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add(hapIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
Method to increment the count for a given hapId set
add(kmer) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
Add kmer by Long representation as defined by BaseEncoder (fast)
add(kmerAsByte) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
Add kmer by byte array
add(kmer) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
Add kmers by String representation of DNA - slowest way if lots of overlapping kmers
add(kmer, occurrences) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
add(kmer, occurrences) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
addAll(newKmerCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
addAll(sequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
Add kmer sequence using the previously defined kmerSize, stepSize, and kmerPrefix (very fast)
addAll(otherMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
addBestReadMapToHapIdMultiset(bestReadMap, hapIdToRefRangeMap, maxRefRangeError, pairedEnd, hapIdMultiset, hapIdToStatMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
addDNASeqToMap(dna) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
addHeadersToOutputFiles(writers, fileGroupName, methodName, methodDescription) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
addIdentityToMap(wiggleFile, chromMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to load in the identity/coverage into the full map.
addInGQBlockHeader(headerLines) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
addInIndels(range, refSequence, consensusSequences, rawConsensusWithIndels, minComparableIndels, mergeRule) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FillIndelsIntoConsensus
Method to add in the indels which were removed for the merging process. The indels need to be readded in due to the filtering process in MergeGVCFPlugin. There we removed all sites where there was an indel in any of the taxa. Even if it was just one. Because of this, we likely have a lot of reference alleles missing from the consensus for the majority of the taxa. This method will add in any calls which are in agreement by all the taxon in the cluster or in the case of disagreement it will use the INDEL_MERGE_RULE to determine what variantContext record to put back in.
addMissingSequenceNodes(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
addMissingSequenceNodes(result) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
addPathsToGraph(inGraph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
AddPathsToGraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
This class is used to add path information to an existing graph to provide more information for calculating transition probabilities for finding new paths. If the paths contain haplotypes not included in the original graph they will be added without variant info or seuences. The reason is that the plugin results will be used by path finding, which does not use either variant info or sequence.
AddPathsToGraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
This class is used to add path information to an existing graph to provide more information for calculating transition probabilities for finding new paths. If the paths contain haplotypes not included in the original graph they will be added without variant info or seuences. The reason is that the plugin results will be used by path finding, which does not use either variant info or sequence.
AddPathsToGraphPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
This class is used to add path information to an existing graph to provide more information for calculating transition probabilities for finding new paths. If the paths contain haplotypes not included in the original graph they will be added without variant info or seuences. The reason is that the plugin results will be used by path finding, which does not use either variant info or sequence.
AddPathsToGraphPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
addRange(geneRange, range, gene) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
addRange(geneRange, range, currentLine, overlappingPosition) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
addRange(originalRangeMap, newRange, newCall) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
addRange method adapted from Louis Wasserman's(author of RangeMap) answer here: This method will concatenate the string if the range overlaps an existing range in the map. Because VCF files should be ordered(in the spec) the concatenation should be ordered correctly
addRange(originalRangeMap, newRange, newCall) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
addRange method adapted from Louis Wasserman's(author of RangeMap) answer here: This method will concatenate the string if the range overlaps an existing range in the map. Because VCF files should be ordered(in the spec) the concatenation should be ordered correctly
AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This function is fairly obsolete. IT was used before the graph was able to take multiple methods as parameters. This class created to load a reference genome as an assembly. The method is hard-coded to "mummer4", which is the assembly method name at the time of this writing. All the variants are reference records. The addition of these haplotypes allows for pulling TODO: IT it is deemd this class is still useful, it should be updated to create a gvcf file as is done in LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin, store the gvcf file data to the genomeFileData table, and save the gvcfFileId to the anchorDataPHG object.
AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
AddRefRangeGroupPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class creates a user defined ref range group, adds it to the specified db, associates requested reference ranges with the new group. Input: 1. anchor bed file: Should be a subset of reference ranges currently existing in the DB. Format is tab-delimited file with columns: chr startpos endpos No header, positions are BED file formatted, ie 0-based, inclusive/exclusive 2. Name for the new method, which is the ref range group. 3. Method details: user description for method 4. Config file with db connection info Output: 1. Database tables "methods" and "ref_range_ref_range_method" are updated. Algorithm: 1. Read bed file into an object 2. Read all reference ranges from db 3. Verify all entries from the bed file exist in the reference_ranges table (throw exception if false) 4. Verify method name does not exist in methods table (throw exception if false) 5. Add method name to db. 6. Add specified reference ranges to the ref_range_ref_range_methods table with method_id = new method id.
AddRefRangeGroupPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
AddRefRangeGroupPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
AddRefRangeGroupPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
addSequenceDictionary(vcfheader, refGenomeSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantLoadingUtilsKt
Function to add a sequence Dictionary based on the reference genome. This uses the loaded genome to get the lengths.
addStats(newCount, newNM, newAS, newDE, newStart) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
addToAlt(position, hapIdInt) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
addToCoordsMap(coordsFileRefToDataMap, line) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
addToRef(position, hapIdInt) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
adjustEntryForOverlap(prevEntry, currentEntry, numOverlaps, snpByRefMap, snpByAsmMap, splitByRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
adjustment(factor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
algorithmType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
the type of algorithm. Choices are classic, which is the original implementation describe by Rabiner 1989, or efficient, which is modified for improved computational efficiency.
algorithmType(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Algorithm Type. the type of algorithm. Choices are classic, which is the original implementation describe by Rabiner 1989, or efficient, which is modified for improved computational efficiency.
alignChromsMultiThreaded(colsAndData) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
alignDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
alignDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
alignGVCFDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
alignGVCFDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
AlignmentBlock(chromName, start, size, strand, chrSize, alignment) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
alignmentFiltered - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
alignmentRaw - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
AlignmentSummary(mappedReads, unmappedReads, minEditDistances) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
data class containing summary of alignment statstics for one file: mappedReads: number of mapped reads unmappedReads: number of unmapped reads minEditDistances: list of the lowest edit distance for the alignments of each mapped read Instead of printing the entire editDistances list, toString() calculates and prints mean and median
alignWithNucmer(refFasta, asmFasta, outputDeltaFilePrefix, outputDir, mummer4Path, clusterSize) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Call mummer nucmer program to align the sequences Parameters are: -c 250: Set the minimum cluster length to 250 --mum: Use anchor matches that are unique in both the reference and query
allCounts(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
allCounts_oops(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
allCountsWeighted(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
AlleleInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
The AlleleInfo class holds the data for a record coming from the alleles tables in the PHG database.
AlleleInfo(alleleId, baseStr, displayStr, len) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AlleleInfo
allTaxonInstance(referenceSequence, vcfFileName, missingAsRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to get a map of taxon to its genome sequence for all the taxon in the vcf file
altAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
altAlleleID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
altAlleleString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
altDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
alternativeSeqFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence
AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This method created to facilitate changing the first line of the mummer4 nucmer delta files. When a new version of PHG db is being created, and it is using the same reference and same assmebly fastas, the nucmer delta output can be used from the original alignment.
AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
This method created to facilitate changing the first line of the mummer4 nucmer delta files. When a new version of PHG db is being created, and it is using the same reference and same assmebly fastas, the nucmer delta output can be used from the original alignment.
AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
This method created to facilitate changing the first line of the mummer4 nucmer delta files. When a new version of PHG db is being created, and it is using the same reference and same assmebly fastas, the nucmer delta output can be used from the original alignment.
AlterNucmerFirstLinePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
anchorBedFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
anchorBedFileBase - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
anchorBedFileBaseDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
AnchorDataPHG - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
THis class differs from AnchorData in WGS_whatever as it includes more fields to match what is stored in PHGSchema's anchor_haplotypes. Specifically it includes ave_allele_depth and additional_data May 26, 2017: Class updated to include gene_start and gene_end These values needed when trimming anchors. The stored anchors have sequence of merged genes whose GFF start/end positions overlapped with 1000bp flanking on each end. THis 1000bp may be less is the distance between 2 genes is less than 2000bps.
AnchorDataPHG(interval, asmContig, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand, gvcf, sequence, asmFileId, gvcfFileId) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
anchorEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
anchorGFFFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
anchorGFFFileBase - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
anchorGFFFileBaseDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
anchorId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
anchorIDFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
anchorIDFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
AnchorInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors
Simple class which holds various information about an anchor. TODO formalize this datastructure Created by zrm22 on 6/8/17.
AnchorInfo(anchorId, chrom, anchorStart, anchorEnd, geneStart, geneEnd) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
AnchorInfo(anchorId, chrom, anchorStart, anchorEnd, geneStart, geneEnd, leftTrimCount, rightTrimCount) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
anchorRegionBed() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
Bed File
anchorRegionBed(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
Set Bed File. Bed File
anchors() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Tab-delimited file containing Chrom, StartPosition, EndPosition and Type
anchors(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Anchors File. Tab-delimited file containing StartPosition, EndPosition Type
anchorStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
anchorSummaryFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CompareAssembliesToReference
anchorSummaryFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CreateHaplotypesFromFasta
anchorSummaryFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
anchorwaveLocation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Location of anchorwave on file system. This defaults to use anchorwave if it is on the PATH environment variable.
anchorwaveLocation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Location of anchorwave Executable. Location of anchorwave on file system. This defaults to use anchorwave if it is on the PATH environment variable.
ancID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
answerDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
areGraphTaxaInRankingMap(graph, rankingMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Method to verify that the taxa in the graph are in the ranking file. We can have more taxon in the ranking file than in the graph, but not the other way around.
areRankingsUnique(rankingMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Method to verify that rankings are unique. This is used to throw a Warning message in the Assembly consensus.
areVariantInfosConsecutive(variantInfo1, variantInfo2) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MergeVariantInfosKt
Simple method to check chromosome and positions to see if the infos are consective.
asDNASequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
asmAligner() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
the aligner to use when processing assemblies. Choices are mummer4, which is the original alignment, or anchorwave, which has been shown to have higher quality alignment.
asmAligner(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Asm Aligner. the aligner to use when processing assemblies. Choices are mummer4, which is the original alignment, or anchorwave, which has been shown to have higher quality alignment.
asmBZEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
End position for bz region on the assembly
asmBZEnd(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set BZ Assembly End. End position for bz region on the assembly
asmBZStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Start position for bz region on the assembly
asmBZStart(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set BZ Assembly Start. Start position for bz region on the assembly
asmChr() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
asmContig() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
asmContig() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
asmCSVdir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Local directory to which the haplotype update CSV files will be written.
asmCSVdir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Set Asm C S Vdir. Local directory to which the haplotype update CSV files will be written.
asmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
asmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
asmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
asmFileId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
asmKeyFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
asmKeyFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
asmMAFKeyFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
asmMAFKeyFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
asmPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Path where assembly fastas live
asmPath(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Set Assembly Path. Path where assembly fastas live
asmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
asmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
asmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
asmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
asmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
asmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
ASMVariantInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ASMVariantInfo(asmChr, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
ASMVariantInfo() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
assembly() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Assembly fasta file for a single chromosome to align against the reference
assembly(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Assembly Fasta File. Assembly fasta file for a single chromosome to align against the reference
assembly() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Output fastq file to use as input for BWA-MEM
assembly(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Set Output File. Output fastq file to use as input for BWA-MEM
AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class takes a config file and list of methods. For each reference range ID, it grabs from the haplotypes table the haplotypes_id, ref_range_id, gamete_grp_id, seq_len and method_id for all entries with a method in the provided list.
AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
This class takes a config file and list of methods. For each reference range ID, it grabs from the haplotypes table the haplotypes_id, ref_range_id, gamete_grp_id, seq_len and method_id for all entries with a method in the provided list.
AssemblyConsensusMetricPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
assemblyDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
assemblyDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
assemblyFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Assembly fasta file used when aligning
assemblyFasta(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Assembly Genome File. Assembly fasta file used when aligning
AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
This class runs mummer4 alignment of chrom-chrom fastas in a parallel fashion. It expects a directory for both reference and assembly fastas, split by chromosome, as well as a keyFile.
AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin.ASSEMBLY_ENTRY_POINT - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyHapMetricPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class creates a csv file of each reference range with the chr/start/end details, and a column for each taxon. In each taxon's column is the length of the haplotype asociated with that reference range. A 0 length means the haplotypes was not present for that taxon at that reference range.
AssemblyHapMetricPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
This class creates a csv file of each reference range with the chr/start/end details, and a column for each taxon. In each taxon's column is the length of the haplotype asociated with that reference range. A 0 length means the haplotypes was not present for that taxon at that reference range.
AssemblyHapMetricPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
This class creates a csv file of each reference range with the chr/start/end details, and a column for each taxon. In each taxon's column is the length of the haplotype asociated with that reference range. A 0 length means the haplotypes was not present for that taxon at that reference range.
AssemblyHapMetricPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
assemblyKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Key File for Assembly haplotypes.
assemblyKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Asm Key File. Key File for Assembly haplotypes.
AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class creates MAF files of assembly genomes aligned to reference genomes using the anchorWave program. Details on anchorwave may be found here: Input:
AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
This class creates MAF files of assembly genomes aligned to reference genomes using the anchorWave program. Details on anchorwave may be found here: Input:
AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
This class creates MAF files of assembly genomes aligned to reference genomes using the anchorWave program. Details on anchorwave may be found here: Input:
AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
assemblyMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Method name for the Assembly Based haplotypes being uploaded.
assemblyMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Asm Method Name. Method name for the Assembly Based haplotypes being uploaded.
assemblyMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Name to be stored to methods table for assembly method, default is mummer4
assemblyMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Assembly Method Name. Name to be stored to methods table for assembly method, default is mummer4
assemblyMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Method name to load to db for assembly processing, default is mummer4
assemblyMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Assembly Method. Method name to load to db for assembly processing, default is mummer4
assemblyName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Name of Assembly Taxon, to be stored as taxon name in the DB
assemblyName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Assembly Name. Name of Assembly Taxon, to be stored as taxon name in the DB
AssemblyProcessingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class contains methods useful for processing assembly haplotypes.
assemblyServerDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
AssemblyVariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, alleleDepths, asmChrom, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
asSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
assignGenotpe(refAllele, altAllele, refDepth, altDepth) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
attemptToAddSAMRecordToBestReadMap(pairedEnd, currentSamRecord, readName, bestReadMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to try to add a SAM record to bestReadMap. bestReadMap holds the currently best know set of reads which have the best(lowest) NM. If the current Record is better, we replace the old entry with a new one. If the current Record is the same, we add it to the list If the current Record is worse, we ignore.
augmentList(target, source) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
target is a mutable list of maf records that are assumed to be sorted by chromosome and start. If there are reference positions present in source that are absent from target then the sequence for those positions will be added to target. MAF start positions are 0-based numbers


bamDedupDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
bamDedupDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
bamDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
bamDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
bamFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Name of the BAM file to process. Also will support SAM Files
bamFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Set bamFile. Name of the BAM file to process. Also will support SAM Files
bamFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
File Name of the bam file
bamFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
Set Bam File. File Name of the bam file
bamMapQDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
bamMapQDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
baseDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
baseDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
baseDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
The base directory for the small genomes data.
baseDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Base Dir. The base directory for the small genomes data.
baseGvcfDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
baseGVCFDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
baseString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AlleleInfo
bedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Name for the bed file
bedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Set Bed File. Name for the bed file
bedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
File holding the Reference Range Information
bedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Bed File. File holding the Reference Range Information
bedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Bed file containing the gene information.
bedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Bed File. Bed file containing the gene information.
bedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
File holding the Reference Range Information
bedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set Bed File. File holding the Reference Range Information
bedfileName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
The name and path to which a bedfile will be written. The bedfile will contain the reference range start and end coordinates for a centroid reference sequence.
bedfileName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Bedfile Name. The name and path to which a bedfile will be written. The bedfile will contain the reference range start and end coordinates for a centroid reference sequence.
BestAlignmentGroup - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
BestAlignmentGroup(readName, strand, bestEditDistance, lengthOfMapping, listOfHapIds, hapIdToSecondaryStats) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
BestHaplotypePathPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin that takes a haplotype graph and a set of read mappings to infer the best (most likely) path through the graph given the read mappings. Read mappings are a list of reads with a set of haplotypes to which that read aligned.
BestHaplotypePathPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Plugin that takes a haplotype graph and a set of read mappings to infer the best (most likely) path through the graph given the read mappings. Read mappings are a list of reads with a set of haplotypes to which that read aligned.
BestHaplotypePathPlugin.ALGORITHM_TYPE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
BestHaplotypePathPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
bfInfoFilename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
The base name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. taxonName.txt will be appended to each file.
bfInfoFilename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Bf Info File. The base name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. taxonName.txt will be appended to each file.
bfInfoFilename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnostic information will not be reported. The target taxon name should be supplied as well.
bfInfoFilename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Bf Info File. The name of the file to node probabilities from the backward-forward algorithm will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnostic information will not be reported. The target taxon name should be supplied as well.
bgzipAndIndex() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
If set to true(default) will bgzip and index the output GVCF file.
bgzipAndIndex(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Bgzip And Index. If set to true(default) will bgzip and index the output GVCF file.
bgzipAndIndexGVCFfile(gvcfFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantLoadingUtilsKt
function to bgzip and create tabix index on a gvcf file
bitSetToIntList(bitSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
build() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
build() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
build() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
build() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
build(readMap, parentList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
buildSimpleDummyGraph() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateTestGraphKt
BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
BuildSLURMBatchScriptPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
buildTempVariants(refSequence, mafRecord) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Function to build the AssemblyVariantInfos found in the given Maf record.
buildVariantsForAllAlignments(sampleName, mafRecords, refGenomeSequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Function to build the variants for all the alignments.
bulkFileDownload(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, fileNameList) - Method in class
Function to download a list of files from a remote directory. The Connection object will be kept open until all the files are downloaded.
bulkFileUpload(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, fileNameList) - Method in class
Function to upload a list of files to the remote directory. Any file in fileNameList will be uploaded.
byteArrayToKmerLong(kmerAsByte, kmerSize) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to check the kmer lengths an then encode the Long from the ByteSeq
byteArrayToLongList(byteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils


