
object TDuty extends ProductReader[TDuty]

A UGen which polls results from demand-rate ugens in intervals specified by a duration input, and outputs them as trigger values. A value from the level ugen is demanded and output for one sample (when running at audio-rate) or one block (when running at control-rate) according to a stream of duration values. When there is a trigger at the reset input, the level and the dur input are reset.

See also



The argument order is different from its sclang counterpart.

trait Product
trait Mirror
trait ProductReader[TDuty]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def ar: TDuty
def ar(dur: GE, level: GE, reset: GE, doneAction: GE, gapFirst: GE): TDuty
Value Params

a doneAction that is evaluated when the duration stream ends.


the provider of time values. Can be a demand-rate ugen or any signal. The next poll is acquired after the previous duration.


when 0 (default), the UGen does the first level poll immediately and then waits for the first duration value. When this is 1, the UGen initially polls the first duration value, waits for that duration, and then polls the first level (along with polling the next duration value).


a demand-rate ugen providing the output values.


a trigger which resets the dur input (if demand-rated) and the the level input ugen. The reset input may also be a demand-rate ugen, in this case providing a stream of reset times.

def kr: TDuty
def kr(dur: GE, level: GE, reset: GE, doneAction: GE, gapFirst: GE): TDuty
Value Params

a doneAction that is evaluated when the duration stream ends.


the provider of time values. Can be a demand-rate ugen or any signal. The next poll is acquired after the previous duration.


when 0 (default), the UGen does the first level poll immediately and then waits for the first duration value. When this is 1, the UGen initially polls the first duration value, waits for that duration, and then polls the first level (along with polling the next duration value).


a demand-rate ugen providing the output values.


a trigger which resets the dur input (if demand-rated) and the the level input ugen. The reset input may also be a demand-rate ugen, in this case providing a stream of reset times.

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): TDuty