
object PlayBuf extends ProductReader[PlayBuf]

A UGen to play back samples from a buffer in memory.

PlayBuf provides a kind of high-level interface to sample-playback, whereas BufRd represents a kind of lower-level access. While BufRd has a random-access-pointer in the form of a phase input, PlayBuf advances the phase automatically based on a given playback speed. PlayBuf uses cubic interpolation.

See also
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait ProductReader[PlayBuf]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def ar(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE, trig: GE, offset: GE, loop: GE, doneAction: GE): PlayBuf
Value Params

the identifier of the buffer to use


what to do when the play head reaches the buffer end. This is only effective when loop is zero.


1 to loop after the play head reaches the buffer end, 0 to not loop. This can be modulated.


the number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this is a constant, a change in number of channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by creating different SynthDefs. If a buffer identifier is used of a buffer that has a different numChannels then specified in the PlayBuf, it will fail silently.


sample frame to start playback. This is read when a trigger occurs. It may be fractional.


1 advances the play head by the server's sample rate each second. So 2 means doubling speed (and pitch), and 0.5 means half speed (and half pitch). Negative numbers can be used for backwards playback. If the underlying buffer represents a sound at a different sample rate, the rate should be multiplied by to obtain the correct speed.


a trigger which causes a jump to the given offset . A trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).

def kr(numChannels: Int, buf: GE, speed: GE, trig: GE, offset: GE, loop: GE, doneAction: GE): PlayBuf
Value Params

the identifier of the buffer to use


what to do when the play head reaches the buffer end. This is only effective when loop is zero.


1 to loop after the play head reaches the buffer end, 0 to not loop. This can be modulated.


the number of channels that the buffer will be. Since this is a constant, a change in number of channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by creating different SynthDefs. If a buffer identifier is used of a buffer that has a different numChannels then specified in the PlayBuf, it will fail silently.


sample frame to start playback. This is read when a trigger occurs. It may be fractional.


1 advances the play head by the server's sample rate each second. So 2 means doubling speed (and pitch), and 0.5 means half speed (and half pitch). Negative numbers can be used for backwards playback. If the underlying buffer represents a sound at a different sample rate, the rate should be multiplied by to obtain the correct speed.


a trigger which causes a jump to the given offset . A trigger occurs when a signal changes from non-positive to positive (e.g. <= 0 to > 0).

def read(in: RefMapIn, key: String, arity: Int): PlayBuf