calcLevenshtein(seq1, seq2, maxEditDistance) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
calculate() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
calculateCoordDistance(prev, current) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Calculates distance between 2 sets of mummer coords file entries This is called on coordinates that are both either ascending (start < end) or both descending (start > end) so "sign" of entries is not checked here.
calculateDistanceMatrix(taxonToVariantInfoMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
calculateFromHapSetCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
calculateLengthWeightedEmissionProbabilities() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
calculateRegionCovered(asmCoveredMap, asmRange) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Given a map of ranges and a range, calculate the number of positions within the given range that are represented in the RangeMap.
calculateWeightedExclusionCount(graph, node, readMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbabilityKt
call() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
callSNPsFromHaplotypeNodes(listOfNodes, hapIdToFileNameMapping, vcfFileDir, exportVCFFileName, referenceFileName, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
callSNPsFromHaplotypePath(graph, bestPath, vcfFileDir, exportVCFFileName, referenceFileName, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
callSNPsFromSomeVCFs(inputVCFFileDir, exportVCFFileName, referenceFileName, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
canVariantInfoBeAddedToRefBlockList(refBlocks, newVariantInfo) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MergeVariantInfosKt
Function to check to see if a new variantInfo can be merged to the list of refBlocks.
canVariantInfosBeMerged(variantInfoList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MergeVariantInfosKt
Method to determine if the list is able to be merged together.
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin calculates centroids from an input graph based on kmers from the HaplotypeNode sequence. The id of the haplotype that is closest to the centroid for each reference range is stored as a path. The path sequence can also be output to a fasta with one record per chromosome. In addition, a bedfile of reference range coordinates can be written with the coordinates of the centroid genome.
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin calculates centroids from an input graph based on kmers from the HaplotypeNode sequence. The id of the haplotype that is closest to the centroid for each reference range is stored as a path. The path sequence can also be output to a fasta with one record per chromosome. In addition, a bedfile of reference range coordinates can be written with the coordinates of the centroid genome.
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin calculates centroids from an input graph based on kmers from the HaplotypeNode sequence. The id of the haplotype that is closest to the centroid for each reference range is stored as a path. The path sequence can also be output to a fasta with one record per chromosome. In addition, a bedfile of reference range coordinates can be written with the coordinates of the centroid genome.
ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class allows a user to connect to a database and change the method type for an entry in the PHG database methods table. The original purpose of this plugin is to allow some methods to be marked as "test" methods (based on DBLoadingUtils.METHOD_TYPE values). Then later, if they are considered good, they can be converted to a more permanent type.
ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
This class allows a user to connect to a database and change the method type for an entry in the PHG database methods table. The original purpose of this plugin is to allow some methods to be marked as "test" methods (based on DBLoadingUtils.METHOD_TYPE values). Then later, if they are considered good, they can be converted to a more permanent type.
ChangeDBMethodTypePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
changeFile(file, justFile, bw) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
characteristics() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
checkChrom2DupAnchor(refGenome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
checkCoverage(idMap, currentPosition, minCoverage, windowSize, secondaryIdMap, secondaryIdMapMinCovCount) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to check if the current window has high enough conservation. It will check >= minCoverage
CheckDBVersionPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase
This class connects to a data base, checks the db for the presense of specific schema, and writes a file to the output directory indicating presence or absence of the queried schema.
CheckDBVersionPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
This class connects to a data base, checks the db for the presense of specific schema, and writes a file to the output directory indicating presence or absence of the queried schema.
checkForEmbedded(sortedList, splitByRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Check entries in a list of mummer4 coords file entries and removed those that are embedded
checkForOverlap(prevStartEnd, curStartEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Returns a Tuple indicating There will be inversions, so no guarantee prevStartEnd.x is <= curStartEnd.x
checkForSeqMatch(idLine, shortSeq, assemblySequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies
checkNoListEntriesInRange(hashSet, testList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Method takes a RangeSet of Integers and a list of integers. It returns "false" if any value from the list is present in the RangeSet It returns "true" if no value from the list is present in the RangeSet
checkSnpEntryInRange(mline, coordsRangeMap, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Verifies if the positions from a Mummer4 snp file fall within the range map of reference and assembly positions created from the Mummer4 coordinates files.
chooseVarIdForSNPPositionFromGenotypeTable(genotypeTable, posCallVarIdMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
chrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
If a chrom is specified, pull only data for that chromosome. If no chromosome is specified, data for all chromsomes will be pulled.
chrom(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Set Chrom. If a chrom is specified, pull only data for that chromosome. If no chromosome is specified, data for all chromsomes will be pulled.
chrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Name of chromosome as it appears both for the reference in the db reference_ranges table, and in the fasta file idLine for the assembly
chrom(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Chromosome Name. Name of chromosome as it appears both for the reference in the db reference_ranges table, and in the fasta file idLine for the assembly
chrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
chromLengthLookup - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
chromosome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
chromosome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Chromosome in the reference genome from which this ReferenceRange originates
chromosome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
ChromosomeGVCFRecord(currentChrom, currentTaxon, gameteId, anchorDataMapping, ghd, asmServerPath, asmLocalPath, gvcfServerPath, localGVCFFile) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
ChromosomeGVCFRecord(currentChrom, currentTaxon, anchorDataMapping) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
chromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
chromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
chromosomes(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Chromosomes. Chromosomes
chromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
chromosomes - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
chromosomeSequence(chrom) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Unsupported method to get the sequence for the whole chromosome
chromosomeSequence(chrom, startSite, endSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
chromosomeSequence(chrom) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
chromosomeSequence(chrom, startSite, endSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
chromosomeSize(chromosome) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
classicAlgorithm() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Use the classic algorithm to compute the Viterbi algorithm as described in Rabiner 1989. Significantly slower than the default algorithm.
classicAlgorithm(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Classic Algorithm. Use the classic algorithm to compute the Viterbi algorithm as described in Rabiner
clear() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
Method to clear out the multiset and create a new empty one.
client - Variable in class
close() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
close() - Method in class
Function to automatically close out this class so it can be used in a .use{} code block.
CloseDBConnectionPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This method closes a DB connection. The connection is expected as part of the input DataSet parameter set.
CloseDBConnectionPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
CloseDBConnectionPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
CloseDBConnectionPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
closeGVCFfileReaders(gvcfIdToVCFReader) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
Closes all open VCFFileReaders for the input list.
clusterAssemblies() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
Method to cluster Assemblies Steps Taken Here: For the current Reference Range, extract out all haplotypes in the graph Compute a distance matrix using #SNPS/(#SNPs+#Ref) as the distance. Ignore indels and Ns. From this distance matrix, compute a UPGMA tree and cut at parameter mxDiv Within each sub group, chose a single haplotype to be the representative haplotype. This choice is done by the external rankingFile required to run this Once the representative haplotypes are chosen, write them to the db with the full Taxa list for the sub-group
clusteringMode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Clustering mode
clusteringMode(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Clustering Mode. Clustering mode
clusterMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
The method used to cluster taxa. Coverage seeds the first cluster with the highest coverage taxon. UPGMA builds a UPGMA tree then cuts it at maxDistance.
clusterMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Cluster Method. The method used to cluster taxa. Coverage seeds the first cluster with the highest coverage taxon. UPGMA builds a UPGMA tree then cuts it at maxDistance.
clusterMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
The method used to cluster taxa. Coverage seeds the first cluster with the highest coverage taxon. UPGMA builds a UPGMA tree then cuts it at maxDistance.
clusterMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Cluster Method. The method used to cluster taxa. Coverage seeds the first cluster with the highest coverage taxon. UPGMA builds a UPGMA tree then cuts it at maxDistance.
clusterSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Cluster size to use with mummer4 nucmer script.
clusterSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Mummer4 Nucmer Cluster Size . Cluster size to use with mummer4 nucmer script.
clusterSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Cluster size to use with mummer4 nucmer script.
clusterSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Mummer4 Nucmer Cluster Size . Cluster size to use with mummer4 nucmer script.
clusterThenMerge() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
collapseMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Name of the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Collapse Method. Name of the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Name of the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Collapse Method. Name of the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethodDetails() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Details for the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethodDetails(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Collapse Method Details. Details for the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethodDetails() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Details for the collapse method to be stored in the database
collapseMethodDetails(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Collapse Method Details. Details for the collapse method to be stored in the database
columnNames - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.DataFrameVectors
columnNames - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.MatrixWithNames
command() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
Command for liquibase to execute: must be update or changeLogSync, defaults to update.
command(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
Set Liquibase command. Command for liquibase to execute: must be update or changeLogSync, defaults to update.
command() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
Liquibase command to run
command(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
Set Command. Liquibase command to run
Companion - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
comparaRawFilteredAlignment(inMSA, outMSA) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
ComparatorTriple - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
ComparatorTriple() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ComparatorTriple
compare(o1, o2) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ComparatorTriple
CompareAssembliesToReference - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Simple little utility to compare assembly alignments to the reference genome
compareEdges(edges1, edges2) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
CompareFastaToReference - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
Created by terry on 3/21/17.
CompareHaplotypesToAssembly - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
Created by terry on 3/21/17.
compareKmerLoop(kmerArray, refRangeIdArray, purgeArray, mask, minAllowedHammingDist, kmerRefRangePurgeSwapper) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function critical to run the hamming distance comparison.
compareRefToReAssembledChrom(refGenome, reAssembledChromFasta, chrom, coordinatesFile, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
compareTo(o) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
compareTo(o) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
compareTo(other) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
compareTo(that) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
compareTo(other) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
compareTo(other) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.VariantInfoConsensus
compareTo(compareFruit) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
CompareToKnownSNPPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
Plugin to compare A GenotypeTable to a known trusted GenotypeTable Inputs: -DataSet of at least 2 GenotypeTables, First one is the known SNP set you wish to compare to, the rest are compared in order. -bedFile, bed file of regions you want to compare. If not specified will compare all base pairs in the known SNP set Outputs: - Will print out the Number of HetIndelMissing base pairs, the number of missing base pairs, the number of base pairs compared and the error rate to the console. Created by zrm22 on 12/18/17.
CompareToKnownSNPPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component1() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
component10() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component10() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component10() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component10() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component11() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component11() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component11() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component12() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component12() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component13() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component14() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component15() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component16() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component17() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component18() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component3() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component4() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component5() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
component6() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component7() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component8() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
component9() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
compress(str) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GZipCompression
compress(bytes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GZipCompression
computeDepths(variants) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MergeVariantInfosKt
computeKmerCounts(sequence, kmerSize) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
Counts the Kmers (of kmerSize) for the given Haplotype
computeKmerEuclideanDist(kmerMap1, kmerMap2, divisor) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
Computes Kmer distance based on Euclidean formula
computeKmerEuclideanDistToCentroid(centroid, kmerMap, divisor) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
Computes Kmer distance based on Euclidean formula for distance to a centroid. Similar to distance calculation between two kmer maps, except the centroid has doubles for scores.
computeKmerManhattanDist(kmerMap1, kmerMap2, divisor) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
Computes Kmer distance based on Manhattan formula
ComputeMedianAnnotation - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
Simple Utility to Extract Mean, Median and Mode for Depth in a GVCF file Currently supports only DP as defined in the FORMAT Tag. If the value is missing, it will not count anything. For a reference block, it will count the depth for each base pair in the block. For a variant, it will count the depth once. Created by zrm22 on 6/30/17.
ComputeMedianGVCFAndFilter - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
TODO Separate Filter from FastaExtraction Created by zrm22 on 7/18/17. This class will filter a GVCF file based on user specified criteria and will export both the filtered GVCF and the fasta setquence that the DB loader expects. The user can provide the specified criteria using a config file(similar to db configs and the class will filter. Alternatively, the user can provide an upper and lower bound for poisson-based depth filtering. The following options are currently valid for filtering: exclusionString = String used for bcftools filtering. If this is specified, no additional terms are added to exclude DP_poisson_min = minimum poisson bound used for filtering(absolute minimum is 0.0) DP_poisson_max = maximum poisson bound used for filtering(absolute maximum is 1.0) DP_min = minimum DP bound DP_max = maximum DP bound GQ_min = minimum GQ bound GQ_max = maximum GQ bound QUAL_min = base quality minimum bound QUAL_max = base quality maximum bound filterHets = true/false or t/f, if true will filter sites where 2 or more alleles have above 0 AD
ComputeNDistribution - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment
Simple One off Main class to compute how many Ns we have over all the basepairs of all the anchors TODO if needed in pipeline, Refractor into TASSEL code Created by zrm22 on 5/25/17.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Config file containing lines for host=,user=, password=, DB= and DBtype= where DBtype is either sqlite or postgres.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Config File. Config file containing lines for host=,user=, password=, DB= and DBtype= where DBtype is either sqlite or postgres.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Database Config File. Database configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set Config File. Database configuration file
configFile(filename) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
configFile(filename) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Path to config file for db loading
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Set config file for db access
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Path to file containing database access information, separate lines for host=X, user=X, password=X, DB=X, DBtype=X where X is user defined, and DBtype is either sqlite or postgres.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Set DataBase Configuration File. Path to file containing database access information, separate lines for host=X, user=X, password=X, DB=X, DBtype=X where X is user defined, and DBtype is either sqlite or postgres.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
Configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
Set Config File. Configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
Set DB Config Files. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Config folder containing the filtering parameters.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Config File. Config folder containing the filtering parameters.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
Config folder containing the filtering parameters.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
Set Config File. Config folder containing the filtering parameters.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Config file that specifies database connection parameters
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Set Config File. Config file that specifies database connection parameters
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Set DB Config File. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Database Config File. Database configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Set Config File. Database configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Database Config File. Database configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Database configuration file
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Set Config File. Database configuration file
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The config file name.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Config File. The config file name.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
Config file that specifies database connection parameters
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
Set Config File. Config file that specifies database connection parameters
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
FIle with infor for database access
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Set Config File. FIle with infor for database access
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
FIle with infor for database access
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
Set Config File. FIle with infor for database access
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Config file with paraeters for database connection.
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Set Config File. Config file with paraeters for database connection.
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set DB Config File. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set DB Config File. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Config file with database connection information
configFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Set Config File. Config file with database connection information
configFileForFinalDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
configFileForFinalDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Final DB Config File. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
connection(propertiesFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Creates a database connection given a properties file
connection(host, user, password, dbName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Creates a sqlite database connection.
connection(createNew) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
Creates a database connection from the TASSEL ParameterCache It is expected that only initial db loading methods will call this with "createNew" = true.
connection(propertiesFile, createNew) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
Creates a database connection given a properties file It is expected that only initial db loading methods will call this with "createNew" = true.
connection(host, user, password, dbName, type, createNew) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
Creates a new database connection or returns connection to existing db If createNew is FALSE then try to connect, and if db doesn't exist, return NULL NOTE: from postgres, User should never create a db that matches all lower case to an existing db. This will cause errors as our db check verifies based on all-lower case. To get a camel-case db name, the db must be created and accessed using This is likely to cause confusion, so this code defaults to postgres all-lowercase db names.
consensusFastaOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Directory where you want to store the output fastas from the consensus process
consensusFastaOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Consensus Fasta Output Dir. Directory where you want to store the output fastas from the consensus process
consensusHaplotypes - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
consensusMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Method name for the Consensus being uploaded.
consensusMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Consensus Method Name. Method name for the Consensus being uploaded.
ConsensusProcessingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
This class holds methods for processing consensus using the variants and alleles tables or data derived from them.
consensusVariants(taxonToVariantInfoMap, taxa, refRange) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
consensusVCFOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Directory where you want to store the output VCFs from the consensus process
consensusVCFOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Consensus VCF Output Dir. Directory where you want to store the output VCFs from the consensus process
conservedGeneFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
File containing list of conserved genes to include as anchor regions
conservedGeneFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
Set Conserved Gene File. File containing list of conserved genes to include as anchor regions
contigBAM() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Name of contig BAM file to process
contigBAM(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Contig File. Name of contig fasta file to process
ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
Integration test to evaluate fasta file generated from GVCF files for the whole genome against assembly fasta Assembly fasta Read B73 reference sequences for IBD anchors Read fasta file obtained with the practical haplotype pipeline (W22). Read fasta file obtained from assembly (W22). Power: how many of the anchor perfectly match the assembly reference? Question: how frequently assembly and anchor region diverge? Created by mm2842 on 6/23/17.
convertAllFiles() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
Set up multithreading and hand out files to each thread
convertContextToInfo(variantContext, gameteId) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
Function to convert a VariantContext into a VariantInfo object. Need taxon and gamete id to get the correct genotype from the VariantContext. The gamete ID is used to get the correct allele for the genotype.
convertCSVToBed(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.ConvertToHaplotypeCallerInput
convertCSVToIntervals(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.ConvertToHaplotypeCallerInput
convertFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
Write a fasta or a fastq file from the given FASTQCOL input file
convertGVCFContextToInfo(variantContext, gameteId) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
convertGVCFListToVariantInfoList(variants, gameteId) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
convertGVCFRemoteToLocalFiles(gvcfIdToRemotePath, localGVCFFolder) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
takes the remote gvcf file paths as stored in the db genome_file_data table, and translates them to a local path based on the user provided localGVCFFolder value
convertHitMapToSingleHapMapping(readNames, bestHitMap, hapIdToRangeMap, filterFunction, mapToListFunction) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to do some filtering on read mappings then will convert the mappings into the correct datastructure for the multimaps
convertLine(oldLine) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
convertMethods(methodPairs) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
convertMethods(methodPairs) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin.Companion
convertMethodsToList(methods) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPluginKt
ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Created by zrm22 on 10/4/17.
ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
ConvertToHaplotypeCallerInput - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
convertVariantInfoToContext(sampleName, variantInfo) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Function to turn the AssemblyVariantInfo into an actual VariantContext. If the Assembly annotations are not in the VariantInfo, we do not add them into the VariantContext.
convertVariantsToSequence(variants, refRange, refSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
convertVCFToGVCF(vcfVariantContexts) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFUtils
convertVCListToVariantInfoList(variants, taxon, gameteId) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
Function to convert a list of variantContexts into a list of VariantInfos
coordsFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Output of Mummer coords file
coordsFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Mummer Coords File. Output of Mummer coords file
coordsFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Output of Mummer coords file
coordsFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Mummer Coords File. Output of Mummer coords file
copy(asmChr, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
copy(chr, start, end) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
copy(name, id, type) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
Data class for holding row from the PHG methods table.
copy(hapId, sequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
Data class for storing haplotype ID / sequence strings
copy(currentChrom, currentTaxon, gameteId, anchorDataMapping, ghd, asmServerPath, asmLocalPath, gvcfServerPath, localGVCFFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
copy(methodName, methodDetails, readMappingId, readMappings, genoName, fileGroupName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
copy(readName, strand, bestEditDistance, lengthOfMapping, listOfHapIds, hapIdToSecondaryStats) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
copy(keyFileEntry, readMappingCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
copy(keyFileEntry, path, likelyParents, totalReads) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
copy(keyFileEntry, readMappingCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
copy(keyFileEntry, path, likelyParents, totalReads) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
copy(refRangeId, numReads, totalReadBps, totalAlignedBps, totalNM, totalSClip, totalHClip, totalEQ, totalX, totalI, totalD) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
copy(hapIdToRefRangeMap, hapIdToLengthMap, refRangeToHapIdMap, haplotypeListId, hapIdToTaxaList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
Class to hold the 4 pieces of information which are needed for readMapping. Using Jackson this class can be serialized into JSON
copy(hapIdSet, count) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
copy(hapId, count, NM, AS, de, startPositions) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
copy(methodName, taxonName, fileGroupName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
copy(kmerArray, refRangeIdArray, purgeArray) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
Simple data class to hold the three arrays.
copy(keyFileRecord, hapIdMultiset, hapIdToStatMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
copy(keyFileRecordsToFileMap, fileNameToPathMap, keyFileColumnNameMap, keyFileLines) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
copy(myReferenceName, myChromosome, myStart, myEnd, myID, myMethods) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
Need a ReferenceRange Wrapper function as the Current ReferenceRange is not serializable due to the Chromosome object.
copy(mappedReads, unmappedReads, minEditDistances) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
data class containing summary of alignment statstics for one file: mappedReads: number of mapped reads unmappedReads: number of unmapped reads minEditDistances: list of the lowest edit distance for the alignments of each mapped read Instead of printing the entire editDistances list, toString() calculates and prints mean and median
copy(AS, de, startPosition) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
copy(readName, hapIdSet) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
copy(numIndels, meanIndel, indelLowerQuartile, indelMedian, indelUpperQuartile, indelLargest, numIns, meanIns, insLowerQuartile, insMedian, insUpperQuartile, insLargest, numDel, meanDel, delLowerQuartile, delMedian, delUpperQuartile, delLargest) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
Data class containing summary information about indel distribution (number of insertions/deletions, average sizes, etc.) toString() is overridden in order to make printing to tab-delimited summary file easier
copy(name, numSNPs, numIndels, basesAligned, basesInserted, basesDeleted, basesGapped, totalBases, indelSizes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
Data class containing summary statistics for a particular file or contig/chromosome
copy(refRange, nodeList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
copy(refRange, pairList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
copy(start, end, count, type) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
copy(start, end, type, variantContextMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
copy(queryName, refName, totalEQ, totalSNP, totalM, totalInserts, totalDeletes, editDistance, totalReadLength, totalRefLength) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
copy(refFasta, asmFasta, asmDBName, chrom, asmServer, asmFullGenomeFasta) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
copy(IdToRefRangeMap, vcList, fastaInfo) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
copy(refFasta, asmFasta, asmDBName, outputDir, gffFile, refSamOutFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
copy(chrom, start, end) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
copy(id, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
copy(currentChrom, currentTaxon, anchorDataMapping) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
copy(chromName, start, size, strand, chrSize, alignment) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
copy(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, alleleDepths, asmChrom, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
copy(score, refRecord, altRecord) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
copyGvcfsToLocalDir(localDownloadDir) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Function to take the gvcf files used for storing assemblies and wgs, and copy them to the folder used for downloading gvcf files from the server. It is expected that when users run each step of the pipeline separately, they will download the files needed. When running the steps through PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin, the code will need to download these files before consensus can be run (e.g. for smallSeq)
count(hapIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
Method to return the count for a given hapId set. We sort the hapId set again just to be safe.
countAD() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Use the Allele Depths as the counts for the Read Mappings instead of SNPs
countAD(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Count Allele Depths. Use the Allele Depths as the counts for the Read Mappings instead of SNPs
countDistinctID(gffSet, contig) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Counts the number of distinct ID values either across the full GFF3Feature set (if contig==null) or for a specific contig
countFiles($receiver) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
load file indices to channel
countMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The haplotype count method name assigned when the counts were created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied or if only one method was used to find a path for this taxon.
countMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Haplotype count method name. The haplotype count method name assigned when the counts were created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied or if only one method was used to find a path for this taxon.
countNsInFasta() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
countRegionHaplotypes(start, end, taxonVcMap, refGenome, mxDiv) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function that counts the number of haplotype clusters in a region
countsFromHapidList(hapidList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
coverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
average coverage of reads for a reference range
coverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Coverage. average coverage of reads for a reference range
coverageListToCoveredRanges(coverageList, windowSize, minCoverage) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Converts coverageList, which is a ordered list of coverage for individual positions, to a RangeSet of sites meeting the coverage criterion specified by minCoverage and windowSize. All positions in the range have coverage >= minCoverage and are bordered by a minimum of windowSize sites on either side that also meet that are covered.
create(lengthOfGenes, lengthOfInterGenes, proportionOfRefInterGeneDuplicated, proportionOfInterGeneDeleted, numberOfGenes, lengthOfReads, haplotypeDivergence, intraHaplotypeDivergence, wgsDepth, gbsDepth, insertProportion) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateTestGenomes
createAlleleList(vc) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
createALleleList returns an array list containing just the ref allele string, if the VariantContext record is a ref record. Or both the ref allele and first alt allele, if the VariantContext record is a variant record. THis method does not check if the allele exists. The returned list is ALL alleles - this assumes they will be added via an INSERT/IGNORE db command.
createAlleleList(vi) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Method to create a list of alleles based on if the variant info is a ref or variant.
CreateAnchorFilesFromGeneGFF - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Based on This method creates two fasta files of anchor coordinates: The first has exact gene coordinates to be used when blasting B73 reference genes against a particular assembly, e.g. Sorghum. The second has genes with 1000bp flanking added. Method: Takes a gff file sorted to contain only gene data If any gene is embedded within another, it is tossed. If any gene start position overlaps the previous gene end position, merge the gene. After mergin genes, add 1000bp flanking on either end. If there is less than 2000 bps between genes, spli the difference Can take 1 file or a directory of files. The file names are assume to look like this: gffv4Rel34_chr5_gene.txt This matters to the parsing of the chromosome name (ie "5" above) OUTPUT Notes: 1. Two csv files of chr,start,end are created for each chromosome. The first has just merged/tossed gene coordinates, the second has these genes with 1000bp flanking added. 2. A fasta file for each chromosome is created: contains all the anchors for that chromosome. This was created when the thought was that Zack needed it for comparison. THis way he didn't have to go through a db. 3. The fasta files are not used in It uses the csv file created which contains that chr,start,end. They ARE used when blasting genes against the assemblies. 4. AFter all the chromosomes have been processed, concat them into 1 file for use with via this command line: cat anchorsFile_chr1_MergedPlus1000orGapDiffcoordinates.csv anchorsFile_chr2_MergedPlus1000orGapDiffcoordinates.csv ... > anchorsFile_all10_MergedPlus1000orGapDiffcoordinates.csv - Then edit out the header lines except for the first one.
createAndLoadAssemblyData(idByRangeMap, fullVC, refSequence, dbConn, assemblyName, chrom, clusterSize, method, pluginParams) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Create the assembly genotype/haplotype data and load to the PHG database
createAndWriteHapIdMaps(hapIdToRefRangeMap, hapIdToLengthMap, refRangeToHapIdMap, haplotypeListId, hapIdToTaxaListMap, outputFileName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
createASMAnchorWaveHaplotypes(gvcfServerPath) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
function to create assembly haplotypes with anchorwave as the aligner. It runs anchorwave, converts the anchorwave MAF files to GVCF Files, then calls the LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin to load the assembly data.
createAsmCoordinatesRangeMap(refCoords) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Creates a RangeMap of asm positions from the given reference range map, using lower reference position as the value.
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class traverses the db and writes, to csv files, the haplotypes_id, asm_start_coordinate, asm_end_coordinate, asm_strand values. These files will be loaded to the db into a temp table, from which updates will occur for haplotype nodes. This class is a successor to UpdateDBAsmCoordinatesPlugin.kt. There were issues with batching in the original class - only single updates, one at a time, worked.
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
This class traverses the db and writes, to csv files, the haplotypes_id, asm_start_coordinate, asm_end_coordinate, asm_strand values. These files will be loaded to the db into a temp table, from which updates will occur for haplotype nodes. This class is a successor to UpdateDBAsmCoordinatesPlugin.kt. There were issues with batching in the original class - only single updates, one at a time, worked.
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
This class traverses the db and writes, to csv files, the haplotypes_id, asm_start_coordinate, asm_end_coordinate, asm_strand values. These files will be loaded to the db into a temp table, from which updates will occur for haplotype nodes. This class is a successor to UpdateDBAsmCoordinatesPlugin.kt. There were issues with batching in the original class - only single updates, one at a time, worked.
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
createASMHaplotypes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Function to create Assembly based Haplotypes.
CreateBiggerIntervals - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
createCDSfromRefData(refFasta, gffFile, cdsFasta, outputDir) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
createConnection(host, username, password, requireVerification) - Method in class
Function to create a SSH client connection and setup the lateinit variable.
createConsensus() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Function to run createConsensus. If the user does not specify an inputConsensusHaplotypeMethod, we try to auto generate one.
CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
The sequence for each chromosome in the genome fasta file will be split based on N's. Read until an N is encountered, write the sequence as its own contig in the contig fastq output file. Skip past the "N's", start the next contig. This algorithm is subject to change during pipeline testing. Each sequence idline will be >assemblyChrom:assemblyStart:assemblyEnd INPUT: 1. The assembly genome file to process OUTPUT: 1. The newly created fasta file of contigs.
CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
CreateCSV_TrimmedAnchorLoading - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This method takes as input 2 csv files It takes the data from FindTrimmedAnchorCoordinates.jar, then calculates new coordinates using the old ref coordinates CSV file used for loading. The data is written to another csv file that will contain: chr,trimmedStart,trimmedEnd,GeneStart,GeneEnd The genes come from the old ref coordinates CSV file. Here are the caluclations for this method: Origial anchor 2: start/end: 50358-56716 = len 6358 Regex: start/end: 387-5359 = len 4972 New anchor 2: start = oldStart + regexStart = 50358+387 = 50745 end = start + regexLen -1 = 50745 + 4972 -1 = 55716 number trimmed at start = 387 number trimmed at end = oldEnd - newEnd = 56716-55716 = 1000 Output: Method creates the csv file needed for loading ref anchors to new trimmed DB.
CreateDBLoadScripts - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
Simple Main program to create the script used to load all of the haplotype_caller fastas into the db TODO Refractor the logic and move execution to a plugin Created by zrm22 on 5/12/17.
createDistanceMatrix(ntaxa, chr, currentRefRange, taxaWithInfo, taxonToVariantInfoMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Function to create a disntance matrix given a set of variants for a single reference range. This will ignore Ns and indels Distance is #SNPs/(#SNPs + #RefPos)
createEdges(haplotypeNodes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Generates Edges based on HaplotypeNodes. Database information not used.
createEdges(rangeToNode) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
createEdges(leftNodes, rightNodes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
CreateFastaDBFiles - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
Simple one off command line tool to create the necessary files to upload fastas to the db. TODO create these files when you extract FASTA from GVCF. No need for this step. Created by zrm22 on 5/11/17.
createFiles(taxaListFile, outputFolder) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.CreateFastaDBFiles
createFindProteomeFile() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
createFirstAndLastBedIntergenic(bedRanges, idMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Simple function to create a first and last entry for the intergenic regions before the first gene region and the last genic region.
createFlankingList(geneRange, numFlanking, myRefSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
createGATKGVCFHeader(taxaNames) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Creates bed file with chromosome and coordinates to be used to create PHG reference ranges. Gene names are included with each reference range. The gene name column is ignored when loading the bed file - it is there for when we want to associate reference ranges with the genes on which they were based.
CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
createGenericHeader(taxaNames) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
createGenericHeaderLineSet() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
createGenicRegions(idMap, gffFile, minCovCount, windowSize, secondaryIdMap, secondaryIdMapMinCovCount, maximumSearchWindow, geneRangesOutput) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
This function will create Genic regions based on the input GFF file.
createGenotypeTableFromGVCFs(refRange, taxonToVariantListMap, referenceSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFUtils
This method takes all the VariantContexts for all of the Taxon we need in our new GenotypeTable and will create a correctly encoded GenotypeTable
createGenotypeTableFromHaplotypeNodes(refRange, nodesWithVariantContexts, referenceSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFUtils
Method to make a genotypeTable from a list of Haplotype Nodes. This method will simply make the GenotypeTable encoding indels as either + or - depending on what is actually stored in the HaplotypeNode In other steps, the indels will be filtered out and then will be added back in when consensus is made.
createGffChromosomeEntry(prevChrom, offset) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Create the "chromosome" type line in the gff file
CreateGraphUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
createGtvalueMap() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
createGVCFBlockHeaderLine(start, exclusiveEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
createGVCFFromMAF(gvcfKeyFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
function to create GVCF Files from anchorwave MAF files.
createGVCFKeyFile(mafKeyFile, mafPath, gvcfServerPath) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
This function creates 2 key files based on maf key file values. The keyfile for MAFTOGVCF is based on the exisintg MAF KeyFile values, but with a few additional columns lacking from the WGS gvcf keyfiles, namely: mafFile, assemblyServerPath and assemblyLocalPath. The assemblyServerPath and assemblyLocalPath data is used when populating the genome_file_data table in the db. The mafFile is used when determining the gvcf file name.
CreateHapIdMapsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to create the Haplotype Id Maps needed by the read mapping steps of the PHG. This is very useful when running on a SLURM based system where you are unable to make SQL calls over the network. By dumping the graph to a single JSON file read mapping can be run without needing the DB connection.
CreateHapIdMapsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Plugin to create the Haplotype Id Maps needed by the read mapping steps of the PHG. This is very useful when running on a SLURM based system where you are unable to make SQL calls over the network. By dumping the graph to a single JSON file read mapping can be run without needing the DB connection.
CreateHapIdMapsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Plugin to create the Haplotype Id Maps needed by the read mapping steps of the PHG. This is very useful when running on a SLURM based system where you are unable to make SQL calls over the network. By dumping the graph to a single JSON file read mapping can be run without needing the DB connection.
CreateHapIdMapsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
createHapIdToFileNameMapping(graph, pangenomeDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
createHaplotypeNodeList(fastaFile, intervalFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateHaplotypeNodeListFromFasta
createHaplotypeNodeListFromDirectory(fastaDir, intervalFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateHaplotypeNodeListFromFasta
CreateHaplotypeNodeListFromFasta - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Simple class to create a haplotype node list from a set of or a single fasta file Created by zrm22 on 8/14/17.
createHaplotypeNodes(database, referenceRangeMap, taxaListMap, methods, includeSequences, includeVariantContext, includeHapids, localGVCFFolder, chromosomes, taxaToKeep) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
createHaplotypeNodes(database, methods, includeSequences, includeVariantContext, includeHapids, localGVCFFolder, chromosomes, taxaToKeep) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
createHaplotypeNodesWithVariants(database, includeHapNodes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Creates lists of HaplotypeNodes with variant contexts corresponding to the specified nodes organized by reference Range. LCJ June 16, 2022- this function is only called from MergeGVCFPlugin:extractNodesWithVariants() MergeGVCFPlugin has been deprecated, so I am not making changes here to pull gvcf files for the variants. If this function is called at some point from a non-deprecated method, we can re-look at what changes are needed.
createHaplotypeNodesWithVariants(database, graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Creates HaplotypeGraph with variant contexts corresponding to the given HaplotypeGraph.
CreateHaplotypesFromFasta - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Created by edbuckler on 6/19/17.
CreateHashForFiles - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.Utils
This class creates the MD4 or SHA-1 hash for a specified file. input: 1. Path to file for which the hash should be created. 2. digest Type: either MD5 or SHA-1 output: 1. The hash value as hex created by the digest.
createInbredFiles(taxaListFile, outputFolder) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.CreateFastaDBFiles
createInitialAlleles(maxKmerLen) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
This method creates a list of allele strings based on the allele set of A,C,G,T,N The size of the set will be 5 + 5^2 + 5^3 + ... + 5^n where "n" is maxKmerLen passed in and "5^n" is 5 to the nth power. For example: if maxKmerLen = 3, size of initial Allele list is: 5 + 25 + 125 = 155; if maxKmerLen = 5, size of initial Allele list is: 5 + 25 + 125 + 625 + 3125 = 3905
createIntergenicRegions(genicRegions, maximumIntergenicGapSize, idMap, minCovCount, windowSize, secondaryIdMap, secondaryIdMapMinCovCount, maximumSearchWindow) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to create the Intergenic regions. For each one, we attempt to split up large regions based on the maximumIntergenicGapSize We start from the middle of the Intergenic regions and walk out using the windowed coverage check
createInterRegionRanges(refRanges, refSequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Created by zrm22 on 1/16/18. Simple Plugin to Create The interval BED files from the database. If the user provides a extendedBedFile name, it will add the windowSize to both ends of the genome interval.
CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
CreateIntervalsFile - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This method must be re-worked - getHaplotypeAnchorCoordinates no longer accesses the correct tables. THis method pulls ref chrom, start and end positions for ref anchors. It creates a file that is in the form needed for haplotype caller, ie 8:12921-13181
CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class creates the interval files needed for running GATK haplotype caller, and the csv files needed for loading reference sequence into the database. Two sets of files are created: one set has coordinates based just on the ref gene coordinates. The other is gene coordinates plus user-specified flanking regions Algorithm: 1. read gff file, grab gene coordinates 2. For each Chromosome: merge genes that overlap, toss genes that are embedded within another gene Store list as mergedGeneList. 3. Using the mergedGeneList in 3, create 2nd per-chrom coordinate lists that includes flanking regions 4. Write files: interval format (chrom:start-end): a. mergedGeneList; b. mergedGEneList with flanking csv format (chr,anchorstart,anchorend,geneStart,geneEnd,geneName) a. mergedGeneList; b. mergedGEneList with flanking debug files: List of merged, list of embedded files written for informational purposes NOTE: the csv files contain the name of all genes contained in an anchor. This data is not stored in the DB. IT is included because the biologists have at times asked for it and this is a good place for it to be stored and retrieved. INPUT: 1. refFile: String: path to reference genome. needed to find size of chromosomes for adding flanking regions to last chrom entry. 2. geneFile: String: path to single file containing all chrom gene data in GFF format; or path to directory containing per-chrom files with gene data in GFF format. These data files must consist of GFF gene data alone, not the full gff. 3. outputBase: String: directory, including trailing "/", where output files will be written. 4. numFlanking: int: number of flanking bps to add on each end of the anchors. OUTPUT: 1. intervals file based on gene coordinates. 2. intervals file based on gene coordinates + numflanking bps 3. csv file based on gene coordinates 4. csv file based on gene coordinates + numflanking bps
CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
createLoadScript(listOfFastaFileName, outputFileName, pathToDB, pathToLoadParamFiles, loadingExportPath, tempDBBackupDirectory) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.CreateDBLoadScripts
Method which will create the loading script based on the input files. Allows for creation on cbsu with a couple file lists.
createMAFfromAnchorwave() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
function to align the assemblies using the anchorwave proali program This method requires the following parameters be defined in the config file (with appropriate values for the user data): AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.outputDir= AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.keyFile= AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.gffFile= AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.refFasta= AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.threadsPerRun= (optional) AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.numRuns= (optional)
createNew() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
True indicates a new DB of this name should be created, deleting any existing DB of this name. False means return connection to existing DB or NULL
createNew(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
Set Create New DB. True indicates a new DB of this name should be created, deleting any existing DB of this name. False means return connection to existing DB or NULL
createPairedEndReads(sequence, depth, readLength, insertSize, hapid) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
createPathNodesForGameteGrp(taxon, conn, gamete_grp_id) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
This method connects to a database, finds the haplotypes for a specific gamete group, and creates an ordered-by-ref-range list of haplotype ids. The intended use is for path creation for Assembly and WGS input.
CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
createRangesWithIDFromBedFile(focusRanges) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
createReadersForGVCFfiles(database, localGVCFFolder) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
This function takes a database connection and a local path that holds gvcf files. It queries the db for GVCF file data from the genome_file_data table. Then converts the paths to local paths Then opens a VCFFileReader for each gvcf file. It returns a map of , to be used by all nodes in the graph
CreateRefRangesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
CreateRefRangesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
CreateRefRangesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
CreateRefRangesPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
CreateRefRangeUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
createRefRangeVC(refSequence, assemblyTaxon, refRangeStart, refRangeEnd, asmStart, asmEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Helper method to create a Reference Range VariantContext for assemblies. The DP value is defaulted to 0 for assemblies. If this is not set, -1 is used as default in GenotypeBuilder. That causes assembly problems down the line when storing the value as a byte in a long.
createSingleReads(sequence, depth, readLength, hapid) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
createSingleRefRange(wrappedRefRange) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMapsKt
Unwrapper function for a single Reference Range.
CreateSmallGenomesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq
This class provides a standalone plugin to create the small sequence test genome files. Files are stored as per relative paths defined in This plugin also creates reference index files as may be neede by BWA, GATK or other methods. Currently there are no required parameters - each parameter has a default. NOTE: This plugin creates the indices needed, so if the user is not running through RUnSmallSeqTestsDocker, the path to samtools, bwa and picard must be given. If running from a CBSU machine, these are: /programs/bin/bwa/bwa /programs/bin/picard-tools/picard /programs/bin/samtools/samtools To run this plugin on a cbsu machine using default parameters except for the indexes tools, do this (replace your own
CreateSmallGenomesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
CreateSmallGenomesPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
CreateSmallGenomesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
createSNPVC(assemblyTaxon, startPosition, endPosition, calls, asmStart, asmEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Helper method to create a SNP Variant context for assemblies. The DP value is defaulted to 0 for assemblies. If this is not set, -1 is used as default in GenotypeBuilder. That causes assembly problems down the line when storing the value as a byte in a long.
CreateStreamGraph - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui
createTaxaListFromFileOrString(taxa) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
CreateTestGenomes - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq
CreateTestGraphKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
createTreeMapFromFeaturesCenter(features) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
This method creates a mapping of the feature center position (posSTart + posEnd)/2 to list of Gff3Features
createTrimmedFastaGenotypeTable(fastaFileName, refTaxaName, idThreshold, coverageThreshold, leftTrimStart, rightTrimStart, consecFailingThresholds, consecPassingThresholds) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.TrimGenotypeTableAnchors
Method which will create a trimmed GenotypeTable based on the gene start and end positions
createTrimmedFastaGenotypeTable(fastaFileName, refTaxaName, chr, startPos, idThreshold, coverageThreshold, leftTrimStart, rightTrimStart, consecFailingThresholds, consecPassingThresholds) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.TrimGenotypeTableAnchors
Method which will create a trimmed GenotypeTable based on the gene start and end positions
CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class takes an intervals file, a genome fastas and creates a valid PHG intervals file that can be loaded via the LoadAllIntervalsTOPHGdbPlugin.
CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
This class takes an intervals file, a genome fastas and creates a valid PHG intervals file that can be loaded via the LoadAllIntervalsTOPHGdbPlugin.
CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
This class takes an intervals file, a genome fastas and creates a valid PHG intervals file that can be loaded via the LoadAllIntervalsTOPHGdbPlugin.
CreateValidIntervalsFilePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
createVariantContextsFromInfo(sampleName, variantInfos) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
createVariantContextsFromMAF(refGenomeSequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
createVarIDtoRefAltData(taxonToPosDataMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Returns a map of variantID to RefAltData for each variantId/data lookup. variantID of -1 (ref) is handled in calling method.
createVCasRefBlock(refSequence, assemblyName, anchors, refMappings) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to build list of VariantContexts as RefRangeVCs - used when the reference and assembly have identical chromosome data
createVinfoObject(vinfo) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.GenerateRForPHG
createWGSHaplotypes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Function to create WGS based Haplotypes.


