
final case
class PhysicalIn(indices: GE, numChannels: Seq[Int]) extends Lazy with AudioRated

A graph element which reads from a connected sound driver input. This is a convenience element for accessing physical input signals, e.g. from a microphone connected to your audio interface. It expands to a regular In UGen offset by

For example, consider an audio interface with channels 1 to 8 being analog line inputs, channels 9 and 10 being AES/EBU and channels 11 to 18 being ADAT inputs. To read a combination of the analog and ADAT inputs, either of the following statement can be used:

PhysicalIn(Seq(0, 8), Seq(8, 8))
PhysicalIn(Seq(0, 8), Seq(8))      // numChannels wraps!

If SuperCollider runs with less physical inputs than requested by this UGen, invalid channels are muted.

Value Params

the physical index to read from (beginning at zero which corresponds to the first channel of the audio interface or sound driver). It may be a multichannel element to specify discrete indices.


the number of consecutive channels to read for each index. Wraps around if the sequence has less elements than indices has channels.

trait Serializable
trait AudioRated
trait Lazy
trait GE
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
def rate: Rate
Inherited from