from a microphone connected to your audio interface. It expands to a regular In UGen offset by

For example, consider an audio interface with channels 1 to 8 being analog line inputs, channels 9 and 10 being AES/EBU and channels 11 to 18 being ADAT inputs. To read a combination of the analog and ADAT inputs, either of the following statement can be used:

PhysicalIn(Seq(0, 8), Seq(8, 8))
PhysicalIn(Seq(0, 8), Seq(8))      // numChannels wraps!

If SuperCollider runs with less physical inputs than requested by this UGen, invalid channels are muted.

trait Product
trait Mirror
trait ProductReader[PhysicalIn]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

Short cut for reading a mono signal from the first physical input.

Short cut for reading a mono signal from the first physical input.

def ar(indices: GE, numChannels: Int): PhysicalIn
Value Params

the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). It may be a multichannel element to specify discrete indices.


the number of consecutive channels to read. For discrete indices this applies to each index!

def ar(indices: GE, numChannels: Seq[Int]): PhysicalIn
Value Params

the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). It may be a multichannel element to specify discrete indices.


the number of consecutive channels to read for each index. Wraps around if the sequence has less elements than indices has channels.

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): PhysicalIn
Definition Classes