databaseName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Database name
databaseName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Set Database Name. Database name
databaseName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Database name
databaseName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Database Name. Database name
DatabaseSummaryPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
DatabaseSummaryPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
dataDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dataDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dataVectors - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.DataFrameVectors
dBConfig() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Config file used to set up the db connection
dBConfig(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Set Db Config. Config file used to set up the db connection
dbConfigFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Set Db Config File. File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Db Config File. File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Db Config File. File holding the DB config information
dbConfigFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
dbConfigFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set DB Config File. File containing lines with data for host=, user=, password= and DB=, DBtype= used for db connection
dbConfigFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbConfigFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbConfigFileName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbDockerConfigFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbDockerConfigFileDockerPath - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbDockerPostgresConfigFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
dbDockerPostgresConfigFileDockerPath - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
DBLoadingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Common methods used by postgres and sqlite dbs for loading/retrieving data from the PHG dbs. This is the place encoding/decoding methods for table data should stored. Authors zrm22 and lcj34.
DBLoadingUtils.AnchorType - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
DBLoadingUtils.GenomeFileType - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
DBLoadingUtils.MethodType - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
dbPostgresConfigFileName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
DBVariant - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
DBVariant(variantID, chromosome, startPosition, refAllele, altAllele, ancestralID) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
debugTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Debug taxon
debugTaxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Set Debug Taxon. Debug taxon
decodeByteArrayToListOfVariantContext(encodedByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
decodeByteArrayToVariantLongList(encodedByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Method takes a Snappy compressed byte stream and decodes it into a List of Long objects
decodeHapCountsArray(dataAsByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
decodeHapidList(encodedByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
decodeHapIdMapping(encodedReadMapping) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to decode the HapId byte array into the Mapping to be used by Path Finding.
decodePathsArray(dataAsByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
decodePathsForMultipleLists(dataAsByteArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
decompress(compressedString) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GZipCompression
deleteMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Whether to delete the path method associated with the readMappings. default=false.
deleteMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Set Delete Method. Whether to delete the path method associated with the readMappings. default=false.
deleteMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Whether to delete the associated read_mapping method. default=false.
deleteMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Set Delete Read Mapping Method. Whether to delete the associated read_mapping method. default=false.
deleteMethodByName(method) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a method name and deletes the entry for it from the methods table.
deleteMethodByName(method) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
deletePaths(method, taxa) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Deletes paths based on a method name and taxa. It allows for either method or taxa to be null, but not both. Entries are deleted from both the read_mapping_paths and the paths
deletePaths(method, taxa) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
deletePathsById(pathsIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
DeletePathsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete
This class will delete paths based on a method name, a taxa list, or both. A methodName is required. Taxa is not required, but may be specified by either the "cultivar" column in a keyFile, or from a taxaList. User cannot specify both a taxa list and a keyfile.
DeletePathsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
This class will delete paths based on a method name, a taxa list, or both. A methodName is required. Taxa is not required, but may be specified by either the "cultivar" column in a keyFile, or from a taxaList. User cannot specify both a taxa list and a keyfile.
DeletePathsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
This class will delete paths based on a method name, a taxa list, or both. A methodName is required. Taxa is not required, but may be specified by either the "cultivar" column in a keyFile, or from a taxaList. User cannot specify both a taxa list and a keyfile.
DeletePathsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete
deleteReadMappingPathsById(readMappingIds) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Deletes from the read_mapping_paths table the ids in the ReadMappingIds List
deleteReadMappingPathsById(readMappingIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
DeleteReadMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete
This method will delete read_mappings for a specified method used with the taxon indicated in the keyfile.
DeleteReadMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
This method will delete read_mappings for a specified method used with the taxon indicated in the keyfile.
DeleteReadMappingPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
This method will delete read_mappings for a specified method used with the taxon indicated in the keyfile.
DeleteReadMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete
deleteReadMappingsById(readMappingIds) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Deletes from the read_mapping table based on the ids in the input List
deleteReadMappingsById(readMappingIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
deleteReadMappingsCascade(readMappingIds) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Delete read_mappings from the read_mapping table based on provided ids. This will also delete entries from the read_mapping_paths and paths table that are associated with these read_mappings
deleteReadMappingsCascade(readMappingIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
depth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
deserializeGraphIdMaps(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMapsKt
Simple helper method to reserialize the JSON file into the GraphIdMap class
determineASMInfo(list, refRangeStart, refRangeEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
DiploidCountsToPath - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Used to find the most likely pair of paths through a graph given a set of read mappings. The two paths represent the phased haplotypes imputed from the reads.
DiploidCountsToPath(myGraph, readHapids, probabilityCorrect, minTransitionProbability, maxNodesPerRange, minReadsPerRange, removeRangesWithEqualCounts, maxReadsPerKB, splitNodes, splitTransitionProb) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
Used to find the most likely pair of paths through a graph given a set of read mappings. The two paths represent the phased haplotypes imputed from the reads.
DiploidEmissionProbability - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Used to calculate the emission probability of a pair of nodes given a set of read mappings.
DiploidEmissionProbability(rangeToNodes, readHapids, probabilityCorrect) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
Used to calculate the emission probability of a pair of nodes given a set of read mappings.
DiploidPathPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
DiploidPathPlugin finds the most likely pair of paths through all ordered pair of nodes in a HaplotypeGraph for each sample listed in a keyfile. The keyfile together with the read method name provide the information needed to pull read mappings from a PHG database. The HaplotypeGraph must be supplied to the performFunction method while the keyFile name must be supplied as a parameter.
DiploidPathPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
DiploidPathPlugin finds the most likely pair of paths through all ordered pair of nodes in a HaplotypeGraph for each sample listed in a keyfile. The keyfile together with the read method name provide the information needed to pull read mappings from a PHG database. The HaplotypeGraph must be supplied to the performFunction method while the keyFile name must be supplied as a parameter.
DiploidPathPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
DiploidTransitionProbability - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Calculates the probability of a specific node pair given the previous node pair
DiploidTransitionProbability(myGraph, nodeList, minTransitionProbability) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
Calculates the probability of a specific node pair given the previous node pair
DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding(numberOfTaxaNames, haploidNoSwitchProb, f) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
displayString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AlleleInfo
distanceAllTaxaToGivenTaxa(matrixDistance, taxaName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
DistanceCalculation - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
How to calculate the distance between kmer counts
distanceCalculation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Distance calculation type
distanceCalculation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Distance Calculation. Distance calculation type
distanceFromSNPs(rangeMap1, rangeMap2) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
distanceTaxaPair(matrixDistance, taxaPairOne, taxaPairTwo) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
distanceType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
The haplotype distance metric, which is either SNP or KMER.
distanceType(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Set Distance Type. The haplotype distance metric, which is either SNP or KMER.
distributionTaxaRepresented(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
dnaToKmerLong(kmerAsDNA, kmerSize) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to first check that the kmer lengths match, then encode the Long from the sequence
dockerCmd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
The docker command name. Normally this is docker. On Cornell CBSU machines it is docker1. The default is docker.
dockerCmd(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
Set Docker Command. The docker command name. Normally this is docker. On Cornell CBSU machines it is docker1. The default is docker.
dockerDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
Directory path where the file 'Dockerfile' exists for creating the PHG Postgresql docker
dockerDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
Set Docker Directory. Directory path where the file 'Dockerfile' exists for creating the PHG Postgresql docker
dockerImageName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
downloadFile(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, fileName) - Method in class
Function to download a single file from the remote Directory.
downloadFilesFromServer(server, user, pwd, filesToDownload, localPath, needIndex, fileNameHashValues) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
If needIndex is true, this is a gvcf and we assume there is an indexed file available with the name convention of .tbi
duplicateSetFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Binary file of duplicate kmers
duplicateSetFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Duplicate Set File. Binary file of duplicate kmers


edge(node1, node2) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns optional edge between given nodes.
edgeProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge
Probability that the node to the right of this edge net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge$rightHapNode() is the next HaplotypeNode when traversing the graph from left to right. This value has no biological meaning when traversing from right to left.
edges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypePath
Haplotype Edges that create this HaplotypePath
editDistanceThresholds() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Edit distance thresholds separated by comma's
editDistanceThresholds(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Set NMThresholds. Edit distance thresholds separated by comma's
emailAddress() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Email Address to send notification when done
emailAddress(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Email Address. Email Address to send notification when done
emissionMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Emission Method
emissionMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Emission Method. Emission Method
emitModeParam() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Emit Mode for running GVCFTyper. Options are all, variant, or confident
emitModeParam(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Emit_mode. Emit Mode for running GVCFTyper. Options are all, variant, or confident
encodeHapCountsArrayFromFile(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodeHapCountsArrayFromMultiset(perfectHitSet, exclusionHitSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
THis method takes 2 multisets of HaplotypeNode objects: one indicating inclusion counts for a haplotype, the other indicating exclusion counts. These sets are on a per-taxon basis. The data will be written compressed to a byte array for storage in the PHG db haplotype_counts table. If indicated, the data will also be written to files.
encodeHapidListToByteArray(hapidList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodeHapIdMapping(hapIdMapping) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to encode the HapId Map into a byte array and compress it.
encodeHapIdsAsBitSet(hapIdMapping, hapIdToRefRangeMap, refRangeToHapIdMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Encodes haplotypeSet counts by first translating each haplotypeSet into a BitSet. hapIdMapping maps a list of haplotype ids to their counts. hapIdToRefRangeMap is a map of haplotype id to ReferenceRange. refRangeToHapIdMap maps refRangeId to a map of haplotype id to its index, where the index represents the order of the haplotype ids in that ReferenceRange, The haplotype ids in each reference range are indexed in ascending order.
encodePathArrayForMultipleLists(paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodePathArrayFromSet(paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodePathsFromIntArray(paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
This method takes a list of haplotype ids and compresses them to a byte array.
encodeRefBlockToLong(refLength, refDepth, pos) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Encode a reference block to a Long
encodeSelectedVCFRegionsToByteArray(fileName, onlyVariants, mergeRefRanges, interval) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodeVariantContextListToByteArray(listOfVariants, mergeRefRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodeVariantContextStreamToByteArray(variantStream, onlyVariants, mergeRefRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
encodeVariantLongListToByteArray(variantLongList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Method takes a List of Long objects and converts to a Snappy compressed byte stream
encodeVariantToLong(variantId, refDepth, altDepth, isIndel) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Encode variant information as a Long
encodeVCFFileToByteArray(fileName, onlyVariants, mergeRefRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
end() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
end() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
End position of reference range, inclusive
end() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
endNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns list of HaplotypeNodes that end graph.
endNodes(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
endPos - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
entryPoint() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Where to begin processing. All runs everything. Refilter means run from the re-filtering of the coords files. hapltypes runs just the haplotypes processing.
entryPoint(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Assembly Entry Point. Where to begin processing. All runs everything. Refilter means run from the re-filtering of the coords files. hapltypes runs just the haplotypes processing.
entryPoint() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Where to begin processing. All runs everything. Refilter means run from the re-filtering of the coords files. hapltypes runs just the haplotypes processing.
entryPoint(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Assembly Entry Point. Where to begin processing. All runs everything. Refilter means run from the re-filtering of the coords files. hapltypes runs just the haplotypes processing.
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
equals(o) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
equals(obj) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
equals(obj) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
equals(obj) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.VariantInfoConsensus
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
equals(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
estimateSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
Unit test to evaluate fasta file generated from GVCF files for anchors in IBD regions to B73 Get all the anchorIDs in the IBD region of chromosome 10 Read B73 reference sequences for IBD anchors Read fasta file obtained with the practical haplotype pipeline (alternative). Power: how many of the anchor-fragments that are in IBD perfectly match the B73 ref? Question: how frequently PHG call variants in regions that should be identical? Created by mm2842 on 6/22/17.
evaluateMafOverlaps(mafFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
Reads mafRecords into a list and separates them into sets that contain no overlapping blocks within the set Designed to test anchorwave output, which should generate only one or two sets. If there are three sets, the third set could contain overlapping blocks, but the first two will not. The method only creates the sets and reports the number of blocks in each set.
exclusionCountMap(exclusionCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
expandReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Whether to duplicate identical reads to recover the original read number
exportASMKeyFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to export the ASM keyFile Template
exportBestHitMap(bestHitMap, readMappingFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to export the best hit mapping. This allows for easier debugging.
exportConfigFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to export a default config file.
ExportGFAKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
exportHapIdStats(outputDebugFile, hapIdToStatMap, hapIdToLengthMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to export the HapIdStats file. If outputDebugFile is not specified, this will do nothing.
exportHaplotypeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Text file to store haplotype scoring
exportHaplotypeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Set Export Haplo File. Text file to store haplotype scoring
ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to export the Multimap exported by a Path finding algorithm to a directory of text files Created by zrm22 on 10/13/17.
ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
exportKmerToHapIdMapToBinaryFile(fileName, kmerMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
exportKmerToHapIdMapToTextFile(fileName, kmerMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to write out the Long2ObjectMap to a text file. It is in the format: kmerAsLong\tHapId1\tHapId2\tHapId3.....
exportKmerToIntMap(fileName, kmerMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to export the kmer to Id map
exportLoadDataFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to create a load_data_file
exportMapToFile(outputFile, finalHapIdMap, snpMap, positionToRefRangeMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Simple export to write the index to a file on the harddrive.
exportMergedRegions(mergedCoords, fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
exportMultimap(bestMapping, outputFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to write out the multimap data structure to a file. This requires the whole multimap to be constructed first
exportPHGToFlapjack(graph, filename) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
exportPurgeArray(fileName, purgeArray) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
exportReadMapping(outputFileName, hapIdMapping, taxon, fileGroupName, methodName, methodDescription) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to export the read mapping files to disk. This is mostly for debugging purposes.
exportReadMappingKeyFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to export the ReadMapping KeyFile
exportReadMappingsForTaxon(multisets, bufferedWriters) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
exportReadMe(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to export a readme file denoting which things need to be changed before pipeline is run.
exportVariantContext(sampleName, variantContexts, outputFileName, refGenomeSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantLoadingUtilsKt
Function to write out the Variant Contexts to a file.
ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
exportWGSKeyFile(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Function to export the WGS keyFile Template
extendedBedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Name for the extended bed file
extendedBedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Set Extended Bed File. Name for the extended bed file
extractAlignmentBlock(block, indices) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
extractAnchorVariantContextsFromAssemblyAlignments(refSequence, assemblyName, anchors, refMappings, snps) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to build the list of VariantContexts based on the mapped coordinates and the SNPs
extractASMInfo(variantContext) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
extractFasta(refFileName, intervalFileName, gvcfListFileName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.ExtractFastaFromGVCFCBSU
Method to setup the run by creating a file list
ExtractFastaFromGVCFCBSU - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
Command line program to pull the sequence for each taxa where each row is an anchor Multithreads the extraction so it can run quickly TODO Create a plugin which will do this once we recode GVCF->Fasta Created by zrm22 on 5/2/17.
extractFastaSequence(variants, referenceRange) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.ExtractFastaUtils
Method to extract out a fasta sequence given a list of variantContexts This will fill in Ns whenever we do not have a variant context record for a given position
ExtractFastaUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
Class which holds various utilities for extracting fastas Created by zrm22 on 2/8/18.
extractSubMafRecord(start, end, mafRecord) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils


fasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Fasta File to split by chromosome
fasta(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Set Fasta File . Fasta File to split by chromosome
fastaAlternatives - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
FastaIO - Class in
fastaName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
The name and path to which the fasta file well be written
fastaName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Fasta Name. The name and path to which the fasta file well be written
fastaSuffix - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
FastqcolToFastaConverter - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FastqcolToFastaConverter(inDir, outDir, nthreads, inExt, outExt, removeAdapter, expandReads) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
FastqcolToFastaPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This converts files in FASTQCOL format to FASTA format. FASTQCOL files contain short-read sequencing data (primarily, as far as I can tell, generated by DArTseq) Like FASTQ, it contains nuceotide sequence data with associated quality scores. However, unlike FASTQ, identical reads have been collapsed into a single line in the file, and quality scores have been averaged across all reads.
FastqcolToFastaPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
This converts files in FASTQCOL format to FASTA format. FASTQCOL files contain short-read sequencing data (primarily, as far as I can tell, generated by DArTseq) Like FASTQ, it contains nuceotide sequence data with associated quality scores. However, unlike FASTQ, identical reads have been collapsed into a single line in the file, and quality scores have been averaged across all reads.
FastqcolToFastaPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
This converts files in FASTQCOL format to FASTA format. FASTQCOL files contain short-read sequencing data (primarily, as far as I can tell, generated by DArTseq) Like FASTQ, it contains nuceotide sequence data with associated quality scores. However, unlike FASTQ, identical reads have been collapsed into a single line in the file, and quality scores have been averaged across all reads.
FastqcolToFastaPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
fastqDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Fastq dir to process. Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Fastq dir to process. Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Fastq dir to process. Name of the Fastq dir to process.
fastqDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
the directory to which the simulated read fastq will be written. The default will write to a temp directory, which will not be available after the plugin finishes.
fastqDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Fastq Dir. the directory to which the simulated read fastq will be written. The default will write to a temp directory, which will not be available after the plugin finishes.
fastqDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
fastqDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
FastqDirToMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FastqDirToMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Plugin to Take a Directory of Fastq files and will map them to the pangenome using FastqToMapping Plugin.
FastqDirToMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
fastqGroupingFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Grouping file created by MergeFastqPlugin
fastqGroupingFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Fastq Grouping File. Grouping file created by MergeFastqPlugin
fastqName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The name of the fastq file used to create the path. This must be the name only, not the full path. Not required if the path and count data can be retrieved using other parameters.
fastqName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Fastq name. The name of the fastq file used to create the path. This must be the name only, not the full path. Not required if the path and count data can be retrieved using other parameters.
FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
This class will be the 3rd attempt for a genotyping pipeline.
FastqToHapCountMinimapPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FastqToKmerCountPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FastqToKmerCountPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
FastqToMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to map reads to the pangenome using Minimap2
FastqToMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Plugin to map reads to the pangenome using Minimap2
FastqToMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
fileName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Name from the SAM or Fastq file to know which key file record to output. This will look at the filename column
fileName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Set File Name. Name from the SAM or Fastq file to know which key file record to output. This will look at the filename column
fillGaps() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
When true, if the maf file does not fully cover the reference genome any gaps in coverage will be filled in with reference blocks. This is necessary if the resulting GVCFs are to be combined.
fillGaps(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Fill Gaps. When true, if the maf file does not fully cover the reference genome any gaps in coverage will be filled in with reference blocks. This is necessary if the resulting GVCFs are to be combined.
FillIndelsIntoConsensus - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
This class is created to fill in the agreeing indels removed from the consensus haplotypes during the merge process. There are various merge rules for when the indels disagree.
FillIndelsIntoConsensus.INDEL_MERGE_RULE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
filter(graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
filterAndExtractFasta(gvcfFile, outputDirectory, refSeq, intervalFile, filterProperties, isAssembly, bcfToolsPath) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianGVCFAndFilter
Method to filter the gvcf and extract the fasta using the config file.
filterAndExtractFasta(gvcfFile, outputDirectory, refSeq, intervalFile, poissonProbabliltyBounds, isAssembly, bcfToolsPath) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianGVCFAndFilter
Old method using a poissonProbability tuple to filter based on depth. This should be deprecated once we tune the pipeline TODO deprecate this method once the pipeline is tuned.
filterBadAlignments(genotypeTable, maxDist, minSiteCount, minMAF) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
This method eliminates high distances alignments after all GAPs have been converted to N, and then it filters on coverage and minimum MAF
FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to Filter out the BAMs and build a stats file to get numbers of each of the CIGAR operators for each reference range as well as how many reads hit each one.
FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Plugin to Filter out the BAMs and build a stats file to get numbers of each of the CIGAR operators for each reference range as well as how many reads hit each one.
FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Plugin to Filter out the BAMs and build a stats file to get numbers of each of the CIGAR operators for each reference range as well as how many reads hit each one.
FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
FilterBAMAndGetStatsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
filterCoordsOverlaps(coordsNoEmbedded, snpFile, coordsFinal) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Takes a mummer coords file and searches for overlaps. All of the overlap goes to the first entry. If splitting in this manner results in a split in the middle or an assembly deletion, then split is adjusted so the deletion is contained in the first entry of the overlapped pair. The snpFile is used to determine indel positions. For now, assembly insertions may be split. This has not been a problem for variant context processing.
filteredGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
filteredGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
Filters myGraph using readHapids based on maxNodesPerRange, minReadsPerRange, removeRangesWithEqualCounts, and maxReadsPerKB
FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Created by zrm22 on 9/13/17.
FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
FilterGraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
FilterGraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
filterGVCF(inputFile, outputFile, configProperties, isAssembly, bcftools) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianGVCFAndFilter
FilterGVCFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
FilterGVCFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
This plugin is called from groovy script CreateHaplotypesFromBAM.groovy The gvcf remote file information will be uploaded to the db:genome_file_data table when LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin is run. So here we only need the docker/singularity specific path for storing the data. If the user is to sftp the files, then isGvcfLocal will be false, and the gvcfRemoteServer parameter will be a real server address and a path.
FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
filterHaplotypeGraph(graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
This method filters a HaplotypeGraph and sets the myGraph field of the class to the result. The resulting filtered HaplotypeGraph will be used for any subsequent method calls.
filterHaplotypeGraph(graph, rangesToKeep) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
This method filters a HaplotypeGraph and sets the myGraph field of the class to the result. The resulting filtered HaplotypeGraph will be used for any subsequent method calls.
filterOnTaxa(graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
filterRead(currentSamRecord, pairedEnd, clippingFilter) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
filterRefRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
Name of ref range filter file
filterRefRanges(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
Set Filter Ref Range File. Name of ref range filter file
finalSnpFiltering(outputSNPS, deltaFilePrefix, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
findAlignmentsToRemove_fromMinus1Filter(origList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Traverse a list of mummer coords entries. Create lists of alignments that have a minimum of 3 in a row where assembly is in the same direction (forward or reverse) and the distance between the end of one entry and the beginning of the next is > 0.01 percent. Return a concatenated list of all the entries kept from the original file. This method is expected to be used with a mummer coords file created from a delta file filtered with the -1 option.
findAlignmentsToReturnFromAfterMinusGFilter(removedList, gList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Takes a list of mummer4 coordinates removed during delta-filter with -g and determines which coordinates should be returned. Those returned have reference range coordinates that fall between 2 existing kept alignment reference range coordinates, and whose assembly coordinates fall between the assembly coordinates of the 2 ranges. Most often, these will be alignments where the assembly aligned on the reverse strand. Nothing is added back that falls before the start of the coordinates created with delta-filter -g, or after the end of the delta-filter -g list of coordinates. If a removed entry falls before the first of the pair of gList entries, and extends into the second gList entry, it is not added. The entries returned are limited to alignments where the ref length is at least 1000 bps. Any entries added that overlap each other will be handled in later processing when all overlaps are handled. The mummer4 delta-filter with -g performed 1-1 global alignment with no rearrangements. This purpose of findAlignmentsToReturn() is to return inversions that appear on the diagonal. NOTE: This method is obsolete, but kept to facilitate user desire to process with mummer -G filtering
findAlleleIDFromDB(allele, dbConn) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
From an allele string, compute the hash value and search for a corresponding ID in the DB alleles table.
findAsmIndelStart(snpEntries) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
findAsmUpdatesForGVCF(gvcfFile, refIdToRefRangeDataMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
findBestDiploidPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
FindBestDiploidPathKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
findBestPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
findBestRefRange(refRangeToIdMapping, maxRefRangeError) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to check to see if the read hits a multiple reference ranges less than maxRefRangeError Basically this is to filter out any reads which hit multiple reference ranges equally well
findBestRefRangeFromRecords(refRangeToIdMapping, maxRefRangeError) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Function to check to see if the read hits a multiple reference ranges less than maxRefRangeError Basically this is to filter out any reads which hit multiple reference ranges equally well
findEndPosition(idMap, seqname, lastPostion, strand, minCovCount, windowSize, secondaryIdMap, secondaryIdMapMinCovCount, maximumSearchWindow) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to find the End position starting from a start point. This will walk out based on the strand until it hits a windowed region which passes the coverage check.
findFlankingEndPos(geneRange, data, numFlanking, chromLen) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
findFlankingStartPos(geneRange, data, numFlanking, chromLen) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
findGaps(target, source) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
Method takes 2 lists of Maf Records, returns the gaps indicating which positions appear in the source that are not in the target. The calling method then augments the target with sequence from the gaps indicated by the findGaps method.
findHapClusterHighCoverage(baseAlign, minSites, maxDistance) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Clusters taxa using high coverage samples as the nucleation points.
FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin.CLUSTER_METHOD - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
findMostLikelyParents(refRangeToHapIdSetCounts, maxParents, minCoverage) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MostLikelyParents
Finds the most likely parents for a set of hapid counts from read mappings.
findNonOverlappingGlistPair(gList, glistIdx) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Given a list of mummer coords entries and an index, finds the entry where this entry and the one before it have no overlaps in either the ref or assembly coordinates. The index returned is for the second of the 2 entries. This method is used when searching for mummer delta file entries removed during -g delta filtering that we would like to return.
findPathsFromDBReadMappings(graph, keyFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Method that gets a list of read mappings from the database for a specific method and writes a path to the database for each read mapping record
findPathsFromDBReadMappingsMultithread(graph, keyFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Method to find paths by extracting the read mappings from the DB. Then it will aggregate the counts together by summing the counts for a given hapId set.
FindProteomeGenesInAssembly - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
NOTE: Needs to be re-worked with new db. The PHG calls are obsolete, need calls for new schema. Input: 1. the db from which to pull the assembly/haplotype data 2. the reference genome for pulling the gene sequence (a subset of the anchor sequence) 3. the name of the reference line as stored in the db (e.g. B73Ref) 4. the name of the assembly as stored in the db, e.g. (W22Assembly) 5. name of the line from haplotypeCaller as stored in the db (e.g. W22_Haplotype_Caller) or NONE if this line was not processed via haplotype caller. 6. Tab-delimited file containing list of anchorids, the gene start/end on which the anchor is based, and whether the gene is a proteome gene. 7. The output directory for writing files. Output: 1. A tab-delimited file containing the headers: AnchorID\tChromosome\tGene\tGeneInProteome\tAssemblyHasAnchor\tGeneSeqIn_\tGeneSeqIn_\tGeneSeqInBoth\tGeneSeqInNeither 2. Console output that may be re-directed to a file. THis output contains counts and calculated percentages. Algorithm: - read reference genome into GenomeSequence object - get assembly and haplotype caller anchor infor from db - read geneFile, for each entry: - note if is proteome - if anchor is present in assembly, mark counts for proteome/non-proteome, and check if gene sequence is part of this line's anchor sequence for this id - if anchor is present in haplotype_caller, mark counts for proteom/non-proteome, and check if gene sequence is part of this line's anchor sequence for this id. - close files, - calculate percentages
FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This method takes a fasta of ramp seq short sequences, and looks for them in an assembly genome. This is for Dan. Looking for exact matches of the 9000 across all entries in the fasta file. Look for both orig sequence, and reverse complement of sequence. This one works well - it runs each assembly in sequence. When processing the assemblies, it parallelizes over every rampSeq contig in the rampSeq map (file read into map). This speeds things up considerably from parallel processing just over the assemblies. Using indexOf(seq,startPos) still seems quicker than knuth-morris-pratt method, perhaps because of overhead of the latter. INPUT: - fasta of rampSeq short contigs - directory path, including trailing / where assembly genome fasta files live - directory path, including trailing / to which output files will be written OUTPUT: - tab-delimited files without headers, but the columns are BED file positions (0-based, inclusive/exclusive). ContigName AssemblyIDLine startPos endPos Strand In the above, Strand is whether the forward (as presented in file) or reverse-compliment of the strand matched in the assembly file. THe start/end positions are 0-based, inclusive/exclusive as for bedfiles. There is 1 tab-delimited file generated for each assembly. The file name reflects the assembly name.
findRefIndelStart(refSnpPos, snpEntries) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Find the lowest reference start entry from a mummer snp file list of entries. There could be more than 1 string of indels for this asm snp. Find the start and end of the string of indels whose positions overlap the reference position for the SNP in question. Return the start position and the length of this string of indels
findTaxonRefCoverage(startPos, maxRefLen, tList, taxonToPosDataMap, maxError, minTaxaCoverage) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
FindTrimmedAnchorCoordinates - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
NOTE: This version works on the REF only. The assemblies do not have their coordinates in the fasta files - they only have the start, not the end. OH - but I could get it from the length. Due to time, I'm not going to mess this one up. I"ll write another one for assemblies and merge them later. Method takes - a refAnchor fasta file, (I dumped reference anchors from the pre-trimmed db) - a list of files from a directory that contain the trimmed versions on a per-anchor basis. Find the start and end of the trimmed sequence in the ref sequence. The start is where it matches. The end is the length of the trimmed sequence added to the start. Output: The important output is the csv file that will be used to load the new reference anchors to the "trimmed" database.
FindTrimmedAssemblyCoordinates - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
THis file is similar to FindTrimmedAnchorCoordinates used for the reference. The difference is the ref has all anchors. Assemblies do not. We need to read the assembly fasta, determine which anchor is represented The anchor is there in the idLine - the last value after the space, e.g. >1:44289:49837;chr1:1 1 THis is creating a fasta, but it isn't useful because the IDline is not what is needed when loading into the DB. Idline must have >B73RefChrom:B73startpos:B73EndPos;assemblyChrom:assemblyStart:asemblyEnd anchorid
findUserPHGVersion(versionList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PipelineUtilsKt
This function finds the lowest PHG version from a list of PHG versions. The return value should be of the format X.X.X
findVCListForAnchor(positionRangeToVariantContextMap, refStart, refEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
firstReferenceRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns the first reference range in this graph.
firstReferenceRange(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns the first reference range for the given chromosome.
forceDBUpdate() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Parameter to force the DB to update. If this is set to true and the DB is incompatible with the current PHG code, this will automatically update the DB if it can.
forceDBUpdate(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Force D B Update. Parameter to force the DB to update. If this is set to true and the DB is incompatible with the current PHG code, this will automatically update the DB if it can.
forceDBUpdate() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Parameter to force the DB to update. If this is set to true and the DB is incompatible with the current PHG code, this will automatically update the DB if it can.
forceDBUpdate(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Force D B Update. Parameter to force the DB to update. If this is set to true and the DB is incompatible with the current PHG code, this will automatically update the DB if it can.
forEachRemaining(action) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
formatMethodParamsToJSON(parameterList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
This method takes a Map of parameterName to parameterValue, and formats them into a JSON string. This string will be used by the calling method as the description entry for the PHG methods table.
fParameter() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
The f parameter used by minimap2. If the sr preset (-x sr) is used then this parameter takes the form f. From the minimap2 man page: If integer, ignore minimizers occuring more than INT1 times. INT2 is only effective in the --sr or -xsr mode, which sets the threshold for a second round of seeding.
fParameter(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set F Parameter. The f parameter used by minimap2. If the sr preset (-x sr) is used then this parameter takes the form f. From the minimap2 man page: If integer, ignore minimizers occuring more than INT1 times. INT2 is only effective in the --sr or -xsr mode, which sets the threshold for a second round of seeding.
freqChartHaplotypeCollapse(inputFile, outputDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
freqHaplotypeCollapse(inputFile, outputDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
fullRefCoordinateToChromCoordinate(coordinates) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
fullyConnected() - Method in class
Set to true to have adjacent reference ranges fully connected
fullyConnected(value) - Method in class
Set Fully Connected. Set to true to have adjacent reference ranges fully connected


gbsDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Depth for GBS
gbsDepth(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set GBS Depth. Depth for GBS
geneEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
geneFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Tab delimited .txt file containing gene-only GFF data from reference GFF file,
geneFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Set Gene File. Tab delimited .txt file containing gene-only GFF data from reference GFF file,
GeneGFFData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
GeneGFFData(start, end, name) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
geneLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Number of base pairs to include for each gene region
geneLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Length Of Genes. Number of base pairs to include for each gene region
generatedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Full path with file name to write created intervals file
generatedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set Output File. Full path plus file name to write created intervals file
GenerateHaplotypeCallerScripts - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
GenerateRForPHG - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
This class holds methods and classes to generate R code for PHG classes. It also creates vectors that hold PHG database table information.
geneStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
genicRangesFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Optional output file name for the gene ranges created by finding conserved breakpoints near genes from the gff file. If no name is supplied the genic range file will not be written.
genicRangesFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Ouput Gene Ranges. Optional output file name for the gene ranges created by finding conserved breakpoints near genes from the gff file. If no name is supplied the genic range file will not be written.
genicRangesToBedFile(bedFile, bedRanges) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Simple function to output a bed file
GenoHaploData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Object to hold data needed to populate the genotypes and haplotypes tables. These tables should be populated at the same time. The data is stored in a single object to facilitate making a single call to WGSSqlite to populate both. Hopefully combining them won't be a problem when we need to grab data later. I assume we'd want data from both tables.
GenoHaploData(ploidy, is_ref, line_name, line_data, isPhasedAcrossGenes, isPhasedAcrossChromosomes, hapNumber, phasingConfidence) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
genomeData() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Path to tab-delimited file containing genome specific data with header line: Genotype Hapnumber Dataline Ploidy Reference GenePhased ChromPhased Confidence Method MethodDetails
genomeData(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Genome Data File. Path to tab-delimited file containing genome speciic data with header line: Genotype Hapnumber Dataline Ploidy Reference GenePhased ChromPhased Confidence Method MethodDetails
genomeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Input assembly genome file from which to pull sequence
genomeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Set Assembly Genome. Input assembly genome file from which to pull sequence
genomeFileID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
genomeNames - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genomeSequence(startSite, lastSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genomeSequence(startSite, lastSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genomeSequenceAsString(startSite, lastSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genomeSequenceAsString(startSite, lastSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genomeSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotype(chrom, position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genotype(chrom, positionObject) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genotype(chrom, position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotype(chrom, positionObject) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, positionObject) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, startSite, endSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, positionObject) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotypeAsString(chrom, startSite, endSite) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
genotypeString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
genotypeTable(graph, range, taxon) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphToGenotypeTable
genotypeTable(graph, range, taxaList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphToGenotypeTable
genotypingDebugDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingDebugDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingFastqDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingFastqDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingKeyFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingKeyFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingPathKeyFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
genotypingPathKeyFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
get(kmer) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
get(kmerSeq) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getAdjustedMummerCoordEntry(entry, adjustLen, asmAscending) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
getAlignment() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getAllChrVCFStats(summaries) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
getAlleleDepths() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getAllTaxaGroupNames() - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns a list of all taxa group names from the taxa_groups table
getAllTaxaGroupNames() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getAltAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getAltDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getAltDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getAltPL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getAltRecord() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
getAnchorDataMapping() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getAnchorDataMapping() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getAnchorFromIntervalsFile(intervalsFile, chrom) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getAnchorRangeSet(anchorEntries) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Create a RangeSet from a map of ranges
getAnchorRangeSet(anchorOverlapEntries) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getAS() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getAS() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
getAsmChr() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
getAsmChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getAsmDBName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmDBName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
getAsmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
getAsmEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getAsmEndPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getAsmFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmFullGenomeFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmLocalPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getAsmServer() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getAsmServerPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getAsmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
getAsmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
getAsmStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getAsmStartPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getAsmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
getAsmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
getAsmStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getBasesAligned() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getBasesDeleted() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getBasesGapped() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getBasesInserted() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getBestEditDistance() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class
getButtonName() - Method in class
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
getButtonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
getChecksumForFile(file, protocol) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
getChecksumForString(seq, protocol) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
getChr() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
getChr() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
getChromName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getChromNamesForHaplotype(line_name, hap_number, version) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method grabs a list of distinct chromosome names for a genome_interval version
getChromNamesForHaplotype(line_name, hap_number, version) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getChrSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getClient() - Method in class
getConsensusDataMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
getCoordsEntriesForAnchor(anchorRange, coordsFileRefToDataMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getCoordsRangeMap(coordsList, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Create range map from list of entries from a Mummer coordinates file
getCount() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
getCount() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getCount() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
getCurrentChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getCurrentChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getCurrentEmissionProbabilities() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getCurrentNode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
getCurrentRefRangeIndex() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getCurrentTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getCurrentTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getDataFromAssembly(assemblyFile, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
GetDBConnectionPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Plugin takes a configFile with db specifics and a boolean indicating whether a new db shoudl be created. Output is a db COnnection object. INPUT: Config file containing these 5 lines (additional lines are ignored) host= user= password= DB= DBtype= boolean: TRUE means create a new db if it doesn't exist, false means return null if db doesn't exist If db exists and boolean is TRUE, the db will be deleted and a new one of that name created. OUTPUT: A db Connection object
GetDBConnectionPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
GetDBConnectionPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
GetDBConnectionPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
getDbTaxaNames() - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Gets a list of the taxa currently in the database. Taxa are identified by the line_name field of the genotypes table
getDbTaxaNames() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getDe() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getDe() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
getDecodedReadMappingForMappingId(readMappingId, graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingDecoder
getDelLargest() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getDelLowerQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getDelMedian() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getDelUpperQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getDiploidPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
Finds the most likely diploid path through myGraph given readHapids. Before the path is imputed, the graph is filtered based on maxNodesPerRange, minReadsPerRange, removeRangesWithEqualCounts, and maxReadsPerKB then missing sequence nodes are added and, finally, the nodes are split into individual taxa if splitNodes is true.
getDistinctGffIds(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Get list of distinct GFF IDs in the full Gff3Feature Set NOTE: what this returns is based on how the GFF3 has the IDs defined. If user wants a count of something like "Zm000a2" but the ID is: "ID=gene:Zm000a2", it won't be what they want. Because "ID="gene:Zm000a2" and "ID=transcript:Zm000a2" are different IDs.
getDistinctGffIdsByChrom(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Creates map of contig(chrom) to set of distinct Gff3Feature ids associated with that contig
getEditDistance() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
getEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
getEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
getEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
getEndPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getEntryFromTabDelimitedLine(mline, entryColumn, totalColumns) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Returns the value for a specific column in a tab-delimited string
getExpandReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getF() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
getFastaInfo() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
GetFastaSequenceLengths - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
Created by terry on 3/19/17.
getFileGroupName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getFileGroupName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
getFileNameToPathMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
getGameteGroupIDFromTaxaList(gametes) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Takes a list of taxa and returns the corresponding gamete_group_id or 0
getGameteGroupIDFromTaxaList(gametes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGameteId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getGenoidFromLine(line_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Return genoid
getGenoidFromLine(line_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGenoidsForTaxa(taxa) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGenomeFileHashFromGenoidandFile(genoid, file) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Given a genoid and a file name, return the hash value and id for that entry in the genome_file_data table. If there is no entry, return null
getGenomeFileHashFromGenoidandFile(genoid, file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGenomeFileIdFromGenoid(genoid) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Gets the id from the genome_file_data table based on the genoid .
getGenomeFileIdFromGenoid(genoid) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGenomeFileIdFromGenoidAndFile(genoid, file) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Gets the id from the genome_file_data table based on the genoid and a filename
getGenomeFileIdFromGenoidAndFile(genoid, file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getGenomeSequenceValues() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
getGenoName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getGenotype() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getGFFEntriesPerChrom(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Counts the gff entries per chromosome
getGffFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getGhd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getGVCFforDownload(gvcfIdToRemotePath) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
GIven a Map of gvcfFileIds to remote path (data from the genome_file_data table), return a list of servers and the gvcf files do be downloaded from them. It is required that each "path" have a server indicated, even if it is local.
getGvcfServerPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getHapCountsIDAndDataForVersionMethod(method) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
This method pulls the haplotype_counts_id with corresponding genotypes line name and data for all DB entries based on the supplied method
getHapCountsIDAndDataForVersionMethod(method) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapCountsIDAndPathsForMethod(method) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
THis method pulls the haplotype_counts_id and corresponding path for all entries in the paths table with the specified method.
getHapCountsIDAndPathsForMethod(method) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
getHapId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getHapidForGenoidHapNumber(genoid, hap_number) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns hapid for given line name and hap_number
getHapidForGenoidHapNumber(genoid, hap_number) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapidHapNumberLineNamesForLines(lineNames) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Retrieves line name and hapnumber, and returns them with the hapid. hapid is the key in the map. THe line name and hap number are concatenated with an underscore and returned as the string value for each hapid.
getHapidHapNumberLineNamesForLines(lineNames) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapidMapFromLinenameHapNumber() - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns a map of created from the genotypes and haplotypes table.
getHapidMapFromLinenameHapNumber() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapIdMultiset() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
getHapIdSeq(phgObj, hapIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin
Return sequence information from haplotype ID input
getHapIdSet() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
getHapIdSet() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
getHapidsForGenoid(genoid) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns list of hapids for a given line name
getHapidsForGenoid(genoid) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHapIdsForPos(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Class takes a configfile with database connect information, an output directory, a set of methods, and an optional taxa list. It will create one file per taxon with a single column containing the haplotype_ids for that taxon/gamete from the haplotypes table.
GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Class takes a configfile with database connect information, an output directory, a set of methods, and an optional taxa list. It will create one file per taxon with a single column containing the haplotype_ids for that taxon/gamete from the haplotypes table.
getHapIdToLengthMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
getHapIdToRefRangeMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
getHapIdToSecondaryStats() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getHapIdToSequenceLength(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
getHapIdToStatMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
getHapIdToTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
getHaplotypeIDFromFastaIDLine(idLine, methodName) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns the haplotype_id from the haplotypes table based on the gamete_grp_id (calculated from the taxa list), the ref_range_id (calculated from the ref coordinates part of the idline) and the method.
getHaplotypeIDFromFastaIDLine(idLine, methodName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHaplotypeList(id) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Given a haplotype_list_id, query the haplotype_list table and return a list of haplotypes stored for that ID, or an empty list if there were none.
getHaplotypeList(haplist_id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHaplotypeListId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
getHaplotypeListIdForGraph(graph, phgAccessor) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
getHaplotypeListIDfromHash(hash) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Given an MD5 hash value, returns the db id for that entry, or 0 if none exist
getHaplotypeListIDfromHash(hash) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getHaplotypeMethodForHapids(hapidList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
getHaplotypeMethodsForReadMappings(readMap, numberOfRefRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
getHapToRefRangeMap(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to create a HapId to RefRange mapping for all of the HapIds in a graph
getHostIpAddr() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateTestGenomes
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class
getIcon() - Method in class
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
getIcon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
getId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
getId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
getIdToRefRangeMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
getInbreedCoef() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getInbreedCoef() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getIndelLargest() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getIndelLowerQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getIndelMedian() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getIndelRanges(coordinates) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
getIndelSizes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getIndelSizeStats(indelSizes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Given list of indel sizes, return number, mean length, quantiles length, and longest for indels, insertions, and deletions
getIndelUpperQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getInExt() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getInsLargest() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getInsLowerQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getInsMedian() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getInstance(sequence, referenceRange, qualityScore, seqHash) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
Factory method to create HaplotypeSequence This allows a copy of the HaplotypeSequence to be returned instead of the original mutable object
getInstance(sequence, referenceRange, qualityScore, seqHash, seqLen) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
Factory method to create HaplotypeSequence This allows a copy of the HaplotypeSequence to be returned instead of the original mutable object Haplotype sequences are always gzip compressed, stored as byte array. This signature used when creating sequence from DB's byte array
getInstanceFromHapidCountMap(nodes, hapidCountMap, probCorrect) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
getInstanceFromHapidCounts(nodes, hapidCounts, probCorrect) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
getInstanceFromNodeCounts(nodes, nodeCounts, probCorrect) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
getInsUpperQuartile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getIntervalRangesWithIDForChrom(chrom) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns sorted treeRangeMap of Positions for specified chromosome
getIntervalRangesWithIDForChrom(chrom) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getKeyFileColumnNameMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
getKeyFileEntry() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
getKeyFileEntry() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getKeyFileEntry() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
getKeyFileEntry() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getKeyFileLines() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
getKeyFileRecord() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
getKeyFileRecordsToFileMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
getKmerArray() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
getKmerPrefix() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getKmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getLen() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getLengthOfMapping() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getLikelyParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getLikelyParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getLikelyParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getLineNameHapNumberFromHapid(hapid) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to retrieve both a line name and the hap number given a hapid.
getLineNameHapNumberFromHapid(gameteid) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getLineNamesFromGameteGroup(db) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
getListOfHapIds() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getLocalGVCFFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
getLongFromRefAltData(rad) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
RefAltData comes from processing the Longs stored for each haplotype. It is used for consensus processing. Different data is available than is with the VariantMappingData used for processing single haplotypes.
getLongFromVMData(vmID, vmd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Takes an ID and a VariantMappingData object and creates a list of variant_ids with additional data.
getLongListOfVariantData(variantMappingDataList, hashIDMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Takes a list of variantIdhash to VariantMappingData and creates a list of "long" values, that represents the variant context for each entry
getLongRefRecord(refLen, refDepth, startPos) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Takes a reference length, depth and start position on the chromosome. Returns an encode long holding this information. format: 1bit=ref | 2 bytes 7 bits = refLength | 1 bytes=refDepth | 4 bytes=position on chrom
getLongVariantRecord(vmID, refDepth, altDepth, isIndel, otherData) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Takes a variantMapping id, reference depth, alternate depth, indication as to if is an indel, and a dummy int Returns a long formatted with this data. format: 4 bytes= variant_mapping table id | 1 byte=refDepth | 1 byte=altDepth | 1 bytes=isIndel | 1 byte unused
getMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
Method to get out the backing Map. This can be more easily worked with once everything is added to the Multiset.
getMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
getMapFromFasta(alternativeSeqFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence
Load a fasta file in a map, headers are keys and sequences are values assumes a fasta file in which sequences are not breaked between lines
getMapFromFasta(IBDsequences) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
getMappedReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
getMapPositionsInRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Create map of ReferenceRange ids to list of provided positions in that range.
getMapType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getMaxNodesPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
ranges with more nodes will not be used
getMaxParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMaxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
ranges with more reads per kb will not be used
getMaxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getMaxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMeanDel() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getMeanDepth(gvcfFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
Simple method to compute the mean of the depths.
getMeanDepth(gvcfFile, intervalFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
getMeanIndel() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getMeanIns() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getMedianDepth(gvcfFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
Simple method to calculate the Median depth for a GVCF file.
getMedianDepth(gvcfFile, intervalFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
getMethodDescriptionFromName(method_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method queries the db methods table for the description field given a methods name
getMethodDescriptionFromName(method_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getMethodDetails() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getMethodIdFromName(method_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns method_id given a method name. or 0 if no id found for the given name
getMethodIdFromName(method_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getMethodIdFromNames(dbConn, methodList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPluginKt
getMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
getMinCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMinEditDistances() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
getMinProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getMinReadsPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
ranges with fewer reads will not be used
getMinReadsPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getMinReadsPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMinTaxaPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMinTransitionProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
the minimum transition probability
getMinTransitionProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
the minimum transition probability that will be returned
getMissingDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getMissingPL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getModeDepth(gvcfFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
Simple method to get the mode of the depth.
getModeDepth(gvcfFile, intervalFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.ComputeMedianAnnotation
getMostProbableIntegerStateSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
getMultiset() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
getMyAltAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getMyAncestralID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getMyChromosome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getMyChromosome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
the HaplotypeGraph to be used for path finding
getMyGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
the HaplotypeGraph used for imputation
getMyGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getMyID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyLogger() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getMyLogger() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
getMyLogger() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getMyMethods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyParentList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MostLikelyParents
getMyParentToHapidMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MostLikelyParents
getMyPathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
getMyPathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getMyRefAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getMyReferenceName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyRefSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
getMyStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
getMyStartPosition() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getMyTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
getMyTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getMyTransitionMatrix() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
getMyVariantID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.DBVariant
getName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
getName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getNM() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getNodeList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
an list containing for each
getNodeList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
getNodePairList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
getNodeTree() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
A map of ReferenceRange
getNoReadProbabilityMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getNthreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getNumAlignedBases(asmCoordSet) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getNumberOfObservations() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
The number of reference ranges
getNumberOfStates() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability
getNumberOfStates() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
getNumberOfTaxaNames() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
getNumDel() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getNumIndels() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getNumIndels() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getNumIns() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
getNumReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getNumSNPs() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getOutDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getOutExt() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getOverlappingEntriesFromGff(contig, haplotypeRange, asmCenterGffs) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Search the gff entry map for overlaps with the haplotypeNode asm coordinates. Requires as input a map keyed by TASSEL Position object as well as the contig and coordinates from the haplotypeNode.
getPairedSimilarFragmentsFromMummer(mummerAlignments) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SyntenicAnchors
Grab the ref and asm start/end positions, determine asm strand direction, calculate a score, and store all to a list of PairedSimilarFragments The score is calculated as: (%id * asmLen)/100 casted to int
getPairList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
getParentFinder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getPathIdsForReadMappingIds(readMappingIds) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns path_ids from the read_mapping_paths table associated with the list of read_mapping_ids provided.
getPathIdsForReadMappingIds(readMappingIds) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getPathsForTaxonMethod(taxon, method_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method takes a list of taxa and a method name and returns the paths (if populated in the paths table) stored for each taxon/method pair. For each taxon, a List> is returned, which provides a haplotypes_id list for taxon's chromosome. There will be only 1 list if it is a haploid, 2 for a diploid, etc
getPathsForTaxonMethod(taxon, method_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getPCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
The probability that a read has been aligned correctly
getPhgAccess() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingDecoder
getPluginsToGetParams() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
getPosition() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getPositionToRefAndAltIdsMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
getPreviousNodePairList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
getProbabilityCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
the probability that a read has aligned correctly
getProbabilityCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
the probability that a read was aligned to the right place
getProbCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getProbCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getProbObservationGivenState() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
getProbObsGivenState(haplotype, refRange) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getProbObsGivenState(state, obs, node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getProbObsGivenState(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
getProbObsGivenState(state, obs, node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
getProbObsGivenState(state, rangeIndex) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
Returns the emission probability for a given state index and range index. The range index is the zero-based index into the ordered list of ranges for a HaplotypeGraph. The state index is the zero-based index into an ordered list of states, where each state is an ordered pair of HaplotypeNodes returned by the method nodePairs. The emission probability for a given node pair is calculated by the method nodePairProbabilityList.
getProbObsGivenState(state, obs, node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
Calls getProbObsGivenState(state, rangeIndex) where rangeIndex = node. The value of obs is not used.
getPseudoGenomeGFFCoordinates(asmGffRange, hapNodeRange, offset) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Creates new start/end coordinates based on the parts of the haplotype node that intersect with the range for an assembly GFF3 entry. When calculating the new coordinates, the range overlaps and the offset from the start of the pseudo-genome are considered.
getPTrue() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
the initial state probabilities for the states at the first reference range
getPurgeArray() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
getQueryName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getRange(start, end, trim) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPluginKt
Standardizes the format of the ranges: closed on lower edge, open on top This is mostly to make sure that concatenating two adjacent ranges Produces one large range. Also handles trimming some amount off of the end of the range And flipping ranges where start > end
getRangesForChrom(refRangeMap, chrom, anchorType) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getRangesForChrom(refRangeMap, chrom, anchorType) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getRangeToNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
a map of
getReadCountFromSam(samFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
getReadHapids() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
a Multimap of
getReadHapids() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidEmissionProbability
a Multimap of
getReadMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
A Multimap of ReferenceRange
getReadMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getReadMappingCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
getReadMappingCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
getReadMappingId(line_name, method_name, file_group_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method uses line_name, method_name and file_Group_name to fetch a read_mapping_id. -1 returned if the this combination is not present in the db.
getReadMappingId(line_name, method_name, file_group_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getReadMappingId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getReadMappingIdsForTaxaMethod(taxa, method) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
This method takes a list of taxa and a method name. It returns a list of read_mapping Ids based on these 2 parameters
getReadMappingIdsForTaxaMethod(taxaList, method) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getReadMappings() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
getReadMappingsForId(readMappingId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to get the Read Mapping data from the DB using the read_mapping_id. Generally this is returned from PHGData.getReadMappingId(String line_name, String method_name, String file_group_name)
getReadMappingsForId(readMappingId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getReadMappingsForMethod(methodName) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to get the mapping ids by method
getReadMappingsForMethod(methodName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getReadName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getReadName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
getRefAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getRefDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getRefDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getRefEndPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getReferenceRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
getRefFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
getRefFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getRefLineName(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Returns the line name of the reference genotype
getRefName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getRefPL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getRefRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
getRefRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
getRefRangeId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getRefRangeId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getRefRangeIdArray() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
getRefRangeIDFromString(refData) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns reference range id
getRefRangeIDFromString(refData) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getRefRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
getRefRangesForMethod(methodName) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to return all reference ranges associated with a specified method name
getRefRangesForMethod(methodName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getRefRangeToHapIdMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
getRefRangeToHapidMap(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
getRefRecord() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
getRefSamOutFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
getRefStartPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getRegionCoverage(rangeSet, targetRange) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
This method takes a RangeSet of integers, and a single range. It finds all the ranges in the set that intersect the targetRange. Calculate both the number of bases from the targetRange that are represented in the rangeSet, and the percentage of the bases represented. Return a Tuple with this information.
getRegionCoverage(rangeSet, targetRange) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getREMAINING_INFOS_KEY() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
getRemoveAdapter() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getRemoveEqual() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getRemoveEqual() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getRemoveRangesWithEqualCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
ranges for which all hapid sets have the same count will not be used
getRequiredTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getSameGameteProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
getSameGameteProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getSAMStats(samFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Given a sam or bam file, return the following as an AlignmentSummary object: number of aligned reads number of unaligned reads list of the minimum edit distance for each aligned read When the sam file contains multiple alignments (i.e. secondary alignments), we get the edit distance for each alignment and then choose the lowest to add to the list.
getScore() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
getScore() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
getSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getSmallFactorials() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
getSNPsFromVCF(vcfFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Method to retrieve the SNPs from the VCF file. We need to do this in order to map SNPs to haplotype nodes.
getSNPToHapIdMapping(refAndHapPair, snpsInRefRange, snpMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Method to get Mappings from SNP -> HapId Lists We only support the first non-reference allele for simplicity
getSplitNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
should nodes with more than one taxon be split into nodes of one taxon each
getSplitTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidCountsToPath
the probability of a node given that the previous node was the same taxon or 1
getStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
getStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
getStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
getStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
getStart() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getStartEndCoordinates(entry, ref) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Find the start/end coordinates from a tab-delmimited Mummer4 coords file entry
getStartPos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
getStartPosition() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
getStartPositions() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
getStepSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
getStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
getStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
getStrand() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
getTaxaForPathMethod(method_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to get a list of all genoid line_names that have paths for method = method_name.
getTaxaForPathMethod(method_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getTaxaForTaxaGroup(group_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Get the taxa that make up the specified taxa group
getTaxaForTaxaGroup(group_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getTaxaGroupIDFromName(group_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns taxa_grp_id given a taxa group name. or 0 if no id found for the given name
getTaxaGroupIDFromName(group_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getTaxonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
getTaxonPathsForMethod(method_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Returns a map of taxon to paths for that taxon from the paths table for a specified method name.
getTaxonPathsForMethod(method_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
getTaxonToGffFileMap(keyFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Reads a key file with columns for "taxon" and "Path/name of gff file" Returns a map of taxon->fileName
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class
getToolTipText() - Method in class
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
getToolTipText() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
getTotalAlignedBps() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalBases() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
getTotalD() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalDeletes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalDP() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
getTotalEQ() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalEQ() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalHClip() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalI() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalInserts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalM() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalNM() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalReadBps() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalReadLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getTotalReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
getTotalRefLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalSClip() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTotalSNP() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
getTotalX() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
getTransitionProbability(state1, state2) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability
getTransitionProbability(state1, state2) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
getType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
getType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
getType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
getUnmappedReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
getUseLikelyParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
getValidFiles() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
getValue() - Method in enum net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils.GenomeFileType
getValue() - Method in enum net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils.MethodType
getVariantContextFromHaplotypeNodeList(nodeList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
Method to extract the VCF VariantContexts from a List of HaplotypeNodes
getVariantContextFromHaplotypePath(bestPath) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
Method to extract the VCF VariantContexts from the HaplotypePath. TODO remove if we get rid of HaplotypePath
getVariantContextMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
getVariantData(chrom, alleleHashMap, vi, dbConn) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
Method will return a Tuple of the hash of (chrom, start_position, refAlleleID, altAlleleID) and a VariantMappingData record The alleleHashMap should contain the initial alleles pre-populated. If the alleleId cannot be found from this hash map, the db will be queried. Generally 2/3 of all alleles will be found on the hashmap.
getVariantId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
getVCFStats(file) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Calculates summary statistics for the given gvcf file and returns them as a map
getVcList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
gffAllIDcount(gffSet, count) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Takes a set of Gff3Features, creates a mapping of GFF id (ID from the attributes column) to number of times it appears The "count" parameter tells by what amount to shorten the ID.
gffFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
Tab delimited .txt file containing gene-only GFF data from reference GFF file for all desired chromosomes,
gffFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
Set Gene File. Tab delimited .txt file containing gene-only GFF data from reference GFF file for all desired chromosomes,
gffFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
GFF file holding the genic and intergenic regions.
gffFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set GFF file. GFF file holding the genic and intergenic regions.
gffFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Reference GFF3 file used to create the CDS fasta for minimap2 alignment
gffFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Ref GFF3 File. Reference GFF3 file used to create the CDS fasta for minimap2 alignment
gffOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
If present, gff files will be written to this directory.
gffOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set GFF Output Directory. If present, gff files will be written to this directory.
gffSingleIDcount(idToMatch, gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Counts the number of times a single GFF ID appears. User may specify the full ID or just part of it. The code checks for GFF entries where the ID contains the user specified string.
GFFUtilsKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations
graph(configFile, methods, numRangesPerQuery, includeSequence, includeVariants, localGVCFFolder) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStream
This returns a streams sets of haplotype nodes paired with their reference range. The nodes included are defined by the haplotype method(s) / reference range group method(s) provided. The nodes can either include of exclude the sequences and variants (for memory efficiency). The database connection information is specified in the config file.
graphExportBasename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The base name for R-igraph export files. If a value is supplied, vertices, edges, and a layout will be exported.
graphExportBasename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Graph Export. The base name for R-igraph export files. If a value is supplied, vertices, edges, and a layout will be exported.
GraphIdMaps - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Class to hold the 4 pieces of information which are needed for readMapping. Using Jackson this class can be serialized into JSON
GraphIdMaps(hapIdToRefRangeMap, hapIdToLengthMap, refRangeToHapIdMap, haplotypeListId, hapIdToTaxaList) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
Class to hold the 4 pieces of information which are needed for readMapping. Using Jackson this class can be serialized into JSON
GraphIdMapsKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
GraphIO - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
GraphSpliterator - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
This Spliterator class is the bases to create the haplotype node stream for the {@link #graph(String, List>, Boolean, Boolean) graph}
GraphSpliterator(database, methods, numRangesPerQuery, includeSequence, includeVariants, localGVCFFolder) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
This Spliterator class is the bases to create the haplotype node stream for the {@link #graph(String, List>, Boolean, Boolean) graph}
GraphToGenotypeTable - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
graphToHapsInRefRangeVectors(graph, refRanges, includeSequence, includeVariants) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.GenerateRForPHG
Given a PHG HaplotypeGraph, create a set of vectors representing data for all Haplotypes/Nodes in the graph. This assumes the graph was created with sequence and variant info if the user has these 2 parameters as "true"
graphToRefRangeVectors(graph, refRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.GenerateRForPHG
Given a PHG HaplotypeGraph, create a set of vectors representing data for all ReferenceRanges in the graph. If the user passes a list of refRangeIds, then only return data for those reference ranges. If this list is null or empty, return data for all reference ranges in the graph.
GraphUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
groupMethods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Returns group methods that this range belongs.
groupName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
Name for this taxa group.
groupName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
Set Taxa Group Name. Name for this taxa group.
gtvalues - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
gvcf() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class contains a plugin that will take GVCF files together with bedfile defined intervals and create a metrics file showing data on the interval chrom/start/end/len, the length of this interval for each taxa based on GVCF information, how much of each interval is covered by each GVCF taxa.
GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
This class contains a plugin that will take GVCF files together with bedfile defined intervals and create a metrics file showing data on the interval chrom/start/end/len, the length of this interval for each taxa based on GVCF information, how much of each interval is covered by each GVCF taxa.
GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
This class contains a plugin that will take GVCF files together with bedfile defined intervals and create a metrics file showing data on the interval chrom/start/end/len, the length of this interval for each taxa based on GVCF information, how much of each interval is covered by each GVCF taxa.
GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
GVCFBedfileMetricPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
gvcfDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
gvcfDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
gVCFDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Directory holding all the gvcf files
gVCFDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Gvcf Dir. Directory holding all the gvcf files
gvcfDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Local directory holding all the gvcf files that were processed into haplotypes for the database.
gvcfDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Set Gvcf Directory. Local directory holding all the gvcf files that were processed into haplotypes for the database.
gVCFDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Directory holding all the gvcf files.
gVCFDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set Gvcf Dir. Directory holding all the gvcf files.
gvcfFileID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
gvcfFileId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
gvcfFileNameToHash(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
This method returns a map of a gvcf file name (NOT full path) to that file's stored hash value. This can be used to verify that files with this name already stored to a local gvcf folder have the same hash as the file referenced in the table.
GVCFGenotypeSequence - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
GVCFGenotypeSequence This class should be used instead of GVCFSequence when you want to have diploid calls being returned. Due to the fact that this class will return diploids, you cannot query a range of positions as we cannot separate the two gametes. If you need a range, you will have to loop through each position and retrieve them one at a time.. The Diploids are separated by the / character
gvcfIdsToGvcfFileMap(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
This method returns all the gvcf file entries from the genome_file_data table. These are the entries with type=2 (type=1 are assemblies)
gvcfIdToFilePath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
gVCFInputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Directory holding the GVCF files to be filtered.
gVCFInputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Gvcf Dir. Directory holding the GVCF files to be filtered.
gVCFKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Keyfile used to specify the inputs to the DB. Must have columns sample_name, files. Ordering of the columns does not matter. sample_name is the name of the taxon you are uploading. files is a comma-separated list of file names(without path) providing the names of the GVCF files to be uploaded.
gVCFKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set GVCF Key File. Keyfile used to specify the inputs to the DB. Must have columns sample_name, files. Ordering of the columns does not matter. sample_name is the name of the taxon you are uploading. files is a comma-separated list of file names(without path) providing the names of the GVCF files to be uploaded.
gVCFOutput() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Output GVCF file
gVCFOutput(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Gvcf Output. Output GVCF file
gVCFOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Directory for gvcf files to be output for later use
gVCFOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set GVCF Output Dir. Directory for gvcf files to be output for later use
gVCFOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Directory for gvcf files to be output for later use
gVCFOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set GVCF Output Dir. Directory for gvcf files to be output for later use
GVCFSequence - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
GVCFSequence() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
gvcfServerPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
semi-colon separated server and path, e.g.;/path/to/gvcfs. If no semi-colon and only the path is present, the gvcf files will be copied to that path on the the current server. .
gvcfServerPath(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Gvcf Server Path. semi-colon separated server and path, e.g.;/path/to/gvcfs. If no semi-colon and only the path is present, the gvcf files will be copied to that path on the the current server. .
gvcfServerPath - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
GVCFStats - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome
GVCFTyperPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
GVCFTyperPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
GVCFTyperPlugin.EMIT_MODE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
GVCFUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Created by zrm22 on 9/6/17.
GZipCompression - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Examples from and : Class used to compress strings for memory efficient storage to db.


hammingDistance(kmer1, kmer2) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to compute paired bit hamming distances for encoded kmers.
HapCallingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Created by zrm22 on 8/29/17.
HapCountBestPathPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
HapCountBestPathPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
hapCountFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Name of the haplotype count file.
hapCountFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Set Output Haplotype Count File. Name of the haplotype count file.
hapCountMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Method name used to create haplotype counts, as stored in db table methods
hapCountMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Set Hap Count Method. Method name used to create haplotype counts, as stored in db table methods
hapCountMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Name of method used to creates inclusion/exclusion counts in FastqToHapCountPLugin
hapCountMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Hap Count Method. Name of method used to creates inclusion/exclusion counts in FastqToHapCountPLugin
hapDivergence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Percent each haplotype sequence should diverge from reference
hapDivergence(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Haplotype Divergence. Percent each haplotype sequence should diverge from reference
hapidCountMap(countmap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
hapIdMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
hapIdMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Hap Id Map File. Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
hapIdMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
hapIdMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Hap Id Map File. Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
hapIdMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
hapIdMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Hap Id Map File. Location of the HapIdMapFile where the graph Information can be found.
HapIdMultiset - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Guava like Multiset which will store a sorted set of hapids as the key and how many reads hit that exact subset of ids.
HapIdMultiset() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
Guava like Multiset which will store a sorted set of hapids as the key and how many reads hit that exact subset of ids.
hapids() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
List of haplotype ids to include in the graph. If not specified, all ids are included.
hapids(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Haplotype Ids. List of haplotype ids to include in the graph. If not specified, all ids are included.
hapids() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
List of haplotype ids to include in the graph. If not specified, all ids are included.
hapids(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Haplotype Ids. List of haplotype ids to include in the graph. If not specified, all ids are included.
hapIds - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
HapIdSetCount - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
HapIdSetCount(hapIdSet, count) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
hapidSetFromReadMappings(readMappings) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
HapIdStats - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
HapIdStats(hapId, count, NM, AS, de, startPositions) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
hapidTableAsDF(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
hapidTableAsMatrix(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
haplotypeCountsId() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
DB assigned haplotype_counts_id from the haplotype_counts table. This is assigned programatically and only present when plugin is called from an internal method.
haplotypeCountsId(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Hap Counts Id. DB assigned haplotype_counts_id from the haplotype_counts table. This is assigned programatically and only present when plugin is called from an internal method.
haplotypeCountsToPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
haplotypeCountsToPathProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
HaplotypeEdge - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeEdge(leftHapNode, rightHapNode, edgeProbability) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge
HaplotypeEmissionProbability - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeEmissionProbability(nodeTree, readMap, pCorrect) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
HaplotypeEmissionProbabilityKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Class to analyse haplotype coverage of genes. Currently it takes a directory of files, one per genotype, that contain the list of ref range ids that appear in the haplotypes table for that genotype. This was created via the sql query: (first get list of gamete_grp_ids for each genotype), then for each gamete_grp_id do:
HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Class to analyse haplotype coverage of genes. Currently it takes a directory of files, one per genotype, that contain the list of ref range ids that appear in the haplotypes table for that genotype. This was created via the sql query: (first get list of gamete_grp_ids for each genotype), then for each gamete_grp_id do:
HaplotypeGeneMetricsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
HaplotypeGraph - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
This Class is a wrapper around a complete Practical Haplotype Graph (PHG). Including HaplotypeNodes, HaplotypeEdges, HaplotypePaths, HaplotypeSequences, ReferenceRanges, etc.
HaplotypeGraph(edges) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Constructor for HaplotypeGraph. See class HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
HaplotypeGraph(nodes) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
HaplotypeGraph(nodes, edgeFunction) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Constructor for HaplotypeGraph. See class HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
HaplotypeGraphStream - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
This plugin creates a stream of the specified haplotype graph.
HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
This plugin creates a stream of the specified haplotype graph.
HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
This plugin creates a stream of the specified haplotype graph.
HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin.Companion - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
haplotypeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Name of method to be stored in db
haplotypeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Set methodName
haplotypeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
the haplotype method used to simulate reads
haplotypeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Haplotype Method. the haplotype method used to simulate reads
HaplotypeNode - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeNode(haplotypeSequence, taxaList, id, asmContig, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand, genomeFileID, gvcfFileID, gvcfIdToFilePath) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
HaplotypeNode(haplotypeSequence, taxaList, id, asmContig, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand, genomeFileID, gvcfFileID) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
HaplotypeNode(haplotypeSequence, taxaList, id) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
HaplotypeNode(haplotypeSequence, taxaList) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
These will be instantiated only when requested.
HaplotypePath - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Created on June 20, 2017
HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
Code to provide metrics on PHG haplotypes based on user supplied method. Input: 1. config file indicating db that contains the data 2. name of method to be used when pulling the graph 3. name of output file to be written containing consensus metrics Output: tab-delimited file with columns: refRangeID chrom hapid numberOfTaxa taxalist There may be multiple hapids per refRangeID when a consensus method is specified.
HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
HaplotypesDataVectors - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
Class that holds data for haplotypes in a graph in vector form
HaplotypesDataVectors(hapids, refRangeIds, methodIds, taxa, sequence, variantInfo) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
haplotypeSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
HaplotypeSequence object containing the nucleotide sequence and other sequence related information for a given HaplotypeNode object.
HaplotypeSequence - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
HaplotypeSequences(hapId, sequence) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
Data class for storing haplotype ID / sequence strings
hapNumber() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
hashCode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
hostname() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Hostname where database resides
hostname(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Set Hostname. Hostname where database resides
hostname() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Hostname where database resides
hostname(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Hostname. Hostname where database resides


id() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AlleleInfo
id() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
id() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Identifier for a unique reference range
id() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
ignoreWarnings() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Ignore Warnings when checking number of reads per unmerged file. If this is enabled, this will write to the DB even though there may be errors.
ignoreWarnings(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Ignore Warnings. Ignore Warnings when checking number of reads per unmerged file. If this is enabled, this will write to the DB even though there may be errors.
ImportDiploidPathPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ImportDiploidPathPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
ImportDiploidPathPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
importKmerToHapIdMapFromBinaryFile(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
importKmerToHapIdMapFromTextFile(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Import the KmerToHapIdMap from a text file. This will read from a file with the format: kmerAsLong\tHapId1\tHapId2\tHapId3.....
importKmerToIntMap(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
importReadMapping(inputFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the Readmapping file into a Map
ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This plugin will open up a connection to a DB which multiple sub DBs will need to be merged to.
ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
This plugin will open up a connection to a DB which multiple sub DBs will need to be merged to.
ImportReadMappingToDBPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ImputePipelinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
ImputePipelinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
ImputePipelinePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
ImputePipelinePlugin.IMPUTE_TASK - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
ImputePipelinePlugin.INPUT_TYPE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
ImputePipelinePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
imputeTarget() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Specifies the target or desired endpoint when running the plugin. For any given endpoint, the plugin will check that all required previous step have been completed and run those as needed.
imputeTarget(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Impute Target. Specifies the target or desired endpoint when running the plugin. For any given endpoint, the plugin will check that all required previous step have been completed and run those as needed.
inbreedingCoef() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The coefficient of inbreeding, f, for the taxa being imputed.
inbreedingCoef(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Inbreed Coef. The coefficient of inbreeding, f, for the taxa being imputed.
includeSequences() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeSequences(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Include Sequences. Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeSequences() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeSequences(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Include Sequences. Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeSequences() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeSequences(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set Include Sequences. Whether to include sequences in haplotype nodes.
includeVariantContexts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Whether to include variant contexts in haplotype nodes.
includeVariantContexts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Include Variant Contexts. Whether to include variant contexts in haplotype nodes.
includeVariantContexts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Whether to include variant contexts in haplotype nodes.
includeVariantContexts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set Include Variant Contexts. Whether to include variant contexts in haplotype nodes.
inclusionCountMap(inclusionCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
inclusionFilename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
inclusionFilename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Inclusion File. The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
inclusionFilenameDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
inclusionFilenameDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Inclusion File Dir. The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
inclusionFilenameDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
inclusionFilenameDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
Set Inclusion File Dir. The name of the file containing read inclusion and exclusion counts for hapids.
IndelDistributions(numIndels, meanIndel, indelLowerQuartile, indelMedian, indelUpperQuartile, indelLargest, numIns, meanIns, insLowerQuartile, insMedian, insUpperQuartile, insLargest, numDel, meanDel, delLowerQuartile, delMedian, delUpperQuartile, delLargest) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
Data class containing summary information about indel distribution (number of insertions/deletions, average sizes, etc.) toString() is overridden in order to make printing to tab-delimited summary file easier
indelFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Optional file to write all indel lengths to If not provided, indel lengths will not be written Each line begins with the gvcf and chromosome name (separated by underscore) And then the indel sizes, separated by tabs
indelFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Set indel file Optional file to write all indel lengths to If not provided, indel lengths will not be written Each line begins with the gvcf and chromosome name (separated by underscore) And then the indel sizes, separated by tabs
indexFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Name of the indexFile file to process
indexFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Minimap2 index file for pangenome. Name of the indexFile file to process
indexFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Name of the indexFile file to process
indexFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Minimap2 index file for pangenome. Name of the indexFile file to process
indexFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Name of the indexFile file to for writing to scriptTemplate. If not specified, will be written to the script and will need to be updated.
indexFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Minimap2 index file for pangenome. Name of the indexFile file to for writing to scriptTemplate. If not specified, will be written to the script and will need to be updated.
indexFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Name of the SNP to HapIdList index file created by IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
indexFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Index File. Name of the SNP to HapIdList index file created by IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Class to index the PHG by the SNP values contained within. The output is a file in the form: refRangeId chr position refAllele altAllele refHapIds altHapIds 1 1 24 A T 102,104 103 1 1 95 C T 103,104 102 1 1 101 G T 103,104 102
IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Class to index the PHG by the SNP values contained within. The output is a file in the form: refRangeId chr position refAllele altAllele refHapIds altHapIds 1 1 24 A T 102,104 103 1 1 95 C T 103,104 102 1 1 101 G T 103,104 102
IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Class to index the PHG by the SNP values contained within. The output is a file in the form: refRangeId chr position refAllele altAllele refHapIds altHapIds 1 1 24 A T 102,104 103 1 1 95 C T 103,104 102 1 1 101 G T 103,104 102
IndexHaplotypesBySNPPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
IndexKmerByHammingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
IndexKmerByHammingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
create fullGenomeKmerToRefIdMap mutable map:call createKmerToRefRangeMap() with the mutable map from above.
indexKmerLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Minimap2 index parameter k, the kmer length of the minimizers, which is used to index the pangenome.
indexKmerLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Index Kmer Length. Minimap2 index parameter k, the kmer length of the minimizers, which is used to index the pangenome.
indexKmersPrefix() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Prefix to keep kmers that start with that prefix. This is to reduce the number of Kmers by 1/4
indexKmersPrefix(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Kmer Prefix. Prefix to keep kmers that start with that prefix. This is to reduce the number of Kmers by 1/4
indexNumberBases() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Minimap2 index parameter I, the maximum number of bases loaded into memory, which is used to index the pangenome. This must be large enough to hold the entire pangenome in memory.
indexNumberBases(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Index Number Bases. Minimap2 index parameter I, the maximum number of bases loaded into memory, which is used to index the pangenome. This must be large enough to hold the entire pangenome in memory.
indexOfNonGapCharacters(seq, start, end) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
indexWindowSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Minimap2 index parameter w, the minimizer window size, which is used to index the pangenome.
indexWindowSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Index Window Size. Minimap2 index parameter w, the minimizer window size, which is used to index the pangenome.
inDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Input directory path
inExt() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
File extension of FASTQCOL files
initialize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
input() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
Input VCF file
input(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
Set Input. Input VCF file
inputASMFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Input Assembly file
inputASMFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Set Input file. Input Assembly file
InputChannelData(refFasta, asmFasta, asmDBName, chrom, asmServer, asmFullGenomeFasta) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
InputChannelData(refFasta, asmFasta, asmDBName, outputDir, gffFile, refSamOutFile) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
inputConsensusHaplotypeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Methods needed to populate a PHG object in order to create consensus on. If left blank a method will be auto-generated based on asmMethodName and wgsMethodName. If either are not set only one will be used.
inputConsensusHaplotypeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Input Consensus Methods. Methods needed to populate a PHG object in order to create consensus on. If left blank a method will be auto-generated based on asmMethodName and wgsMethodName. If either are not set only one will be used.
inputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Directory with files of haplotypes reference ranges
inputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Set Input Dir. Directory with files of haplotypes reference ranges
inputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Directory holding the input files. This can either be DB config files or can be flat read mapping files
inputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Input Mapping Dir. Directory holding the input files. This can either be DB config files or can be flat read mapping files
inputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Path for directory holding the files to be changed
inputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Set Input Directory. Path for directory holding the files to be changed
inputDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
inputDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
inputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
GVCF File to be filtered.
inputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
Set Input G V C F File. GVCF File to be filtered.
inputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Input of the first Fastq file to be run through. If the keyfile has a pair it will pick it up correctly. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Input Fastq File. Input of the first Fastq file to be run through. If the keyfile has a pair it will pick it up correctly. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Input Multisample SAM file to be run through. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Input S A M File. Input Multisample SAM file to be run through. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Input SAM file to be run through. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Input S A M File. Input SAM file to be run through. If this is not set it will run everything in the inputDir
inputFileDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
Input file directory
inputFileDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
Set Input File Directory. Input file directory
inputGVCFDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Input gvcf directory.
inputGVCFDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Input GVCF Directory. Input gvcf directory.
inputIntervalFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Input interval file to run GVCFTyper with.
inputIntervalFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Input Interval File. Input interval file to run GVCFTyper with.
inputKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Name of the inputKeyFile file to process.
inputKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Set Input Key File. Name of the inputKeyFile file to process.
inputKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Name of the inputKeyFile file to process.
inputKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Input Key File. Name of the inputKeyFile file to process.
inputPAFFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Input PAF file
inputPAFFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Set Input PAF file. Input PAF file
inputType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The type of data to be used for imputation
inputType(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Input Type. The type of data to be used for imputation
insertLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
for paired end reads the number of base pairs between reads
insertLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Insert Length. for paired end reads the number of base pairs between reads
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GZipCompression
Examples from and : Class used to compress strings for memory efficient storage to db.
instance(refFileName, gvcfFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Returns an initialized GVCFSequence given the input Reference and GVCF Files.
instance(referenceSequence, gvcfFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Returns an initialized GVCFSequence given the input Reference and GVCF Files. This should be used if you are running multiple GVCFs through using the same Reference File. Currently will speed up processing each GVCF by about a minute.
instance(referenceSequence, gvcfFileName, missingAsRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Instance method to allow for reference filling in missing for a file
instance(referenceSequence, variantContexts, missingAsRef, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Instance method to build the GenomeSequence in memory using a List of VariantContexts
instance(refFileName, gvcfFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Returns an initialized GVCFSequence given the input Reference and GVCF Files.
instance(referenceSequence, gvcfFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Returns an initialized GVCFSequence given the input Reference and GVCF Files. This should be used if you are running multiple GVCFs through using the same Reference File. Currently will speed up processing each GVCF by about a minute.
instance(referenceSequence, gvcfFileName, missingAsRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Instance method to add in missing as Ref from a file
instance(referenceSequence, variantContexts, missingAsRef, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Instance method to create a GenomeSequenc from a List of VariantContexts
instance(referenceSequence, variantContexts, missingAsRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
INSTANCE - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
intArrayToLong(intPair) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
INTER_REGION_REFERENCE_RANGE_GROUP - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
interGeneLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Number of base pairs to include for each intergenic region
interGeneLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Length Of Inter Genes. Number of base pairs to include for each intergenic region
intergenicStepSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The number of bps that the intergenic split algorithm will use to step between cut sites
intergenicStepSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Intergenic Step Size. The number of bps that the intergenic split algorithm will use to step between cut sites
interHapDivergence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Percent each haplotype sequence should diverge from reference
interHapDivergence(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Inter-Haplotype Divergence. Percent each haplotype sequence should diverge from reference
intervalCoordinates() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
intervalFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
Intervals file
intervalFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
Set Intervals. Intervals file
intervalFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Interval File used to create the VCF file
intervalFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Interval File. Interval File used to create the VCF file
intervalsFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Tab-delimited file containing chrom, interval start position, interval end position, type
intervalsFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set Intervals File. Tab-delimited file containing chrom, intervals start position, intervals end position, type end
intervalsFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Anchor Intervals file to be used when intervals are different than DB, e.g. when using just a small region
intervalsFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Anchor Intervals File. Anchor Intervals file to be used when intervals are different than DB, e.g. when using just a small region
intervalString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
is_reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
isAltSeqSameAsRefExcludingNs(referenceSeq, alternativeSeq) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
isCompressed(compressed) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GZipCompression
isFileGroupNew(taxon, fileGroupName, methodName) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGData
Method to check to see if a given taxon and fileGroup are already in the readMapping table of the DB.
isFileGroupNew(taxon, fileGroupName, methodName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
isGca() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
GCA fastas have long text as idLines. These fasta will have their id lines specially parsed to extract the chromosome number.
isGca(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Set Is GCA. GCA fastas have long text as idLines. These fasta will have their id lines specially parsed to extract the chromosome number.
isIndel() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
isIndel() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
isKeyEntryInDir(fileNames, currentKeyRecord, fileCol1, fileCol2) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Method to check to see if there are missing files found in the key file but are missing in the Directory. If they are its ok, we expect the keyfile to have more entries than the directory.
isPairedEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Flag to set if you are using Paired End reads.
isPairedEnd(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Set Is Paired End. Flag to set if you are using Paired End reads.
isPartOf(groupMethod) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Returns whether this reference range is part of specifed group.
isPhasedAcrossChromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
isPhasedAcrossGenes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
isPositionInMap(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Simple method to check to see if the position is currently in the map.
isPositionInMap(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Simple method to check to see if the position is currently in the map.
isPositionRefBlock(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Simple method to determine if the position in the rangeMap is a Reference Block
isRefBlock(gvcfRecord) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ConvertVariantContextToVariantInfo
Helper function to check to see if a gvcf Record represents a reference block or just a single variant.
isRefBlock(vc) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFUtils
Simple method to check to see if the Variant is a reference block
isRefBlock(vc) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Simple method to determine if the current variant context is a reference block or not.
isReference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
isReferenceRecord(currentVC) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFUtils
Takes a VariantContext record and determines if the data is for a reference range block ro a variant.
isRefRange(currentVariant) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Simple method to tell if a variantContext is in a reference block in the VCF file. This RefRange is not to be confused with the ReferenceRange object in the PHG api.
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isTestMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Is Test Method. Indication if the data is to be loaded against a test method. Data loaded with test methods are not cached with the PHG ktor server
isVariant() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
isVariant() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo


jarFiles() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Jar files to pull plugin parameters from.
jarFiles(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Set Jars. Jar files to pull plugin parameters from.


keepHapIDs(graph, hapids) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Filters the given graph to keep only the specified haplotype ids.
keepHapIdsForSingleRefRange(bestHitMap, hapIdToRangeMap, maxRefRangeError) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Simple function to remobve hapIds if they cross multiple reference ranges.
keepHapIdsForSingleRefRange(bestHitMap, hapIdToRangeMap, maxRefRangeError) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to keep hapids if they are hitting multiple reference ranges too frequently. If there is a little bit of noise it can be filtered.
keepRefRangeIDs(graph, rangeIDs) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
keepRefRanges(graph, ranges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Creates graph that includes specified reference ranges.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: TaxonName GFF File Path TaxonName values must match taxon names stored in the genotypes table. GFF file path should be full path and file name of GFF file for the specified taxon
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Key File. KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: TaxonName GFF File Path TaxonName values must match taxon names stored in the genotypes table. GFF file path should be full path and file name of GFF file for the specified taxon
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
KeyFile containing taxa that will be deleted. Either keyFile or taxa must be specified, but not both.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Set Key File. KeyFile containing taxa that will be deleted. Either keyFile or taxa must be specified, but not both.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID.Taxa names are created from the cultivar column
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID.Taxa names are created from the cultivar column
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds LikelyParents ReadMappingIds and LikelyParents need to be comma separated for multiple values
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set KeyFile. KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds LikelyParents ReadMappingIds and LikelyParents need to be comma separated for multiple values
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds LikelyParents ReadMappingIds and LikelyParents need to be comma separated for multiple values
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set KeyFile. KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds LikelyParents ReadMappingIds and LikelyParents need to be comma separated for multiple values
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds Additional headers will be ignored. ReadMappingIds need to be comma separated for multiple values. If a keyFile is not supplied then all of the read mappings for the supplied method will be run.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Key File. KeyFile file name. Must be a tab separated file using the following headers: SampleName ReadMappingIds Additional headers will be ignored. ReadMappingIds need to be comma separated for multiple values. If a keyFile is not supplied then all of the read mappings for the supplied method will be run.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will be setup to run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will be setup to run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. Optionally for paired end reads, filename2 is needed. If filename2 is not supplied, Minimap2 will run in single end mode. Otherwise will be paired.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. In the filename column a GVCF file needs to be specified
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns cultivar, flowcell_lane, filename, and PlateID. In the filename column a GVCF file needs to be specified
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns AssemblyServerDir, AssemblyGenomeFasta, RefDir, RefFasta, AssemblyDir, AssemblyFasta, AssemblyDBName, and Chromosome. The AssemblyFasta column should contain the name of the assembly chromosome fasta file for aligning. The AssemblyGenomeFasta column should contain the name of the full genome fasta from which the chromosome only fasta came.
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns AssemblyServerDir, AssemblyGenomeFasta, RefDir, RefFasta, AssemblyDir, AssemblyFasta, AssemblyDBName, and Chromosome. The AssemblyFasta column should contain the name of the assembly chromosome fasta file for aligning. The AssemblyGenomeFasta column should contain the name of the full genome fasta from which the chromosome only fasta came.
keyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns AssemblyServerDir, AssemblyGenomeFasta, RefDir, RefFasta, AssemblyDir, AssemblyFasta, and AssemblyDBName. The AssemblyFasta column should contain the name of the assembly fasta file for aligning. The AssemblyGenomeFasta column should contain the name of the full genome fasta from which the assembly fasta came (it may be the same name as the AssemblyGenomeFasta).
keyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set keyFile. Name of the Keyfile to process. Must have columns AssemblyServerDir, AssemblyGenomeFasta, RefDir, RefFasta, AssemblyDir, AssemblyFasta, and AssemblyDBName. The AssemblyFasta column should contain the name of the assembly fasta file for aligning. The AssemblyGenomeFasta column should contain the name of the full genome fasta from which the assembly fasta came (it may be the same name as the AssemblyGenomeFasta).
keyFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
keyFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
KeyFileUniqueRecord - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
KeyFileUniqueRecord(methodName, taxonName, fileGroupName) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
KmerBasedConsensusUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
kmerDistanceMatrix(referenceRange, nodes, kmerSize, calculationType) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
This returns the distance matrix for the taxa in the given reference range using the method of distance calculation
kmerDistanceMatrix(sequenceMap, kmerSize, calculationType) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.KmerBasedConsensusUtils
This returns a distance matrix for a map of Taxon -> sequence, where sequence is string of nucleotides
kmerDistFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Kmer to Distance files.
kmerDistFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Kmer Dist Export. Kmer to Distance files.
kmerDNASequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
kmerLongSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
KmerMap - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
KmerMap provides high efficiency in both speed and memory efficiency for storing and counting kmers. It is backed with a primitive hashmap. All kmers are encoded into Longs, so only kmers upto to 32bp in length can be stored.
KmerMap(sequence, kmerSize, stepSize, kmerPrefix, refRangeId, mapType) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
KmerMap provides high efficiency in both speed and memory efficiency for storing and counting kmers. It is backed with a primitive hashmap. All kmers are encoded into Longs, so only kmers upto to 32bp in length can be stored.
kmerMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
Text file to store haplotype scoring
kmerMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
Set Kmer Map File. Text file to store haplotype scoring
kmerMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Binary file of kmer and haplotype ids
kmerMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Kmer Map File. Binary file of kmer and haplotype ids
KmerMapType - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
kmersAsDNA() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
kmersAsLongArray() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
kmersAsLongList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
kmersAsLongSet() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
kmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
kmer size for indexing genome
kmerSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
Set Kmer Size. kmer size for indexing genome
kmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
kmer size for indexing genome. Maximum size is 32. Use the default of 32 unless you know what you are doing.
kmerSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Kmer Size. kmer size for indexing genome. Maximum size is 32. Use the default of 32 unless you know what you are doing.
kmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Kmer size
kmerSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Kmer Size. Kmer size
kmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Kmer size
kmerSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Set Kmer Size. Kmer size
kmerSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Kmer size
kmerSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Kmer Size. Kmer size
kmerStepSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Kmer Step Size. kmer step size for the sliding window when indexing genome. Minimum size is 1. A higher step size will give you less kmers.
kmerStepSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
kmer step size for the sliding window when indexing genome. Minimum size is 1. A higher step size will give you less kmers.
KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Simple data class to hold the three arrays.
KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray(kmerArray, refRangeIdArray, purgeArray) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
Simple data class to hold the three arrays.
KmerUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling


lastReferenceRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns the last reference range in this graph.
lastReferenceRange(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns the last reference range for the given chromosome.
launchProcessor($receiver, id, channel) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
Call converter function on each file
leftEdges(node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns List of Left HaplotypeEdges for given HaplotypeNode
leftHapNode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge
HaplotypeNode to the left of the current edge.
leftTrimCount() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
length() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AlleleInfo
length() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
length() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
likelihood() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypePath
Likelihood of haplotype path calculated from all included haplotype nodes
likelyParentFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
The name and path of the file of likely parents and their read counts.
likelyParentFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Parent Output File. The name and path of the file of likely parents and their read counts.
likelyParentFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The name and path of the file of likely parents and their read counts. If no file name is provided the likely parents will not be written to a file.
likelyParentFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Parent Output File. The name and path of the file of likely parents and their read counts. If no file name is provided the likely parents will not be written to a file.
LikelyParentsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This plugin finds the most likely parents for each of a series of read mapppings specified by either a read method or a key file. The parents are selected in a stepwise manner by finding the parent with the most mapped reads not mapped to previously selected parents. Additional parents are selected until maxParents have been selected, all available parents are selected, or minCoverage is reached. minCoverage is calculated as the number of reads mapping to any of the likely parents divided by the total number of reads.
LikelyParentsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
This plugin finds the most likely parents for each of a series of read mapppings specified by either a read method or a key file. The parents are selected in a stepwise manner by finding the parent with the most mapped reads not mapped to previously selected parents. Additional parents are selected until maxParents have been selected, all available parents are selected, or minCoverage is reached. minCoverage is calculated as the number of reads mapping to any of the likely parents divided by the total number of reads.
LikelyParentsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
This plugin finds the most likely parents for each of a series of read mapppings specified by either a read method or a key file. The parents are selected in a stepwise manner by finding the parent with the most mapped reads not mapped to previously selected parents. Additional parents are selected until maxParents have been selected, all available parents are selected, or minCoverage is reached. minCoverage is calculated as the number of reads mapping to any of the likely parents divided by the total number of reads.
line_data() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
line_name() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
lineName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Name name to be stored in the genotypes table, e.g. B73_Assembly
lineName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Set Line Name. Name name to be stored in the genotypes table, e.g. B73_Assembly
lineName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
the name of the line for which reads will be simulated. If not specified, all lines will be simulated for the haplotype method.
lineName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Line Name. the name of the line for which reads will be simulated. If not specified, all lines will be simulated for the haplotype method.
lineToFasta(line, sampleName, counter) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
Given a string in FASTQCOL format and associated metadata, return a string in fasta format FASTQCOL is really a csv file with four columns:
lineToFastq(line, sampleName, counter) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaConverter
Given a string in FASTQCOL format and associated metadata, return a string in fastq format Parameters: line: the input string, in FASTQCOL format sampleName: the name of the original file, minus extensions counter: the row number of this line in the original file
LiquibaseCommandPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
This class is written specifically to test the PipelineUtils:runLiquibaseCommand() function Is this the best way to do this? This is called from a docker from within kotlin/test/pipeline/PipelineUtilsTest
LiquibaseCommandPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
This class is written specifically to test the PipelineUtils:runLiquibaseCommand() function Is this the best way to do this? This is called from a docker from within kotlin/test/pipeline/PipelineUtilsTest
LiquibaseCommandPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
This class is written specifically to test the PipelineUtils:runLiquibaseCommand() function Is this the best way to do this? This is called from a docker from within kotlin/test/pipeline/PipelineUtilsTest
LiquibaseCommandPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
liquibaseOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The directory to which liquibase output files will be written.
liquibaseOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Liquibase Outdir. The directory to which liquibase output files will be written.
liquibaseOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
The directory to which liquibase output files will be written.
liquibaseOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Liquibase Outdir. The directory to which liquibase output files will be written.
LiquibaseUpdatePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase
This script is the second of a pair. When called from the, it follows a call to CheckDBVersionPlugin. The latter verifies the db is a candidate for liquibase updates (ie, it contains tables/columns indicating the version is appropriate for the current liquibase changesets).
LiquibaseUpdatePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
This script is the second of a pair. When called from the, it follows a call to CheckDBVersionPlugin. The latter verifies the db is a candidate for liquibase updates (ie, it contains tables/columns indicating the version is appropriate for the current liquibase changesets).
LiquibaseUpdatePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase
listTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
Writes the names of the taxa in the HaplotypeGraph, myGraph, to System.out
lnTransitionProbability(from, to) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class takes as input a BED formatted intervals file. Expected BED header columns are "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", and "name" (as per the bed file format requirements. Any other columns in the bed file are ignored.
LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
This class takes as input a BED formatted intervals file. Expected BED header columns are "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", and "name" (as per the bed file format requirements. Any other columns in the bed file are ignored.
LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
This class takes as input a BED formatted intervals file. Expected BED header columns are "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", and "name" (as per the bed file format requirements. Any other columns in the bed file are ignored.
LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
loadASMHaplotypes(gvcfKeyFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
function to load assembly haplotypes from GVCF files via LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.
loadAssemblyDataToDB(gamete_grp_id, method, dbConn, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Load the assembly haplotype data to the database
loadConda() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Load dependencies from conda
loadConda(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Load From Conda. Load dependencies from conda
loadDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Boolean: true means load haplotypes to db, false means do not populate the database. Defaults to true
loadDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Load to DataBase. Boolean: true means load haplotypes to db, false means do not populate the database. Defaults to true
loadDBDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
loadDBDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
loadFromDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Load from multiple DBs if this is set to true. If false, we will treat the files in the directory to be raw flat files
loadFromDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Load From D B. Load from multiple DBs if this is set to true. If false, we will treat the files in the directory to be raw flat files
loadGFFsToGff3Feature(keyFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Function takes a key file with columns taxon, gffFile. For each taxon, read the gff file using htsjdk gff feature reader. Return a map of taxon to associated Gff3Feature entries
LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Plugin to load up a list of GVCF files given an input keyfile.
LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Plugin to load up a list of GVCF files given an input keyfile.
LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
loadInitialAssemblyData(assemblyName, method, clusterSize, dbConn, pluginParams, fastaInfo, isTestMethod) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
load initial genotype and method data to the database
loadInMAFFile(mafFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
Function to load in the MAF file. This MAF file will need to only have 2 samples. The first is assumed to be the Reference and the second is the Assembly. Any extra will be ignored. This will also skip over any e or i lines.
loadInReadMappingKeyFile(keyFileName, inputFileFormat, inputFileDir, methodName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
loadInWiggleFiles(coverageDir) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to load in the Wiggle Files in a directory. This works with both Coverage and Identity files.
loadReadMappingsToDB(hapIdMapping, taxon, fileGroupName, pluginParams, methodDescription, phg, methodName, keyFileRecordsToMappingId, keyFileRecord, outputDebugReadMappingDir, isTestMethod, hapListId, hapIdToRefRangeMap, refRangeToHapIdMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to load the Read Mappings to the DB. This will encode the ReadMappings and the load them in given the provided information.
loadSAMFileIntoSAMReader(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to load the SAM file into a SAM reader Could remove this, but we should leave it in as you may need to read from a file in the future.
localConsensusDirectoryOut - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CreateHaplotypesFromFasta
localDirectory - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CompareAssembliesToReference
localDirectory - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CreateHaplotypesFromFasta
localDirectory - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
localDirectoryOut - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
localGvcfDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
localGvcfDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
localGVCFFolder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Local folder to which gvcf file will be downloaded.
localGVCFFolder(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set local gvcf folder path
localGVCFFolder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Local folder to which gvcf file will be downloaded.
localGVCFFolder(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set local gvcf folder path
localGVCFFolder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Folder where gvcfs will be downloaded and stored
localGVCFFolder(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Local GVCF Folder. Folder where gvcfs will be downloaded and stored
localGVCFFolder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Folder where ref and assembly gvcfs are stored. If non-null, the ref and assembly gvcfs will be copied to the indicated local download folder for use when creating consensus haplotypes.
localGVCFFolder(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Local GVCF Folder. Folder where ref and assembly gvcfs are stored. If non-null, the ref and assembly gvcfs will be copied to the indicated local download folder for use when creating consensus haplotypes.
logFactorial(intval) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
Calculates the log factorial of any positive integer using the exact value for 0 to 10 and Stirlings approximation for integers greater than 10. The formula is taken from the Wikipedia article for Stirlings approximation
loggingFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CompareAssembliesToReference
loggingFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CreateHaplotypesFromFasta
loggingFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
longestIncreasingSubsequenceLAGAN(pairedSimilarFragments) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SyntenicAnchors
longListToByteArray(ListOfLongs) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantsProcessingUtils
longToIntArray(myLong) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
lowerPoissonBound() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Lower Poisson Bound used for filtering.
lowerPoissonBound(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Lower Poisson Bound. Lower Poisson Bound used for filtering.
lowMemMode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Run in low memory mode.
lowMemMode(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Low Mem Mode. Run in low memory mode.
lowMemMode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Run in low memory mode.
lowMemMode(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Low Mem Mode. Run in low memory mode.


mAFFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Input MAF file
mAFFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Maf File. Input MAF file
MAFRecord(score, refRecord, altRecord) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
MAFToGVCFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This plugin will take in a MAF file and will output a GVCF file for use in the PHG. It will keep track of SNP, indel and Ref positions and will also keep track of the ASM chrom, start, end and strand positions.
MAFToGVCFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
This plugin will take in a MAF file and will output a GVCF file for use in the PHG. It will keep track of SNP, indel and Ref positions and will also keep track of the ASM chrom, start, end and strand positions.
MAFToGVCFPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
This plugin will take in a MAF file and will output a GVCF file for use in the PHG. It will keep track of SNP, indel and Ref positions and will also keep track of the ASM chrom, start, end and strand positions.
MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MAFToGVCFPlugin.OUTPUT_TYPE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MAFToGVCFPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MafUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MafUtilsKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.CompareFastaToReference
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.CompareHaplotypesToAssembly
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateAnchorFilesFromGeneGFF
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateBiggerIntervals
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateCSV_TrimmedAnchorLoading
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFile
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.FindTrimmedAnchorCoordinates
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.FindTrimmedAssemblyCoordinates
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ShellScript_createLoadHaplotypes
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.CreateDBLoadScripts
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.CreateFastaDBFiles
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.ExtractFastaFromGVCFCBSU
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.GenerateHaplotypeCallerScripts
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.GetFastaSequenceLengths
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.GVCFStats
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CompareAssembliesToReference
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CreateHaplotypesFromFasta
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.PurgeSequencesFromAlignments
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunGVCFTyper
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.ComputeNDistribution
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.RemoveLongRunNs
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.SplitMafftRun
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.GenerateRForPHG
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtilsKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPluginKt
main() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPluginKt
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
main(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.Utils.CreateHashForFiles
mainProcessDataJustGenes(geneFile, outputBase, chr) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateAnchorFilesFromGeneGFF
mainProcessMergeOverlapsAddGapDifference(geneFile, outputBase, chr, numFlanking) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateAnchorFilesFromGeneGFF
makeBAMDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Make the BAM Directory by adding a mkdir command to the script.
makeBAMDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Make BAM Directory. Make the BAM Directory by adding a mkdir command to the script.
MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
MakeDefaultDirectoryPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
makeDiploid() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Whether to report haploid paths as homozygousdiploid
makeDiploid(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Set Make Diploid. Whether to report haploid paths as homozygousdiploid
makeDiploid() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Whether to report haploid paths as homozygousdiploid
makeDiploid(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Set Make Diploid. Whether to report haploid paths as homozygousdiploid
makeGffFromPath(path, centerGffs, graph, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
This method takes a path ( a list of integer haplotype ids), a phg graph that is based on the haplotypeIds in the path, and an optional output file name.
MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
This class runs the loadALlIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin to create and populate with reference ranges and initial PHG databse.
MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
This class runs the loadALlIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin to create and populate with reference ranges and initial PHG databse.
MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
This class runs the loadALlIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin to create and populate with reference ranges and initial PHG databse.
MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
mappingFileDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Name of the haplotype count file.
mappingFileDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Output Read Mapping file Dir. Name of the haplotype count file.
mappingStatDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Directory to store the mapping stats.
mappingStatDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Output Secondary Mapping Stat Directory. Directory to store the mapping stats.
markKmersForPurgeUsingHammingDistance(kmerToRefRange, kmerSize, minAllowedHammingDist, verboseLogging) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Method that will mark Kmers to purge using HammingDistance
matrix - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.MatrixWithNames
maxClusters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
When attempting to subdivide genic ranges, only genic ranges with more than maxClusters haplotypes after clustering will be subdivided.
maxClusters(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Max Clusters. When attempting to subdivide genic ranges, only genic ranges with more than maxClusters haplotypes after clustering will be subdivided.
maxDBUploadQueue() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Number of Haplotype instances to stage per chromosome before a DB write is triggered. Lower this number if you are running into RAM issues. It will take longer to process, but should help balance the load.
maxDBUploadQueue(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Max Num Haps Staged. Number of Haplotype instances to stage per chromosome before a DB write is triggered. Lower this number if you are running into RAM issues. It will take longer to process, but should help balance the load.
maxDistance(matrix, row, col) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Function to figure out what the maximum row and col distance are for a given position in the oringinal distance Matrix.
maxDistFromFounder() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Maximum genetic divergence from founder haplotype to cluster sequences
maxDistFromFounder(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Max divergence from founder. Maximum genetic divergence from founder haplotype to cluster sequences
maxDiversity() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
This parameter determines the maximum diversity allowed in the clustering step used to determine haplotype number. Haplotype number is used to decide when to split genic ranges.
maxDiversity(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Mx Div. This parameter determines the maximum diversity allowed in the clustering step used to determine haplotype number. Haplotype number is used to decide when to split genic ranges.
maxError - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
maxError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Maximum error allowed to create a homozygous call. If the error rate is above this value N or Major allele will be exported for that site
maxError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Maximum error. Maximum error allowed to create a homozygous call. If the error rate is above this value N or Major allele will be exported for that site
maxIndexAndProbabilityForTarget(fromProbability, to) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
Adds the vector of fromProbability to a vector of transition probabilities and returns the index of the maximum value and the maximum value as a Pair
maxKmerCountPerRefRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Maximum kmer counts to be included in processing. This is to reduce the number of highly repetative kmers
maxKmerCountPerRefRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Max Kmer Count Per Range. Maximum kmer counts to be included in processing. This is to reduce the number of highly repetative kmers
maxNan() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Maximum proportion of Nans allowed in a row of the relationship matrix
maxNan(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Max Nan. Maximum proportion of Nans allowed in a row of the relationship matrix
maxNodesPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.
maxNodesPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Max Nodes. maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.
maxNodesPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Any range with more than maxHap haplotypes will not be included in the path.
maxNodesPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Maximum Number of Haplotypes. Any range with more than maxHap haplotypes will not be included in the path.
maxNodesPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.
maxNodesPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Max Nodes. maximum number of nodes per reference range. Ranges with more nodes will not be included in the output node list.
maxNumberOfClusters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
The maximum number of clusters allowed. This value overrides mxDiv if it results in more clusters.
maxNumberOfClusters(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Max Clust. The maximum number of clusters allowed. This value overrides mxDiv if it results in more clusters.
maxNumberOfClusters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
The maximum number of clusters that will be created for a reference range. If mxDiv produces too many clusters then the cut height that produces maxClusters number of clusters will be substituted.
maxNumberOfClusters(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Maximum Cluster Number. The maximum number of clusters that will be created for a reference range. If mxDiv produces too many clusters then the cut height that produces maxClusters number of clusters will be substituted.
maxNumberOfParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
The maximum number of parents to be selected.
maxNumberOfParents(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Max Parents. The maximum number of parents to be selected.
maxParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the number of parents used will not be greater than maxParents. The number of parents used will be the minimum of maxParents and the number of parents needed to reach minCoverage. If both maxParents and minCoverage are left at the default, all parents in the input HaplotypeGraph will be used.
maxParents(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Max Parents. To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the number of parents used will not be greater than maxParents. The number of parents used will be the minimum of maxParents and the number of parents needed to reach minCoverage. If both maxParents and minCoverage are left at the default, all parents in the input HaplotypeGraph will be used.
maxParents() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the number of parents used will not be greater than maxParents. The number of parents used will be the minimum of maxParents and the number of parents needed to reach minCoverage. If both maxParents and minCoverage are left at the default, all parents in the input HaplotypeGraph will be used.
maxParents(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Max Parents. To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the number of parents used will not be greater than maxParents. The number of parents used will be the minimum of maxParents and the number of parents needed to reach minCoverage. If both maxParents and minCoverage are left at the default, all parents in the input HaplotypeGraph will be used.
maxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range Kb. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.
maxReadsPerKB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Max Reads. maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range Kb. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.
maxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Any range with more than maxReadsKB reads per kilobase of sequence will not be included in the path.
maxReadsPerKB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Maximum Reads per KB. Any range with more than maxReadsKB reads per kilobase of sequence will not be included in the path.
maxReadsPerKB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.
maxReadsPerKB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Max Reads. maximum number of include counts per anchor reference range. Ranges with more reads will not be included in the output node list.
maxReadsPerRangeKB(maxReads) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Max Ref Rage Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Set Max Ref Rage Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Max Ref Range Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Set Max Ref Range Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Max Ref Range Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxRefRangeError() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1 - (mostHitRefCount/totalHits)
maxRefRangeError(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Max Ref Range Err. Maximum allowed error when choosing best reference range to count. Error is computed 1
maxSearchWindow() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The number of bps when checking coverage to walk out.
maxSearchWindow(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Maximum Search Window. The number of bps when checking coverage to walk out.
maxSecondaryAlignments() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Maximum number of secondary alignments to be returned by minimap2. This will be the value of the -N parameter in the minimap2 command line. If the value is too low, some valid read mappings will not be reported.
maxSecondaryAlignments(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Max Secondary. Maximum number of secondary alignments to be returned by minimap2. This will be the value of the -N parameter in the minimap2 command line. If the value is too low, some valid read mappings will not be reported.
maxThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
The maximum number of threads to be used to create consensi. The actual number of threads used will not be greater than number of available CPU's - 2.
maxThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Max Threads. The maximum number of threads to be used to create consensi. The actual number of threads used will not be greater than number of available CPU's - 2.
memoryUse() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
mergeCoords(coordFile, chromosome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
MergeFastqPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to combine all fastq files in the input -fastqDir into sets of combined Fastqs. he number to be batched together is set by -numToMerge. It will also generate a template script for running minimap2 If -useOriginalReadNames is set to true, the fastq records will not be renamed. This should only be used if the read names are unique in each fastq. Otherwise minimap2 will mix samples.
MergeFastqPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Plugin to combine all fastq files in the input -fastqDir into sets of combined Fastqs. he number to be batched together is set by -numToMerge. It will also generate a template script for running minimap2 If -useOriginalReadNames is set to true, the fastq records will not be renamed. This should only be used if the read names are unique in each fastq. Otherwise minimap2 will mix samples.
MergeFastqPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Plugin to combine all fastq files in the input -fastqDir into sets of combined Fastqs. he number to be batched together is set by -numToMerge. It will also generate a template script for running minimap2 If -useOriginalReadNames is set to true, the fastq records will not be renamed. This should only be used if the read names are unique in each fastq. Otherwise minimap2 will mix samples.
MergeFastqPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
mergeFiles(mergedFileName, outputGroupingWriter, fileList, batchId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
mergeGenicRegions(genicRegions) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Simple function to merge the genic regions together if they overlap bps.
MergeGVCFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
MergeGVCFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
MergeGVCFUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
mergeOverlaps() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Whether to merge any overlapping ranges found in the bed file. Default is no. If overlaps are found and mergeOverLaps is no, processing will be stopped and error printed.
mergeOverlaps(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set Merge Overlapping Ranges. Whether to merge any overlapping ranges found in the bed file. Default is no. If overlaps are found and mergeOverLaps is no, processing will be stopped and error printed.
mergeRefBlocks(refBlocks, refRangeStart, refRangeEnd) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MergeVariantInfosKt
Function to merge the reference blocks
mergeRefBlocks() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Merge consecutive GVCF ReferenceBlocks together. If there is at least 1 bp between two gvcf refBlock records, the records will not be merged
mergeRefBlocks(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Merge Ref Blocks. Merge consecutive GVCF ReferenceBlocks together. If there is at least 1 bp between two gvcf refBlock records, the records will not be merged
mergeRule() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
The rule in which to resolve the conflicting Indels after consensus has been found.
mergeRule(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Indel Merge Rule. The rule in which to resolve the conflicting Indels after consensus has been found.
mergeUsingKeyFile(fastqDirectory, inputKeyFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
MergeVariantInfosKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
method() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Path method name If present, only taxa from the taxa input that were stored with this method will have their paths pulled from the db.
method(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Method If present, only taxa from the taxa input that were stored with this method will have their paths pulled from the db.
Method - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Data class for holding row from the PHG methods table.
Method(name, id, type) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
Data class for holding row from the PHG methods table.
method(emissionMethod) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
method() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Method name for the haplotypes being uploaded.
method(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Method. Method name for the haplotypes being uploaded.
methodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Method description to be written if the method is new.
methodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Method Description. Method description to be written if the method is new.
methodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Method Description. Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Method Description. Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Method Description. Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Method Description. Method description to be stored in the DB.
methodDetails() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Desscription for this group of reference ranges.
methodDetails(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Set Method Details. Desscription for this group of reference ranges.
methodId(database, method_name) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Returns method id (methods.method_id) for given method name.
methodIds - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Method name for this reference range group.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name for this reference range group.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
Name of stored method whose type you would like to change
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
Set Method Name. Name of stored method whose type you would like to change
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Method name assigned to read mappings that will be deleted.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name assigned to read mappings that will be deleted.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Method name assigned to read mappings that will be deleted.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name assigned to read mappings that will be deleted.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Method name to be stored in the DB.
methodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Method Name. Method name to be stored in the DB.
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStream
This loads the contents of the PHG methods table into memory.
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by colon. The range group is optional
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by colon. The range group is optional Usage: ,:,:
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
Set Methods. Pairs of methods (haplotype method name and range group method name). Method pair separated by a comma, and pairs separated by semicolon. The range group is optional Usage: ,;,;
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Commas separated list of mathod names
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Set Methods. Commas separated list of mathod names
methods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
Commas separated list of mathod names
methods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
Set Methods. Commas separated list of mathod names
MethodTableReportPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
MethodTableReportPlugin exports the contents of the PHG db method table to a table report. Because a number of plugins require method names as parameters, the table contents make a useful reference.
MethodTableReportPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
MethodTableReportPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
methodType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
Integer value of the db method type to be associated with the supplied method name
methodType(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
Set PHG Method Type ID. Integer value of the db method type to be associated with the supplied method name
minAlleleFrequency() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
At each position, if no allele has the minimum frequency, the consensus haplotype allele will be set to misssing.
minAlleleFrequency(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Minimum Allele Frequency. At each position, if no allele has the minimum frequency, the consensus haplotype allele will be set to misssing.
minAllowedHamming() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Minimum kmer count required to define a kmer as unique. Within reference range, this filter criteria is not applied. Only when comparing kmers across reference ranges is Hamming Distance taken into account. A higher number here should result in fewer kmers as more will be marked as repetitive.
minAllowedHamming(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Min Allowed Hamming. Minimum kmer count required to define a kmer as unique. Within reference range, this filter criteria is not applied. Only when comparing kmers across reference ranges is Hamming Distance taken into account. A higher number here should result in fewer kmers as more will be marked as repetitive.
minCountTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Minimun number of taxa represented in reference range for reference range to remain in graph
minCountTaxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Min Count Taxa. Minimun number of taxa represented in reference range for reference range to remain in graph
minCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the smallest number of parents needed to provide read coverage greater than or equal to minCoverage will be used to find paths. If maxParents is smaller, that number of parents will be used.
minCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Min Coverage. To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the smallest number of parents needed to provide read coverage greater than or equal to minCoverage will be used to find paths. If maxParents is smaller, that number of parents will be used.
minCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the smallest number of parents needed to provide read coverage greater than or equal to minCoverage will be used to find paths. If maxParents is smaller, that number of parents will be used.
minCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Min Coverage. To restrict path finding to the most likely parents, the smallest number of parents needed to provide read coverage greater than or equal to minCoverage will be used to find paths. If maxParents is smaller, that number of parents will be used.
minCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
No more parents will be selected when the proportion of total reads mapped to the selected parents is greater than or equal to this number.
minCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Min Coverage. No more parents will be selected when the proportion of total reads mapped to the selected parents is greater than or equal to this number.
minCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The minimum allowed Coverage count for determining if a bp is conserved or not.
minCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Minimum Coverage Count. The minimum allowed Coverage count for determining if a bp is conserved or not.
minGenicLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
When attempting to subdivide genic ranges, the smallest allowable subdivision length is minLength base pairs.
minGenicLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Min Length. When attempting to subdivide genic ranges, the smallest allowable subdivision length is minLength base pairs.
minimap2Location() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimap2Location(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Location of Minimap2 Executable. Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
Minimap2Utils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
minimapFParam() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set this to change the -f parameter in minimap2
minimapFParam(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Minimap -f Parameter. Set this to change the -f parameter in minimap2
minimapLocation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Location of Minimap2 on file system. Can use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable. This will default to minimap2/minimap2 by default.
minimapLocation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Location of Minimap2 Executable. Location of Minimap2 on file system. Can use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable. This will default to minimap2/minimap2 by default.
minimapLocation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapLocation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Location of Minimap2 Executable. Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapLocation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapLocation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Location of Minimap2 Executable. Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapLocation() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapLocation(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Location of Minimap2 Executable. Location of Minimap2 on file system. This defaults to use minimap2 if it is on the PATH environment variable.
minimapNParam() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set this to increase the N parameter used in Minimap2
minimapNParam(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Minimap -N parameter. Set this to increase the N parameter used in Minimap2
minInversionLen() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Minimum length of inversion for it to be kept as part of the alignment. Default is 7500
minInversionLen(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Minimum Inversion Length. Minimum length of inversion for it to be kept as part of the alignment. Default is 7500
minInversionLen() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Minimum length of inversion for it to be kept as part of the alignment. Default is 7500.
minInversionLen(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Minimum Inversion Length. Minimum length of inversion for it to be kept as part of the alignment. Default is 7500
minKmerCountPerRefRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Minimum kmer counts to be included in processing. This is to reduce the number of one off kmers
minKmerCountPerRefRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Min Kmer Count Per Range. Minimum kmer counts to be included in processing. This is to reduce the number of one off kmers
minPercentTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Minimum percent of taxa represented in reference range for reference range to remain in graph.
minPercentTaxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Min Percent Taxa. Minimum percent of taxa represented in reference range for reference range to remain in graph.
minProbBF() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,
minProbBF(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Min P. Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,
minProbBF() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,
minProbBF(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Min P. Only nodes with minP or greater probability will be kept in the path when using the Backward-Forward algorithm,
minReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
minReads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Min Reads. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
minReads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
minReads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Min Reads. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
minReadsPerRange(minReads) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
minReadsPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Any range with fewer than minReads will not be included in the path.
minReadsPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Minimum Read Number. Any range with fewer than minReads will not be included in the path.
minSiteForComp() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
The minimum number of sites present in two taxa to compare genetic distance to evaluate similarity for clustering
minSiteForComp(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Min sites to cluster. The minimum number of sites present in two taxa to compare genetic distance to evaluate similarity for clustering
minSiteForComp() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
The minimum number of shared sites that can be used to calculate the distance between two taxa
minSiteForComp(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Minimum Sites with Data . The minimum number of shared sites that can be used to calculate the distance between two taxa
minTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Minimum number of taxa
minTaxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Min Taxa. Minimum number of taxa
minTaxaCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
The minimum proportion of sites present in a taxa to go into clustering
minTaxaCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Min taxa coverage. The minimum proportion of sites present in a taxa to go into clustering
minTaxaCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Minimum Coverage
minTaxaCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Minimum Coverage. Minimum Coverage
minTaxaInGroup() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Minimum number of taxa to generate a haplotype
minTaxaInGroup(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Min taxa to generate a haplotype. Minimum number of taxa to generate a haplotype
minTaxaPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTaxaPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Min Taxa. minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTaxaPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTaxaPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Min Taxa. minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTaxaPerRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTaxaPerRange(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Min Taxa. minimum number of taxa per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer taxa will not be included in the output node list.
minTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
minimum probability of a transition between nodes at adjacent reference ranges.
minTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Min Transition Prob. minimum probability of a transition between nodes at adjacent reference ranges.
minTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
minimum probability of a transition between nodes at adjacent reference ranges.
minTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Min Transition Prob. minimum probability of a transition between nodes at adjacent reference ranges.
minTransitionProbability(minprob) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
minTransitionProbability() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The minimum transition probability between a pair of nodes in adjacent reference ranges.
minTransitionProbability(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Min Transition Probability. The minimum transition probability between a pair of nodes in adjacent reference ranges.
missing - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
MostLikelyParents - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Given a set of read mappings, finds the most likely parents in a stepwise fashion. The parent with the most reads is selected as a likely parent. Then the the subset of reads not mapping to that parent is created. The parent with the most reads from that subset is then added to the list of likely parents. The process is repeated until the number of likely parents = maxParents, coverage is equal to or greater than minCoverage, or until all parents have been added to the list, whichever occurs first. Coverage is calculated as the number of reads mapping to any of the likely parents divided by the total number of reads.
MostLikelyParents(hapGraph) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MostLikelyParents
A constructor that takes a class HaplotypeGraph.
MostLikelyParents(parentList, parentHapidMap) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MostLikelyParents
A constructor that takes a list of parents and for each class ReferenceRange, a map of parent name to its hapid. This constructor is intended mainly for unit testing.
multinomialProbability(counts, probabilities) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to load in multisample BAM based readMappings into the DB. This is effectively the same result as FastqToMappingPlugin or SAMToMappingPlugin.
MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Plugin to load in multisample BAM based readMappings into the DB. This is effectively the same result as FastqToMappingPlugin or SAMToMappingPlugin.
MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Plugin to load in multisample BAM based readMappings into the DB. This is effectively the same result as FastqToMappingPlugin or SAMToMappingPlugin.
MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
MultisampleBAMToMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Mummer4DoonerBZStats - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This method takes a coords file, the genome fastas, ranges to be covered Prints out tab-delimited file of metrics related to the region. THe output is tab-delimited, rows are anchors. columns are anchor-coordinates, covered coordinates (list, semicolon separated) percent covered.
Mummer4DoonerBZStats() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Mummer4DoonerBZStats(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Mummer4DoonerBZStats(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
mummer4Path() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Path where mummer4 executables live: nucmer, delta-filter, show-snps, show-coords
mummer4Path(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Mummer4 Executables Path. Path where mummer4 executables live: nucmer, delta-filter, show-snps, show-coords
mummer4Path() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Path to mummer4 binaries
mummer4Path(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Mummer4 binary path
MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
mummerParams() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Mummer parameters used
mummerParams(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Mummer Parameters. Mummer parameters used
mummerParams() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Parameters used when running mummer
mummerParams(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Mummer Parameters. Value of parameters used when running mummer
MummerScriptProcessing - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This class contains methods that run mummer4 scripts, e.g. nucmer, delta-filter, show-coords and show-snps. In addition, there are methods that process the output from these scripts. NOTE: processing here is relative to the needs of AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin.
MutableKmerCounter - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Mutable version with ability to add individual kmers or whole sets of others KmerCounters
MutableKmerCounter(sequence, kmerSize, stepSize, kmerPrefix) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
Mutable version with ability to add individual kmers or whole sets of others KmerCounters
MutableKmerToIdMap - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Mutable version of the KmerMap which allows for unique kmer->id mappings. If a kmer is seen in multiple ids( or in the same id), its id in the map is set to -1 This datastructure can then be used to further purge out repetative kmers
MutableKmerToIdMap(kmerSize, kmerPrefix) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Mutable version of the KmerMap which allows for unique kmer->id mappings. If a kmer is seen in multiple ids( or in the same id), its id in the map is set to -1 This datastructure can then be used to further purge out repetative kmers
mxDiv() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Maximum divergence.
mxDiv(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Mx Div. Maximum divergence.
myGVCFRangeToAlleleCallMap - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
myMissingAsRef - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
myPairedSimilarFragmentSort(pairedSimilarFragments, score, penalty, scoreThreshold) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SyntenicAnchors
myReferenceSequence - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence


name() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
name() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Name to give each file, e.g w22. To this name will be appended 'chr' plus the chrom number plus .fa
name(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Set Name . Name to give each file, e.g w22. To this name will be appended 'chr' plus the chrom number plus .fa
net.maizegenetics.pangenome - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse - package
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors
net.maizegenetics.pangenome.Utils - package net.maizegenetics.pangenome.Utils
nextRange(range) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
NO_CONSENSUS_METHOD - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
nodeListFromProbabilities(minP, infoFilename) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
nodeListFromProbabilities(minP) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
nodeMap(nodeMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
nodePairProbabilityList(nodeList, hapidSetCounts, probabilityCorrect) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
For each pair of HaplotypeNodes in nodePairs, the method calculates the probability of observing the nodePairCounts assuming they were generated by that pair of nodes.
nodePairs(nodeList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
Generates a list of all possible node pairs a list of longs
nodes(graph, hapids) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
Returns a list of HaplotypeNodes corresponding to the given hapids in the given graph.
nodes(range) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns list of HaplotypeNodes for given ReferenceRange
nodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypePath
nodesContainingExactly(taxa, graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
Gets list of HaplotypeNodes containing exact list of taxa.
nodesForRange(graph, range) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphToGenotypeTable
nodesSplitByIndividualTaxa(graph, sameTaxonPercent) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
nodeStream() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
nodeTaxaPairs(graph, filename) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
NonRef - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
nthreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Number of threads to use for multithreading
numberOfChromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
numberOfChromosomes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
numberOfFastqsPerMerge() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Number of fastqs to merge into a single fastq
numberOfFastqsPerMerge(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Number of Fastas To Merge. Number of fastqs to merge into a single fastq
numberOfGenes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Number of gene regions to create
numberOfGenes(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Number Of Genes. Number of gene regions to create
numberOfLeftEdges(node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Return number of left edges for given node.
numberOfNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
numberOfNodes - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
numberOfRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns number of reference ranges in this graph.
numberOfRightEdges(node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Return number of right edges for given node.
numberOfScripts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Number of script templates to output. Will append to the file name specified in -scriptTemplate. Fastq Batches will be evenly distributed across scripts.
numberOfScripts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Number of Scripts to output. Number of script templates to output. Will append to the file name specified in -scriptTemplate. Fastq Batches will be evenly distributed across scripts.
numberOfThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Number of to setup in the script
numberOfThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Number of Threads. Number of to setup in the script
numberOfThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The number of threads that will be used for subdividing genic ranges.
numberOfThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set N Threads. The number of threads that will be used for subdividing genic ranges.
numberTaxa(range) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns number of taxa represented by given reference range.
numConsecutiveJobs() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Number Of Consecutive jobs to run.
numConsecutiveJobs(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Num Consec Jobs. Number Of Consecutive jobs to run.
numCores() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Number Of Cores to be requested
numCores(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Num Cores. Number Of Cores to be requested
numFlanking() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Number of flanking basepairs to add at each end of the gene sequence
numFlanking(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Set Number of Flanking BPs. Number of flanking basepairs to add at each end of the gene sequence
numNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Number Of Nodes to be requested
numNodes(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Num Nodes. Number Of Nodes to be requested
numRangesPerQuery() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Number of reference ranges that will be retrieved from the database as a chunk.
numRangesPerQuery(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
Set Num Ranges Per Query. Number of reference ranges that will be retrieved from the database as a chunk.
numRuns() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Number of simultaneous assemblies to process. The anchorwave application can take up to 50G per thread for each assembly processed, plus some overhead. Consider this memory factor when providing values for threadsPerRun and numRuns
numRuns(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Num Runs. Number of simultaneous assemblies to process. The anchorwave application can take up to 50G per thread for each assembly processed, plus some overhead. Consider this memory factor when providing values for threadsPerRun and numRuns
numTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
Number of taxa used when consensus sequence was created or one if this is an original sequence.
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Number of threads used to upload
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Number of threads used to upload
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Number of threads used to upload
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Number of threads used to upload
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Number of threads for Sentieon to use.
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads for Sentieon to use.
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
The number of threads to be used by this plugin. numThreads
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Set Num Threads. The number of threads to be used by this plugin. numThreads - 2 threads will be assigned as worker threads for computing distance matrices and trees.
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Number of threads used to process assembly chromosomes. The code will subtract 2 from this number to have the number of worker threads. It leaves 1 thread for IO to the DB and 1 thread for the Operating System.
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to process assembly chromosomes. The code will subtract 2 from this number to have the number of worker threads. It leaves 1 thread for IO to the DB and 1 thread for the Operating System.
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Number of threads used to upload. The GVCF upload will subtract 2 from this number to have the number of worker threads. It leaves 1 thread for IO to the DB and 1 thread for the Operating System.
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload. The GVCF upload will subtract 2 from this number to have the number of worker threads. It leaves 1 thread for IO to the DB and 1 thread for the Operating System.
numThreads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Number of threads used to upload
numThreads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set Num Threads. Number of threads used to upload


old(args) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.GenerateHaplotypeCallerScripts
otherData() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
otherRegionsGroupName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Name to give group of intervals not defined in the user intervals file
otherRegionsGroupName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set Other Regions Group Name. Name to give group of intervals not defined in the user intervals file
outDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Output directory path
outDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
A directory to which output text files will be written. This includes the summary statistics table as well as a file of minumum edit distances for each sam/bam file processed.
outDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Set the output directory. A directory to which output text files will be written. This includes the summary statistics table as well as a file of minumum edit distances for each sam/bam file processed.
outExt() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Type of file to output
outFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
output metrics file. The tab-delimited file of summary statistcs calcualted from one or more gvcf files Each file has a summary line in the table, as well as a line for each contig/chromosome
outFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Set output metrics file output metrics file. The tab-delimited file of summary statistcs calcualted from one or more gvcf files Each file has a summary line in the table, as well as a line for each contig/chromosome
outFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Output file directory name, or new directory path; Directory will be created, if doesn't exist. Outfiles will be placed in the directory
outFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Donor dir/file basename. Output file directory name, or new directory path; Directory will be created, if doesn't exist. Outfiles will be placed in the directory
outPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
Base file path for exported files. Enter a path without file extensions. The plugin will append gfa and csv to the output files.
outPath(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
Set Out Path. Base file path for exported files. Enter a path without file extensions. The plugin will append gfa and csv to the output files.
output() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
File Name of the filtered read output
output(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
Set Output File. File Name of the filtered read output
output() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
Output Ranking File.
output(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
Set Output. Output Ranking File.
outputBAMDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Directory to point the script Template to for BAM writing. If not specified, will be added to the script and will need to be updated.
outputBAMDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Output BAM Directory. Directory to point the script Template to for BAM writing. If not specified, will be added to the script and will need to be updated.
outputBamFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Name of the output filtered BAM/SAM file.
outputBamFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Set Output Bam File. Name of the output filtered BAM/SAM file.
outputBase() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
base name for output files from this Plugin. Two files will be produced for each chromosome.
outputBase(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Output file base. base name for output files from this Plugin. Two files will be produced for each chromosome.
outputBedFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Output Bed file
outputBedFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Output Bed File. Output Bed file
outputDebugDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDebugDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Debug Directory to write out read Mapping files.. Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDebugDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDebugDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Debug Directory to write out read Mapping files.. Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDebugDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDebugDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Debug Directory to write out read Mapping files.. Directory to write out the read mapping files. This is optional for debug purposes.
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Directory where output files will be written
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Set Output Directory. Directory where output files will be written
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Directory to write liquibase changeLogSync output
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Output Directory. Directory to write liquibase changeLogSync output
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Path to write the split files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
Set Output Directory. Path to write the split files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Directory to hold the output files.
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Output Dir. Directory to hold the output files.
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Path to output directory where files will be written
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Set Output Directory . Path to output directory where files will be written
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Output Directory
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Output Dir. Output Directory
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Directory where you want to store the output VCFs
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Set Output Dir. Directory where you want to store the output VCFs
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
Directory path to output file indicating whether to run liquibase.
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
Set Output Directory. Directory path to output file indicating whether to run liquibase.
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
Directory path to write any liquibase output files.
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
Set Output Directory. Directory path to write any liquibase output files.
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
Directory to which liquibase output and error files will be written.
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
Set Output Dir. Directory to which liquibase output and error files will be written.
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Full Path to which updated files will be written
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Set Output Directory. Full Path to which updated files will be written
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
Set Output Directory. Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Output Directory. Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Output directory for writing files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Output Directory. Output directory for writing files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Output fastq file to use as input for BWA-MEM
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
Set Output File. Output fastq file to use as input for BWA-MEM
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Output Directory. Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Output Directory. Output directory including trailing / for writing files
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Output Directory
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Output Directory. Output Directory
outputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Directory to output the processed PAF files
outputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Set Output Directory. Directory to output the processed PAF files
outputDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
outputDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
Output summary filename
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
Set Output File. Output summary filename
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
Output filename
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
Set Output File. Output filename
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
Name of output file to be written
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
Set Output File. Name of file to be written
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Set Output File. File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
Output GVCF File Path and Name.
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
Set Output G V C F File. Output GVCF File Path and Name.
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
FUll path to output file created by this plugin .
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Set Output File. FUll path to output file created by this plugin .
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
The file to which the output will be written. If the file exists, an error will be thrown.
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Out File. The file to which the output will be written. If the file exists, an error will be thrown.
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Output file name
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Set Output VCF File Name. Output file name
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Output file name
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Set Output VCF File Name. Output file name
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
The name and path of the output file which will be written by this plugin.
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Set Outfile. The name and path of the output file which will be written by this plugin.
outputFile() - Method in class
Output base file name
outputFile(value) - Method in class
Set Output Base VCF File Name. Output base file name
outputFile() - Method in class
Output filename
outputFile(value) - Method in class
Set Output File. Output filename
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
File where metrics will be written.
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
Set Directory to write out statistics files.. File where metrics will be written.
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Output File
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Set Output File. Output File
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
FUll path to output file created by this plugin .
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
Set Output File. FUll path to output file created by this plugin .
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Set Output File. File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
Set Output File. File for writing matrix of gene coverage
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
File where metrics will be written.
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set Output File. File where metrics will be written.
outputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Path and name of file where tab-delimited output will be written
outputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Set Output File. Path and name of file where tab-delimited output will be written
outputFileDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Output file directory
outputFileDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Set Output File Directory. Output file directory
outputFileName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
Name of output file
outputFileName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
Set Output File. Name of output file
outputFiltered() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
If set to true, output the filtered name expected by the snakemake script.
outputFiltered(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Set Output Filtered File Name. If set to true, output the filtered name expected by the snakemake script.
outputGroupingFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
File to write out the groupings.
outputGroupingFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set File To output the groupings which have been merged.. File to write out the groupings.
outputIndexFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Index File Output.
outputIndexFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Set Index File Output. Index File Output.
outputJustGT() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Output just the GT flag. If set to false(default) will output DP, AD and PL fields
outputJustGT(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Output Just G T. Output just the GT flag. If set to false(default) will output DP, AD and PL fields
outputKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Name of the output file to process.
outputKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Set Output KeyFile. Name of the output file to process.
outputKeyFiles(keyFileName, keyFileLines, flowcellCol, phg, taxonCol, methodName, keyFileColumnNameMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to output mapping id and path key files to be used by the path finding.
outputMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Output File Name. JSON file will be written
outputMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Set Output File Name. Output File Name. JSON file will be written
outputMergedFastqDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Directory to write out the fastq files.
outputMergedFastqDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Directory to write out merged fastq files.. Directory to write out the fastq files.
outputPathFindingKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Output Key File that can be used in path finding. This is optional. If no file path is supplied, no file will be written.
outputPathFindingKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Output Key File. Output Key File that can be used in path finding. This is optional. If no file path is supplied, no file will be written.
outputPathKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Output Key File that can be used in path finding. This is optional and will only be written if read mappings are written to the database. If no file path is supplied or mappings are written to file, no keyfile will be written.
outputPathKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set Output Key File. Output Key File that can be used in path finding. This is optional and will only be written if read mappings are written to the database. If no file path is supplied or mappings are written to file, no keyfile will be written.
outputSamFiles() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Output SAM files instead of BAM files
outputSamFiles(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Output SAM Files. Output SAM files instead of BAM files
outputSecondaryMappingStats() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSecondaryMappingStats(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Output secondary mapping statistics.. Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSecondaryMappingStats() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSecondaryMappingStats(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Output secondary mapping statistics.. Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSecondaryMappingStats() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSecondaryMappingStats(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Output secondary mapping statistics.. Ouptput Secondary Mapping Statistics such as total AS for each haplotype ID
outputSLURMScript() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Name of the Output SLURM Script
outputSLURMScript(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Output SLURM Script. Name of the Output SLURM Script
outputSplitFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
File to output the split contig file
outputSplitFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Set Output file. File to output the split contig file
outputStatsFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Name of the output stats file of RefRange to total counts.
outputStatsFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Set Output Stats File. Name of the output stats file of RefRange to total counts.
outputTargetNameFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Name of the Output Target Name File
outputTargetNameFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Output Target Name File. Name of the Output Target Name File
outputTaxaNames() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Output the Hapid -> TaxaName list Map.
outputTaxaNames(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
Set Output Taxa Names. Output the Hapid -> TaxaName list Map.
outputType() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Output GVCF typed files. If set to gvcf(default) it will send all REFBlocks, SNPs and Indels. If set to vcf, it will only output SNPs, Indels and missing values(if fillGaps = true)
outputType(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Output Type. Output GVCF typed files. If set to gvcf(default) it will send all REFBlocks, SNPs and Indels. If set to vcf, it will only output SNPs, Indels and missing values(if fillGaps = true)
outputVCFDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Output VCF file directory.
outputVCFDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Output VCF Directory. Output VCF file directory.
outVcfFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The name of the file to be output by the PathsToVCFPlugin.
outVcfFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Out Vcf File. The name of the file to be output by the PathsToVCFPlugin.
overwrite() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
overwrite(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Overwrite. Overwrite
overwriteOutput() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
If this is set to true and the output file exists, it will be overwritten without warning.
overwriteOutput(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Overwrite. If this is set to true and the output file exists, it will be overwritten without warning.


pairedEnd() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Should paired end reads be generated?
pairedEnd(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Paired End. Should paired end reads be generated?
pairedMode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Run in paired mode. This will remove any haplotype counts if they are not agreed by the pair.
pairedMode(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
Set Paired. Run in paired mode. This will remove any haplotype counts if they are not agreed by the pair.
pairedMode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Run in paired mode. This will remove any haplotype counts if they are not agreed by the pair.
pairedMode(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Set Paired. Run in paired mode. This will remove any haplotype counts if they are not agreed by the pair.
PairedSimilarFragment - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
Class that holds reference and assembly alignment data to be sorted and filtered in a longest path algorithm.
PairedSimilarFragment(refStartPos, refEndPos, asmStartPos, asmEndPos, score, strand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
pairFromIndex(index) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
pangenomeDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The directory of the pangenome file and index.
pangenomeDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Pangenome Dir. The directory of the pangenome file and index.
pangenomeDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
pangenomeDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
pangenomeHaplotypeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The haplotype method used to create the pangenome.fa and pangenome.mmi.
pangenomeHaplotypeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Pangenome Haplotype Method. The haplotype method used to create the pangenome.fa and pangenome.mmi.
pangenomeIndexName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
WARNING: By default the plugin will construct pangenome file and index names from the pangenomeHaplotypeMethod. Only use this parameter to over-ride that name with a different one. Be sure the pangenomeHaplotypeMethod matches the index.
pangenomeIndexName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Pangenome Index Name. WARNING: By default the plugin will construct pangenome file and index names from the pangenomeHaplotypeMethod. Only use this parameter to over-ride that name with a different one. Be sure the pangenomeHaplotypeMethod matches the index.
pangenomePath - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
pangenomePathDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
parseBauerFlint(chromString) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
parseChangesetVersion(changeset) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PipelineUtilsKt
This function finds the PHG version from a changeset ID string. The version should be the last value following the last underscore. If there are no underscores, look up the change set in the map.
parseChromAsRomanNumerals(chromString) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
parseChromFirstTab(chromString) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
parseChromosome(chromString) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
parseCoordinateRegions(coordFile, chromosome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to parse out the reference coordinates into a map which along with the SNP data can then be used to create Variants.
parseGCA(chromString) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
parseGVCFData(gvcfIdToRemotePath, LocalGVCFFolder) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
This needs to return a Map of gvcfId to Tuple The remote path will be parsed later for downloading from servers.
parseGVCFFileIntoRangeMap(gvcfFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to take the GVCF file and parse it into a RangeMap. Blocks of Reference sequence have a value of 'REFRANGE' which redirects to the Reference GenomeSequence Single SNPs are stored as single element ranges Indels are stored as well. Deletions generally take up multiple reference positions
parseIndexLine(indexLine) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Simple function to parse the index lines quickly by using indexOf instead of String.split() When I profiled this, split was taking a large amount of time. So to limit it, this was coded up. Unsure of overall efficiency however and could likely be reverted to indexLine.split()
parseKeyFile(keyfile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
parseKmerLine(currentString) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerUtils
Function to parse the Kmer line. This just splits the currentLine and then will convert the characters to integers and then add them to an array
parseMethodJsonParamsToString(methodDescription) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
Takes a passed method description string from a PHG dd methods table entry, and formats the JSON key/value pairs into a Map for the user. If the string does not parse to JSON, a single map entry of "notes":methodDescription will be created and returned.
parseMummerSNPFile(fileName, chromosome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to parse the Mummer SNP file into a rangemap The first String in the tuple is for the reference call The second String is for the assembly call
parseVariantContextsIntoRangeMap(variantContexts, taxonName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFGenotypeSequence
Method to parse the variantContexts into a RangeMap correctly for the genotype case
parseVariantContextsIntoRangeMap(variantContexts, taxonName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to parse the variantContexts into rangeMap for a single taxon. This will simply call parseVariantContextsIntoRangeMap but with a gameteIndex of 0
parseVariantContextsIntoRangeMap(variantContexts, taxonName, gameteIndex) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to parse the List of variantContexts into the rangemap required by this class. Allows you to build the GVCFSequence from memory.
parseVariantInfosIntoRangeMap(variantInfos) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to parse the List of variantContexts into the rangemap required by this class. Allows you to build the GVCFSequence from memory.
password() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Password for database
password(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Set Password. Password for database
password() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Password for database
password(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Password. Password for database
path(paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
Returns sorted set of haplotype ids from the given paths.
path(taxon, nodes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome given the specified taxon and list of known class HaplotypeNodes. List of nodes can have at most one node per class ReferenceRange. Nodes constructed with specified taxon will always be used in resulting paths. Specified nodes must either have been constructed with specified taxon or reside in a reference range that has no node constructed with specified taxon.
path(taxon, nodes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome given the specified Taxon and list of known class HaplotypeNodes. List of nodes can have at most one node per class ReferenceRange. Nodes constructed with specified taxon will always be used in resulting paths. Specified nodes must either have been constructed with specified taxon or reside in a reference range that has no node constructed with specified taxon.
path(nodes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome given the specified list of known s. List of nodes can have at most one node per class ReferenceRange.
path(taxon) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome given the specified taxon. Nodes constructed with specified taxon will always be used in resulting paths.
path(taxon) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome given the specified Taxon. Nodes constructed with specified taxon will always be used in resulting paths.
path() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns most probable class HaplotypePath for each Chromosome.
pathFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
File Holding the path
pathFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Set Path File. File Holding the path
PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes(inputGraph, readMap, probCorrect, sameGameteProbability, minReadsPerRange, maxReadsPerKB, removeEqual, inbreedCoef, parentList, useLikelyParents, parentFinder, maxParents, minCoverage) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodes
PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory(graph, sameGameteProbability, requiredTaxaList, probCorrect, minTaxaPerRange, minReadsPerRange, maxReadsPerKB, removeEqual, inbreedCoef, maxParents, minCoverage) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathFinderForSingleTaxonNodesFactory
PathFindingInput(keyFileEntry, readMappingCounts) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
PathFindingInput(keyFileEntry, readMappingCounts) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
PathFindingResult(keyFileEntry, path, likelyParents, totalReads) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
PathFindingResult(keyFileEntry, path, likelyParents, totalReads) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
pathHapids(configFile, pathFileNames) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
pathHaplotypeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The haplotype method used to impute a path. The same method will be used to create the PHG used for read mapping.
pathHaplotypeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Path Haplotype Method. The haplotype method used to impute a path. The same method will be used to create the PHG used for read mapping.
pathInfoFilename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The name of the file to which detailed path diagnostic information will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnotic information will not be reported. The target taxon name must be supplied as well.
pathInfoFilename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Path Info File. The name of the file to which detailed path diagnostic information will be written. If the name is not supplied the diagnotic information will not be reported. The target taxon name must be supplied as well.
pathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
Gametes from this path method will be added to the HaplotypeGraph.
pathMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
Set Path Method. Gametes from this path method will be added to the HaplotypeGraph.
pathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
Gametes from this path method will be added to the HaplotypeGraph.
pathMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
Set Path Method. Gametes from this path method will be added to the HaplotypeGraph.
pathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Name of method used to create paths, as it should appear in the paths table
pathMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Set Path Method. Name of method used to create paths, as it should appear in the paths table
pathMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Name of method to be used to create paths through the graph.
pathMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set P Method. Name of method to be used to create paths through the graph.
pathMethodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
An additional description that will be stored with the path method name, if desired.
pathMethodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Path Method Description. An additional description that will be stored with the path method name, if desired.
pathMethodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
An additional description that will be stored with the path method name, if desired.
pathMethodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Path Method Description. An additional description that will be stored with the path method name, if desired.
pathMethodDetails() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Description of method used to create paths - optional
pathMethodDetails(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Set Path Method Details. Description of method used to create paths - optional
pathMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
Set Path Method Name. Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
The name of the path method used to write the results to the PHG DB
pathMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Path Method. The name of the path method used to write the results to the PHG DB
pathMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The name of the path method used to write the results to the PHG DB
pathMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Path Method. The name of the path method used to write the results to the PHG DB
pathMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
Set Path Method Name. Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
Set Path Method Name. Path Method Name Stored in the DB
pathName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Name of method used for create PHG Path. Should match the assembly path method - that default is mummer4_PATH
pathName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Set Path Method Name. Name of method used for create PHG Path. Should match the assembly path method - that default is mummer4_PATH
pathName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The path method name assigned when the path was created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied.
pathName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Path method name. The path method name assigned when the path was created and stored in the DB. Not required if a path file name is supplied.
pathName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
The name to give this path in the database
pathName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Path Name. The name to give this path in the database
pathOutDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Directory to which path files will be written.
pathOutDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Read Map Directory. Directory to which path files will be written.
pathsDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
Paths directory
pathsDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
Set Paths Directory.
pathsForMethod(configFile, pathMethod) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
PathsToFastaPlugin - Class in
This exports paths to a Fasta file(s).
PathsToFastaPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class
This exports paths to a Fasta file(s).
PathsToFastaPlugin() - Constructor for class
This exports paths to a Fasta file(s).
pathsToNodes(paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file with haplotype allele values (Not SNPs).
PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file with haplotype allele values (Not SNPs).
PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file with haplotype allele values (Not SNPs).
PathsToVCFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file.
PathsToVCFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file.
PathsToVCFPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
This exports diploid or haploid paths to a VCF file.
pathTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
Only gametes from these taxa will be added to the graph. If null, then all gametes will be added for the path method.
pathTaxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
Set Path Taxa List. Only gametes from these taxa will be added to the graph. If null, then all gametes will be added for the path method.
PathToGFFPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations
THis class takes a keyfile with taxon to gff-path mapping, a taxon name and a method. It creates a haplotype graph from the path obtained
PathToGFFPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
THis class takes a keyfile with taxon to gff-path mapping, a taxon name and a method. It creates a haplotype graph from the path obtained
PathToGFFPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations
PathToIgraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
PathToIgraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
percentPerChromGFFBasePairs(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
percentPerChromNonGFFBasePairs(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
phasingConfidence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
PHGData - Interface in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
PHGDataWriter - Interface in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
PHGdbAccess - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Access methods for postgres or SQL PHG dbs. WHen making changes, or adding new methods, test the SQL statements in both PostgreSQL and SQL to ensure compatibility.
PHGdbAccess(dbConnection) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
phgDBName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
phgDBNameDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
phgDBNamePostgres - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
PHGtoGFAv1Plugin - Class in
This plugin exports a PHG Graph to GFAv1 format. PHG Paths can also be included if "Walk Lines" are wanted in the file.
PHGtoGFAv1Plugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class
This plugin exports a PHG Graph to GFAv1 format. PHG Paths can also be included if "Walk Lines" are wanted in the file.
PHGtoGFAv1Plugin() - Constructor for class
This plugin exports a PHG Graph to GFAv1 format. PHG Paths can also be included if "Walk Lines" are wanted in the file.
PipelineUtilsKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
ploidy() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GenoHaploData
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
pluginDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
pluginUserManualURL() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
plusAssign(newKmerCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerCounter
PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
This class creates a pipeline that will load an existing PHG database with assembly and/or WGS haplotypes. It is not recommended for use when anchorwave is the assembly alignment method. Anchorwave uses both alot of memory and alot of computing power. We recommend users align with anchorwave on high performance/ high memory machines. THe generated MAF files can then be run through MAFToGVCFPlugin, followed by LoadHapltoypesFromGVCFPlugin.
PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
This class creates a pipeline that will load an existing PHG database with assembly and/or WGS haplotypes. It is not recommended for use when anchorwave is the assembly alignment method. Anchorwave uses both alot of memory and alot of computing power. We recommend users align with anchorwave on high performance/ high memory machines. THe generated MAF files can then be run through MAFToGVCFPlugin, followed by LoadHapltoypesFromGVCFPlugin.
PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
This class creates a pipeline that will load an existing PHG database with assembly and/or WGS haplotypes. It is not recommended for use when anchorwave is the assembly alignment method. Anchorwave uses both alot of memory and alot of computing power. We recommend users align with anchorwave on high performance/ high memory machines. THe generated MAF files can then be run through MAFToGVCFPlugin, followed by LoadHapltoypesFromGVCFPlugin.
PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin.ASSEMBLY_ALIGNER - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
PopulatePHGDBPipelinePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
position() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
position() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
positions() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Positions to include in VCF. Can be specified by Genotype file (i.e. VCF, Hapmap, etc.), bed file, or json file containing the requested positions.
positions(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Set Position List. Positions to include in VCF. Can be specified by Genotype file (i.e. VCF, Hapmap, etc.), bed file, or json file containing the requested positions.
positions() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Positions to include in VCF. Can be specified by Genotype file (i.e. VCF, Hapmap, etc.), bed file, or json file containing the requested positions.
positions(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Set Position List. Positions to include in VCF. Can be specified by Genotype file (i.e. VCF, Hapmap, etc.), bed file, or json file containing the requested positions.
PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
postgresContainer - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresDataDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresDockerDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresDockerfile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresHost - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresImageName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresPort - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresUser - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postgresUserPwd - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
postProcessParameters() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
prefix() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Name to prefix to output results file
prefix(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Output File refix. Name to prefix to output results file
prefix() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Name to prefix to output results file
prefix(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Output File refix. Name to prefix to output results file
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
preProcessParameters(input) - Method in class
presenceAbsenceTaxonByNode(graph, filename) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
previousRange(range) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
printTrimTables(origData, trimData, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
probabilityCorrect(pcorrect) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder
probabilityCorrect() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The probability that a read mapped to the correct haplotypes
probabilityCorrect(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Probability Correct. The probability that a read mapped to the correct haplotypes
probabilityOfBeingCorrect(hapGraph, hapidCounts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
probabilityOfBeingCorrect(hapidCounts, rangeToNodesMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
probabilityOfBeingCorrect(hapidCountMap, rangeToNodesMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
probabilityReadMappingCorrect(probCorrect) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
probReadMappedCorrectly() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
probReadMappedCorrectly(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Prob Correct. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
probReadMappedCorrectly() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
probReadMappedCorrectly(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Prob Correct. minimum number of reads per anchor reference range. Ranges with fewer reads will not be included in the output node list.
processCreateHash(inputFile, digestType) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.Utils.CreateHashForFiles
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStreamBuilderPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.MethodTableReportPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ChangeDBMethodTypePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CloseDBConnectionPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateGeneIntervalsFromConservedGFFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreatePHGPostgresDockerPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DatabaseSummaryPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GetDBConnectionPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeleteReadMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFSingleFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
Plugin method to process the data
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.CreateHapIdMapsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqDirToMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportHaplotypePathFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypeKmersPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Method to index the PHG for each SNP specified in the vcfFile
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Method to create a consensus haplotype GenotypeTable object Method will now just create and return the GenotypeTable instead of doing additional work to create the fasta sequence.
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class
processData(input) - Method in class
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.CheckDBVersionPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.liquibase.LiquibaseUpdatePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.LiquibaseCommandPlugin
Function to run specified liquibase commands, return value
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeInitialPHGDBPipelinePlugin
Function to run the steps previously done by
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CompareToKnownSNPPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateContigFastaFromAssemblyGenomePlugin
processData(shortSeqs, assemblyDir, outputDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
For each line in the PAF file, the aligned number of 'contig' coordinates is compared to the edit distance. If NM/numSites < our current NMthreshold, that aligned region is loaded into a RangeSet. The RangeSet will merge any overlapping regions. Then once all the mappings have been processed, this walks through each contig and determines how many of the bps of the full contig were mapped with a good enough NM. These values are output to a file created in outputDir.
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Method to split up each contig into splitSize'd chunks. If contig.length < splitSize, the contig is not chunked.
processData(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
processDecimal(decimal, lastNumber, lastDecimal) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
processHaplotypesData(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
processMain(regexDataFile, origRefAnchors, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateCSV_TrimmedAnchorLoading
processMain(db, refLine, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFile
processMain(refFasta, trimmedFastas, outputDir, lineName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.FindTrimmedAnchorCoordinates
processMain(assemblyFasta, trimmedFastas, outputDir, lineName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.FindTrimmedAssemblyCoordinates
processMain(assemblyNameFile, outputFile, gvcf, variants) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ShellScript_createLoadHaplotypes
processReadDirectory(readDir, graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Method that gets a list of read mapping files from the read directory and calls processReadFile for each of the files.
processReadFile(readFileName, graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Method to process a single read file and write the resulting path to the output directory. If overwrite = false, then the method will not overwrite an existing path file.
processSAMRecords(samReader, pairedEnd, hapIdToRefRangeMap, maxRefRangeError, outputBamFile, outputStatsFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Function that processes the records within a SAM file similar to what is done in Minimap2Utils. This will keep track of the alignment stats as it is going and will output the correct values.
ProfileInput(refRange, nodeList) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
ProfileMxdivPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Using a HaplotypeGraph supplied as input, this plugin evaluates how many consensus haplotypes would be created for each ReferenceRange at different values of mxDiv. It works by walking the UPGMA tree and reporting, for each internal node, the number of branches that exist at that height. The number of branches corresponds to the number of haplotype nodes. The plugin can use either SNP distance or KMER distance to construct the trees. SNP requires that the graph includes variants. KMER requires that the graph includes sequence.
ProfileMxdivPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Using a HaplotypeGraph supplied as input, this plugin evaluates how many consensus haplotypes would be created for each ReferenceRange at different values of mxDiv. It works by walking the UPGMA tree and reporting, for each internal node, the number of branches that exist at that height. The number of branches corresponds to the number of haplotype nodes. The plugin can use either SNP distance or KMER distance to construct the trees. SNP requires that the graph includes variants. KMER requires that the graph includes sequence.
ProfileMxdivPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin
Using a HaplotypeGraph supplied as input, this plugin evaluates how many consensus haplotypes would be created for each ReferenceRange at different values of mxDiv. It works by walking the UPGMA tree and reporting, for each internal node, the number of branches that exist at that height. The number of branches corresponds to the number of haplotype nodes. The plugin can use either SNP distance or KMER distance to construct the trees. SNP requires that the graph includes variants. KMER requires that the graph includes sequence.
ProfileMxdivPlugin.DistanceType - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
ProfileMxdivPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
ProfileResult(refRange, pairList) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
purgeOutputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Purge Array export after marking file.
purgeOutputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Purge Array Export. Purge Array export after marking file.
PurgeSequencesFromAlignments - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Created by edbuckler on 6/19/17.
put(kmer, id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Basic put function for String kmer and its associated id
put(kmerAsByte, id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Put function taking in a ByteArray representation of the kmer and its associated id
put(kmer, id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Put function from a Long Representation of the kmer and its Id We apply the lambda here which will set the id to -1 if we have already seen this Id
putAll(newKmerMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Loop through the KmerMap and put each key-value pair into the existing map.
putAll(kmerSet, id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MutableKmerToIdMap
Method to add in all the kmers stored in a primitive Long Set into the kmerToIdMap using the input id.
putAllAnchors(anchorData, refGroupMethodID) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Stores chrom, start pos, end pos to referenece_ranges table isFocus identifies focus intervals from the user's bed file
putAllAnchors(adata, refGroupMethodID) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putAssemblyInterAnchorSequences(line_name, hapNumber, method, anchorSequences) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Adds inter-anchor sequences for the specified assembly to the anchor_sequences and anchor_haplotypes table. This method takes a multi-map as assembly. Inter-anchors that do not map to a reference inter-anchor are all given the anchorid 0.
putAssemblyInterAnchorSequences(line_name, hapNumber, method, anchorSequences) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putConsensusSequences(consensusMap, methodId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
This method takes a map of consensus data, finds the anchorIds based on Position, finds the hapids of the taxa whose sequences at the specified anchorID map to the consensus. Adds the gamete_group and sequence data to the haplotpes table ; adds entries to gamete_groups and gamete_hapltoypes. *
putConsensusSequences(consensusMap, method_id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putGameteGroupAndHaplotypes(gametes) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a list of gametes and stores to the gamete_groups and gamete_haplotypes table Skips if this grouping already exists
putGameteGroupAndHaplotypes(gametes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putGenoAndHaploTypeData(ghData) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Stores required data to the genotypes and haplotypes tables for each entry on the list.
putGenoAndHaploTypeData(ghData) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putGenomeFileData(genome_path, genome_file, genoid, type) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Method takes information on a genome fasta file, stores to the PHG db, returns the genome_file_data entry id created for the table entry.
putGenomeFileData(genome_server_path, genome_file, genoid, type) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHalotypeListData(hapids) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
put data to the haplotype Lists table.
putHalotypeListData(hapids) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHaplotypeCountsData(method, methodDetails, taxonName, fastqFile, counts) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
This method adds data to the haplotype_counts table. The "data" is a Snappy compressed byte buffer of a 3xn array, found in parameter "counts" To see how this data is stored, examine DBLoadingUtils.encodeHapCountsArrayFromFile(), DBLoadingUtils.encodeHapCountsArrayFromMultiset() and DBLoadingUtils.decodeHapCountsArray()
putHaplotypeCountsData(method, methodDetails, taxonName, fastqFile, counts) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHaplotypesData(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a gamete_grp_id, method_id, list of haplotype sequences, a chromosome and a genomeFileId. Starts the process of storing table data for the haplotypes to the db. This will set maxEntries to 10000 and will call the putHaplotypesData version below putHaplotypesData(int gamete_grp_id, int method, Map anchorSequences, String chromosome, int genomeFileId, gvcfFIleId)
putHaplotypesData(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId, maxEntries) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a gamete_grp_id, method_id, list of haplotype sequences, a chromosome, genomeFileId, and a number of MaxEntries. Starts the process of storing table data for the haplotypes to the db
putHaplotypesData(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHaplotypesData(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, chromosome, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId, maxEntries) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHaplotypesForGamete(gamete_grp_id, method, anchorSequences, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Stores gamete sequence data to the haplotypes table This method associates all entries with the single gamete_grp_id which is passed in. It is used when loading reference_ranges sequences or haplotype sequences for a single line. THe gidToVariantDataMap map is used to create the variant list blob for the db
putHaplotypesForGamete(gamete_grp_id, method_id, anchorSequences, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putHaplotypesForMultipleGroups(mapWithGroupHash, method_id) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Add data to the haplotypes table. Entries on the map are for different gamete groups. The key is a Position item identifying the genome_interval id The value is a Tuple consisting of (x) AnchorDataPHG object with sequence, gvcf, etc; and (y) a List of taxa represented by the ANchorDataPHG sequence
putHaplotypesForMultipleGroups(mapWithGroupHash, method_id) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putMethod(name, type, description) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Adds a method, its type and its description to the anchor_methods table These are used to identify how sequences were created,how the were combined into consensus sequences, how haplotype counts were scores, how paths through the graph were create or how an edge was created. The "type" field identifies the table to which the method belongs.
putMethod(name, type, descriptionMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putPathsData(method, methodDetails, taxon, readMappingIds, pathBytes, isTestMethod) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
This method stores paths data to the paths table.
putPathsData(method, methodDetails, taxon, readMappingIds, pathBytes, isTestMethod) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putReadMappingData(method, methodDetails, taxon, file_group_name, mapping_data, isTestMethod, haplotypeListId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a method name, method details string, taxon name (should exist in the genotypes table), file_group_name, and a byte array of read mapping data. This is stored to the PHG read_mapping table
putReadMappingData(method, methodDetails, taxon, file_group_name, mapping_data, isTestMethod, haplotypeListId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putRefAnchorData(line_name, hapnumber, adata, hapMethod, refGroupMethod, gvcf, variant_list, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Fills in the haplotypes table for the reference ranges.
putRefAnchorData(line_name, hapnumber, anchorData, hapMethod, refGrpMethods, gvcf, variant_list, genomeFileId, gvcfFileId) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putRefRangeRefRangeMethod(group_method_id, refRangeList) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a method id and a list of reference ranges. Populates the ref_range_ref_range_method table.
putRefRangeRefRangeMethod(method_id, refRangeIDList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putTaxaGroupName(group_name) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Creates an entry in the taxa_groups table. If one already exists with the specified name, the id for it is returned.
putTaxaGroupName(group_name) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
putTaxaTaxaGroups(group_name, taxaList) - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
Takes a taxa group name and a list of taxa. Populates the taxa_groups and taxa_groups_genoid tables.
putTaxaTaxaGroups(group_name, taxaList) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess


QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Created by mm2842 on 6/20/17. Check the output of using GenotypeTools for stats check some of the input files vs the expected output (check that it is working as expected) files in the box files are Ed code's output The output files will be tested and a logging file with stats will be output
qualityScore() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
Basis of this score and units to be determined
quantiles(list) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPluginKt
Given a list, return the lower, median, and upper quartile values Return NaN for all if list is empty
query() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Name of assembly in mummer query, this is usually the assembly
query(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Query name . Name of assembly in mummer query, this is usually the assembly
queryMaxAlignCov() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
anchorwave proali parameter Q, indicating query genome maximum alignment coverage .
queryMaxAlignCov(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Query Max Align Cov. anchorwave proali parameter Q, indicating query genome maximum alignment coverage
queueSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Size of Queue to pass information to the DB writing thread. Increase this number to have better thread utilization at the expense of RAM. If you are running into Java heap Space/RAM issues and cannot use a bigger machine, decrease this parameter.
queueSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Queue Size. Size of Queue to pass information to the DB writing thread. Increase this number to have better thread utilization at the expense of RAM. If you are running into Java heap Space/RAM issues and cannot use a bigger machine, decrease this parameter.
queueSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Size of Queue used to pass information to the DB writing thread. Increase this number to have better thread utilization at the expense of RAM. If you are running into Java heap Space/RAM issues and cannot use a bigger machine, decrease this parameter.
queueSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin
Set Queue Size. Size of Queue used to pass information to the DB writing thread. Increase this number to have better thread utilization at the expense of RAM. If you are running into Java heap Space/RAM issues and cannot use a bigger machine, decrease this parameter.


RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
ranges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Tab-delimited, BED Formatted file containing chrom, ref range start position, ref range end position. No header line.
ranges(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
Set Ranges File. Tab-delimited, BED Formatted file containing chrom, ref range start position, ref range end position. No header line.
rangeSetFromHapidSet(hapids, hapidRangeMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
rangesFromPositions(positions) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MafUtils
rankingFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
File The Ranking for the Taxon in the DB. This is used to break ties.
rankingFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Ranking File. File The Ranking for the Taxon in the DB. This is used to break ties.
rankingFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
rankingFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
RankingFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
RankingFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
RankingFilePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RankingFilePlugin
RankingFilePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
readAnchorIds() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
Reads in list of anchor region numbers that are IBD
readDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Name of the Fasta/Fastq dir to process.
readDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.BuildSLURMBatchScriptPlugin
Set Fasta or Fastq dir to process. Name of the Fasta/Fastq dir to process.
readFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Raw Read file aligned to the reference
readFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToKmerCountPlugin
Set Raw Read File. Raw Read file aligned to the reference
readGFFtoGff3Feature(gffFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Function to use htsjdk to read gff into memory. Returns a Set .
readInKeyFile(fileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to read in the key file. The first of the pair is the column mapping and the second is a 2-d list.
readInListOfMultimapHits(inputFiles, graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the multimap Hits from a file and store it in a list. The graph is needed to get a refRangeId to RefRange mapping
readInListOfMultimapHits(inputFiles, rangeIdToRangeMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the Multimap
readInMultimapHits(inputFileName, graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the multimap Hits from a file and store it in a Multimap. The graph is needed to get a refRangeId to RefRange mapping
readInMultimapHits(inputFileName, rangeIdToRangeMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the multimap hits.
readInMultimapHitsFromFile(inputFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
Function to read in the multimapHits from a text file.
readInReadMappings(inputFileName, graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingUtils
readLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
length of reads to be generated
readLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
Set Read Length. length of reads to be generated
readLength() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Desired length of reads for fastq files
readLength(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Length Of Reads. Desired length of reads for fastq files
readMap(readMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
readMapDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Directory of read mapping files. If this is supplied, do not also assign a read filename.
readMapDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Read Map Directory. Directory of read mapping files. If this is supplied, do not also assign a read filename.
readMapFilename() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Filename of read mappings. Do not supply both a filename and a directory.
readMapFilename(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Read Map File. Filename of read mappings. Do not supply both a filename and a directory.
ReadMappingDBRecord - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
ReadMappingDBRecord(methodName, methodDetails, readMappingId, readMappings, genoName, fileGroupName) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
ReadMappingDecoder - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ReadMappingDecoder gets an encoded read mapping from a database based on a read mapping id and decodes it to return counts of haplotype id sets as a map (Map>). It correctly decodes either BitSet encoded haplotype set counts or the older format without BitSet encoding. The class has two constructors. One of them takes a PHGdbAccess object and the other takes no arguments and instantiates a PHGdbAccess object based on connection parameters stored in the ParameterCache.
ReadMappingDecoder(phgAccess) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingDecoder
ReadMappingDecoder gets an encoded read mapping from a database based on a read mapping id and decodes it to return counts of haplotype id sets as a map (Map>). It correctly decodes either BitSet encoded haplotype set counts or the older format without BitSet encoding. The class has two constructors. One of them takes a PHGdbAccess object and the other takes no arguments and instantiates a PHGdbAccess object based on connection parameters stored in the ParameterCache.
ReadMappingDecoder() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingDecoder
ReadMappingInputFileFormat - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ReadMappingKeyFileParsed - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ReadMappingKeyFileParsed(keyFileRecordsToFileMap, fileNameToPathMap, keyFileColumnNameMap, keyFileLines) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
readMappingMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Read Mapping Method in the DB. Must be consistent across all DBs/files
readMappingMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportReadMappingToDBPlugin
Set Read Mapping Method. Read Mapping Method in the DB. Must be consistent across all DBs/files
readMappingOutputDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Debug Output Directory.
readMappingOutputDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set outputDir. Debug Output Directory.
ReadMappingResult(keyFileRecord, hapIdMultiset, hapIdToStatMap) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
readMappingsForLineName(configFile, lineName, readMappingMethodName, haplotypeMethodName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
readMappingsForLineName(configFile, lineName, readMappingMethodName, haplotypeMethodName, fileGroup) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
readMappingTableInfo(configFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
ReadMappingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
readMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
A read method. Either a read method or a keyfile containing mapping ids must be supplied. If both are supplied, the keyFile will be used and the readMethod will be ignored.
readMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.LikelyParentsPlugin
Set Read Method. A read method. Either a read method or a keyfile containing mapping ids must be supplied. If both are supplied, the keyFile will be used and the readMethod will be ignored.
readMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
The read method name to used for the read mapping data stored in the DB.
readMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Read Method. The read method name to used for the read mapping data stored in the DB.
readMethodDescription() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
An additional description that will be stored with the read method name, if desired.
readMethodDescription(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Read Method Description. An additional description that will be stored with the read method name, if desired.
readMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
The name of the read method in the PHG DB
readMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Read Method. The name of the read method in the PHG DB
readMethodName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
The name of the read mapping method in the PHG DB
readMethodName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Read Mapping Method. The name of the read mapping method in the PHG DB
ReadMethodTablePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReadMethodTablePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReadMethodTablePlugin
ReadNameData(queryName, refName, totalEQ, totalSNP, totalM, totalInserts, totalDeletes, editDistance, totalReadLength, totalRefLength) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
readOutputFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Name of Read->haplotype Mapping file.
readOutputFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Set Output Read-> haplotype Mapping File. Name of Read->haplotype Mapping file.
reads() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
File Name of the read fastq
reads(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
Set Read File. File Name of the read fastq
RedirectStreams - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This comes from It is used to aid in piping output from 1 ProcessBuilder command to another.
RedirectStreams(process1, process2) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RedirectStreams
Ref - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
ref() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Input reference fasta file for single chromosome
ref(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesPlugin
Set Reference Fasta File. Input reference fasta file for single chromosome
ref() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Reference fasta File
ref(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Set Reference. Reference fasta File
refAllele() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
refAlleleID() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
refAlleleString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
RefAltData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
This class used when processing consensus data.
RefAltData(variantId, chr, pos, length, refDepth, altDepth) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RefAltData
refChrom() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Name of reference chromsome as stored in the database. This is the chromosome whose anchors will be pulled.
refChrom(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
Set Reference Chromosome Name. Name of reference chromsome as stored in the database. This is the chromosome whose anchors will be pulled.
refDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Input Reference Fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Ref. Input Reference Fasta
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
File Name of the reference fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterFastqUsingBAMPlugin
Set Ref File. File Name of the reference fasta
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Input Reference Fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
Set Ref. Input Reference Fasta
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Input Reference Fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
Set Ref. Input Reference Fasta
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Input Reference Fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin
Set Reference Fasta. Input Reference Fasta
reference() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Input Reference Fasta
reference(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Reference Fasta. Input Reference Fasta
referenceFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Reference Genome File for aligning against
referenceFasta(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set Reference Genome File. Reference Genome File for aligning against
referenceFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Input Reference used to create the gvcf
referenceFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.GVCFTyperPlugin
Set Reference Fasta Sequence. Input Reference used to create the gvcf
referenceFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Reference Input file
referenceFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFPlugin
Set Reference File. Reference Input file
referenceFileName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Reference file name in case you want to index on the fly
referenceFileName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Ref File Name. Reference file name in case you want to index on the fly
referenceGenome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The reference genome fasta.
referenceGenome(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Ref Genome. The reference genome fasta.
referenceName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Reference genome (B73, CML247, EP1, etc) from which the reference range originates
referenceRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
Object containing the range of genomic coordinate values associated with a given HaplotypeNode and other details associated with that range of values. These values correspond to the reference genome being used (Generally B73 in Maize).
referenceRange() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
Reference Range in (alternative)reference genome
ReferenceRange - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReferenceRange(referenceName, chromosome, start, end, id) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
ReferenceRange(referenceName, chromosome, start, end, id, method) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
ReferenceRange(referenceName, chromosome, start, end, id, methods) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.Builder - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability.METHOD - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
referenceRangeForAllChromMap(database, refRangeMethods) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
referenceRangeForChromMap(database, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Find all reference ranges for a particular chromosome Query pulls all reference ranges for that chrom from the reference_ranges table. The assembly should be processed against all defined reference ranges.
referenceRangeList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns list of reference ranges for whole graph. Consider using net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph$referenceRangeStream()
referenceRangeMap(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Retrieves all ReferenceRange instances
referenceRanges(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Retrieves all ReferenceRange instances with specified genome interval version name.
referenceRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns sorted set of reference ranges for whole graph. Consider using net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph$referenceRangeStream()
referenceRanges(database, methods, methodTable) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphStream
This retrieves the reference ranges matching the haplotype method / range group method pairs specified.
referenceRanges(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
referenceRangeStream() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns stream of reference ranges for entire graph.
referenceRangeStream(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns stream of reference ranges for given chromosome.
ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeSummaryPlugin
ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability(anchorNodeList, hapGraph, minTransitionProb) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability
referenceSequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Reference Genome Sequence to use to extract the fasta
referenceSequence(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Reference Genome Sequence. Reference Genome Sequence to use to extract the fasta
refFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Full path to reference fasta file, docker specific path if running in a docker
refFasta(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Reference Fasta File. Full path to reference fasta file, docker specific path if running in a docker
refFasta() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Input reference fasta file
refFasta(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Reference Fasta File. Input reference fasta file
refFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Fasta file containing reference genome
refFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Set Ref Genome File. Fasta file containing reference genome
refFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Reference File used to create the GVCFs.
refFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Ref File. Reference File used to create the GVCFs.
refGeneInsert() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Proportion of gene that will get an insertion
refGeneInsert(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Proportion of gene that will get an insertion
refGenome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Referemce Genome File for aligning against
refGenome(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeAsAssemblyPlugin
Set Reference Genome File. Referemce Genome File for aligning against
refGenome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Reference Genome File for aligning against
refGenome(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Reference Genome File. Reference Genome File for aligning against
refGenome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Reference Genome.
refGenome(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Set Reference Genome. Reference Genome.
refGenome() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Reference Genome.
refGenome(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Set Reference Genome. Reference Genome.
refGenomeDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refGenomeDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refGenomeFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refGenomeName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refGenomePath - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refGenomePathDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refilterCoordsFile(outputDeltaFilePrefix, coordsDelta, coordsDelta1, coordsGNoEmbedded, chrom, scoreThreshold) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Takes a mummer delta file filtered via the -1 option, determines which entries to keep. From the remaining, it removes embedded entries.
refilterCoordsFileMinusG(outputDeltaFilePrefix, coordsDelta, coordsDeltaG, coordsGNoEmbedded, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
This method post-processes the filtered and original coords file when the mummer coords file came from a delta filtered with the -G option. It will 1. create a list of entries to add back based on groups of ascending/descending entries of at least 3 adjacent alignments whose distance from each other is less than a specified amount 2. adds the entries above (in a sorted manner) to the filtered coords list
refInterGeneDelete() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Proportion of the reference inter-gene sequence to delete
refInterGeneDelete(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Proportion of InterGene Deleted. Proportion of the reference inter-gene sequence to delete
refInterGeneDup() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Proportion of the refererence inter-gene sequence to duplicate
refInterGeneDup(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set Proportion of InterGene Duplicate. Proportion of the refererence inter-gene sequence to duplicate
refLen() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
refLineName - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
refLoadDataFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refLoadDataFileDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refLoadDataFileName - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refMaxAlignCov() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
anchorwave proali parameter R, indicating reference genome maximum alignment coverage .
refMaxAlignCov(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Ref Max Align Cov. anchorwave proali parameter R, indicating reference genome maximum alignment coverage .
refName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Name of file containing reference genes
refName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Set Ref File Name. Name of file containing reference genes
refPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Path where reference fastas live
refPath(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AlterNucmerFirstLinePlugin
Set Reference Path. Path where reference fastas live
RefRangeData(chrom, start, end) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
refRangeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
File containing reference range information: csv with columns ref_range_id, chrom,range_start,range_end
refRangeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.HaplotypeGeneMetricsPlugin
Set Ref Range File. File containing reference range information: csv with columns ref_range_id, chrom,range_start,range_end
refRangeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Ref Range File. The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Ref Range File. The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Ref Range File. The name of the file containing the reference ranges to keep.
refRangeForSNPFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Reference Range file used to further subset the paths for only specified regions of the genome.
refRangeForSNPFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFHaplotypesPlugin
Set Reference Range File. Reference Range file used to further subset the paths for only specified regions of the genome.
refRangeForSNPFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Reference Range file used to further subset the paths for only specified regions of the genome.
refRangeForSNPFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Set Reference Range File. Reference Range file used to further subset the paths for only specified regions of the genome.
refRangeId - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
refRangeIds - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
RefrangeInfo(chr, start, end) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
refRangeMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Comma separated list of reference Range methods needed to create a bed file. Generally you will want to pull down refRegionGroup
refRangeMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Set Ref Range Methods. Comma separated list of reference Range methods needed to create a bed file. Generally you will want to pull down refRegionGroup
refRangeMethods() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Comma separated list of names given to identify conserved vs non-conserved methods. This is the group name from the bed file used to load the reference ranges. The list must contain exactly 2 names, for example: genic,intergenic or refRegionGroup,refInterRegionGroup.
refRangeMethods(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
Set Ref Range Methods. Comma separated list of names given to identify conserved vs non-conserved methods. This is the group name from the bed file used to load the reference ranges. The list must contain exactly 2 names, for example: genic,intergenic or refRegionGroup,refInterRegionGroup.
refRanges() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Reference range list to remove from graph
refRanges(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Reference Ranges. Reference range list to remove from graph
refRangesForChrom(dbConn, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.Mummer4DoonerBZStats
refRangesForChrom(dbConn, chrom) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
RefRangeStats(refRangeId, numReads, totalReadBps, totalAlignedBps, totalNM, totalSClip, totalHClip, totalEQ, totalX, totalI, totalD) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
RefRangeVectors - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests
This class creates a range of vectors holding data for PHG ReferenceRange objects
RefRangeVectors(refRangeIds, chromosomes, startPos, endPos, refLineName, numberOfNodes) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
RefRangeWrapper - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Need a ReferenceRange Wrapper function as the Current ReferenceRange is not serializable due to the Chromosome object.
RefRangeWrapper(myReferenceName, myChromosome, myStart, myEnd, myID, myMethods) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
Need a ReferenceRange Wrapper function as the Current ReferenceRange is not serializable due to the Chromosome object.
refServerDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
refServerPath() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
String that contains a server and file path where the reference genome will be stored for future access. This ia a more permanent location, not where the genome file lives for procssing via this plugin.
refServerPath(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
Set Reference Server Path. String that contains a server and file path where the reference genome will be stored for future access. This ia a more permanent location, not where the genome file lives for procssing via this plugin.
refVersion() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Name of reference version as stored in the DB table genome_inteval_versions
refVersion(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportHaplotypePathToFilePlugin
Set Ref Version. Name of reference version as stored in the DB table genome_inteval_versions
REGION_REFERENCE_RANGE_GROUP - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
RegionHaplotypeCount(start, end, count, type) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
RegionInputData(start, end, type, variantContextMap) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
removeAdapter() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqcolToFastaPlugin
Whether to remove Illumina adapters
removeEqualCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Any range for which all haplotypes have the same number of read counts will not be included in the path.
removeEqualCounts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Remove Equal. Any range for which all haplotypes have the same number of read counts will not be included in the path.
removeExtraRangeAlignments(entry, hapIdToRangeMap, maxRefRangeError) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin
Simple function to go through the records grouped by range and remove any suboptimal alignments.
removeExtraRefRangeHits(currentMapping, hapIdToRangeMap, maxRefRangeError) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to remove any reads which hit more than one reference range ambiguously.
removeHaplotypeCaller(taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFUtils
Simple method to remove the _Haplotype_Caller from the taxon name
removeIndels(baseAlign) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.MergeGVCFUtils
Method to Remove indels from the GenotypeTable. Basically if it has a + or - in any of the calls, we filter out.
removeLastToken() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
If set to true, this will remove the last token from the file names.
removeLastToken(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
Set Remove Last Token From FileName. If set to true, this will remove the last token from the file names.
removeLongNs(anchorSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.ComputeNDistribution
RemoveLongRunNs - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment
Simple test utility(script) which will remove Ns from a list of files TODO Refractor out the methods to be more object oriented Created by zrm22 on 6/7/17.
removeRangesWithEqualCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.
removeRangesWithEqualCounts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Remove Equal. Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.
removeRangesWithEqualCounts(remove) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
removeRangesWithEqualCounts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.
removeRangesWithEqualCounts(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Remove Equal. Ranges with equal read counts for all haplotypes should be removed from the graph. Defaults to true but will be always be false if minReads = 0.
removeRefBlocks(variantInfos) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
removeRefRanges(graph, minPercentTaxa) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Removes reference ranges from given graph that represent less than given minimum percent of total taxa.
removeRefRanges(graph, minCountTaxa) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Removes reference ranges from given graph that represent less than given minimum number of taxa.
removeRefRanges(graph, ranges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Removes specified reference ranges from graph.
replaceNsWithMajor() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Boolean flag to replace any N calls with a Major Homozygous Diploid Value
replaceNsWithMajor(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Replace N calls with Major Allele. Boolean flag to replace any N calls with a Major Homozygous Diploid Value
reportFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
requiredTaxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Optional list of taxa required to have haplotypes. Any reference range that does not have a haplotype for one of these taxa will not be used for path finding. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
requiredTaxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Required Taxa. Optional list of taxa required to be have haplotypes. Any reference range that does not have a haplotype for one of these taxa will not be used for path finding. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
resetBaseDirectory(baseDirectory) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
resizeCoords(coordFile, chromosome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Test method to resize the coordinate files so they are not overlapping
resizeRefBlock(vc, refSequence, positionToSplit, isStart) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method which will take a variant Context which needs to be split and will output 2 new variants while updating ASM_* annotations. Depending on if the splitting position is a start or end or if the assembly is increasing or decreasing, it will have to handle things differently.
ResizeRefBlockPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
ResizeRefBlockPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
ResizeRefBlockPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
ResultChannelData(IdToRefRangeMap, vcList, fastaInfo) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
resultsfile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence
resultsfile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
This plugin queries the PHG genome_file_data table and returns a tab-delimited file with data for the specified file types.
RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
This plugin queries the PHG genome_file_data table and returns a tab-delimited file with data for the specified file types.
RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
This plugin queries the PHG genome_file_data table and returns a tab-delimited file with data for the specified file types.
RetrieveGenomeFileDataPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
revCompliment() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Create Kmers on both strands. If true, this will reverse compliment each haplotype node's sequence and will create kmers for both.
revCompliment(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexKmerByHammingPlugin
Set Reverse Compliment. Create Kmers on both strands. If true, this will reverse compliment each haplotype node's sequence and will create kmers for both.
reverseCompliment(seq) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
rightEdges(node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns List of Right HaplotypeEdges for given HaplotypeNode
rightHapNode() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge
HaplotypeNode to the right of the current edge
rightTrimCount() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors.AnchorInfo
RMethods - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
The purpose of this class is hold static methods that generate results that can be used by R
RMethods.DataFrameVectors - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
A data class holding columnNames, rowNames, and a dataVectors List as public fields in a format that can be easily used by rJava to create R objects
RMethods.MatrixWithNames - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
A data class holding columnNames, rowNames, and a matrix List as public fields in a format that can be easily used by rJava to create R objects. It is expected that the matrix will be a 2-D primitive Java array of some type that is converted correctly by rJava.
romanToDecimal(romanNumber) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
rowNames - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.DataFrameVectors
rowNames - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.MatrixWithNames
RPHGMethodsKotlin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Class for holding static Kotlin methods to be used by the rPHG package. The intention for this class is to:
RPHGMethodsKotlin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin
Class for holding static Kotlin methods to be used by the rPHG package. The intention for this class is to:
RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Data class for storing haplotype ID / sequence strings
run() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.ComputeNDistribution
run(listOfFiles, outputDirectory, outputListOfFiles) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.RemoveLongRunNs
Setup the run of the tool and start it exporting files.
run(listOfFiles, numberOfScripts, outputDirectory) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.SplitMafftRun
run2() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment.ComputeNDistribution
runAnchorWaveMultiThread(refFasta, colsAndData, cdsFasta, gffFile, refSamOutFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
runAnchorwaveProali(gffFile, refFasta, asmFasta, cdsFasta, refSam, asmSam) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
runCollapsePipeline(graph, referenceFasta) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
This method will loop through each reference range in the graph and will: 1. Merge all the gvcf records for a given haplotype method: 2. Cluster the haplotypes together into groups Then when done with all reference ranges, load the exported gvcfs and fastas to the db. This is the main function that processes each reference range in the graph
runConsensusPipeline(graph, referenceFasta) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
This method will loop through each reference range in the graph and will: 1. Merge the List of variant/ref data for a given haplotype method: 2. Cluster the haplotypes together into groups Then when done with all reference ranges, load data for each cluster to the db. This is the main function that processes each reference range in the graph
runDeltaFilter(deltaFilePrefix, outputDir, mummer4Path) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Call mummer4 delta-filter method with parameter: -g 1-to-1 global alignment not allowing rearrangements NOTE: the -g option filters out many alignments, including inversions. Some of these will be added back when the "refilterCoords" method is run later.
runGraphFastqToMapping(graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
This function will run the SAM -> ReadMapping File portion of the pipeline and will write to the DB.
runGraphlessFastqToMapping() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
This function will run the Fastq -> ReadMapping File portion of the pipeline without needing DB access or a graph input.
runGraphlessSamToMapping() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
This function will run the SAM -> ReadMapping File portion of the pipeline without needing DB access or a graph input.
runGraphSamToMapping(graph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
This function will run the SAM -> ReadMapping File portion of the pipeline and will write to the DB.
RunGVCFTyper - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
Simple class to run the GVCFTyperPlugin until it gets integrated into TASSEL proper. Will be deleted once the plugin is in TASSEL as it can run on Created by zrm22 on 8/2/17.
RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
This plugin creates consensus haplotypes. It processes each reference range in a separate thread using Java Futures. Data is written to the database via a single thread. Simple plugin to run the full Haplotype Collapse plugin. Will do the following steps: Steps: 1. Loop through each reference range in the graph: 1.a Extract the HaplotypeNodes with the VariantInfo data. 1.b Cluster haplotypes based on the FIndHaplotypeClustersPlugin and a genotype table containing only variantId data for sites with SNPs. 1.c Export clustered GenotypeTables 1.d Determine allele calls 2. For consensus haplotype created, upload to the database. based on RunHapCollapsePipelinePlugin NOTE: upgma is no longer supported, but may be added again later. 07/25/22
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.CLUSTERING_MODE - Enum in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
This class takes a reference range, run through all the taxon with their variants List, create genotype table based on variant_id from PHG variants table. Send this genotype table through FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin Decode results from clustersPlugin into actual alleles
RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.VariantInfoConsensus - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse
runLiquibaseCommand(command, outputDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PipelineUtilsKt
This returns a String indicating all went well, or that the db needs updating. This is a String vs boolean as we will in the future add a PHG version to run if the user does not want to update the db.
RunMergeAndCluster(graphToMerge, dbProperties, referenceSequence) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
RunMergeAndCluster(graphToMerge, dbProperties, referenceSequence, rankingMap) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
RunMergeAndCluster() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.RunMergeAndCluster
runMinimapFromKeyFile(minimapLocation, keyFileName, inputFileDir, referenceFile, graph, maxRefRangeError, methodName, methodDescription, pluginParams, outputDebugReadMappingDir, outputSecondaryMappingStats, maxSecondary, inputFileFormat, fParameter, isTestMethod, updateDB, runWithoutGraph, hapIdToRefRangeMap, hapIdToLengthMap, refRangeToHapIdMap, inputFileName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Method to run minimap2 using information provided by the Key file.
runPlugin(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalsFileFromGffPlugin
Convenience method to run plugin with one return object.
runPlugin(input) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Convenience method to run plugin that returns nothing.
runShowCoords(deltaFilePrefix, outputDir, mummer4Path) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
call mummer4 show-coords method
runShowSNPs(deltaFilePrefix, outputDir, mummer4Path, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
This method calls show-snps using only a delta file as input
runShowSNPsWithCat(deltaFilePrefix, coordsForShowSnps, outputDir, mummer4Path, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Fun the mummer4 show-snps entry against a delta file, using a coords file as additional input. From the command line, this would look like: cat coords_file | show-snps -T -r -H -S deltaFile
runWithoutGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.
runWithoutGraph(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Run Without Graph. If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.
runWithoutGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.
runWithoutGraph(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Run Without Graph. If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.
runWithoutGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.
runWithoutGraph(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Run Without Graph. If set to true, will require the input of a JSON file created by CreateHapIdMapsPlugin and will got require a Graph object input.


SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
Class to read a SAM file, then calculate and print metrics on number of matched-BPs, unmatched-BPs(SNPs), total-aligned bps, insertions, deletions, editDistance, and the total query length. THe total refLength is also included per user request, but this information is not terribly useful. While the query sequence is included in the SAM file, allowing for the readLength to be determined by a seq.length call, the reference sequence is not. The refLen is inferred from the CIGAR string: add all X,EQ,M, D values. This means the refLen is always a total of the TotalBP-Aligned + Total_Deletions.
SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
Class to read a SAM file, then calculate and print metrics on number of matched-BPs, unmatched-BPs(SNPs), total-aligned bps, insertions, deletions, editDistance, and the total query length. THe total refLength is also included per user request, but this information is not terribly useful. While the query sequence is included in the SAM file, allowing for the readLength to be determined by a seq.length call, the reference sequence is not. The refLen is inferred from the CIGAR string: add all X,EQ,M, D values. This means the refLen is always a total of the TotalBP-Aligned + Total_Deletions.
SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
Class to read a SAM file, then calculate and print metrics on number of matched-BPs, unmatched-BPs(SNPs), total-aligned bps, insertions, deletions, editDistance, and the total query length. THe total refLength is also included per user request, but this information is not terribly useful. While the query sequence is included in the SAM file, allowing for the readLength to be determined by a seq.length call, the reference sequence is not. The refLen is inferred from the CIGAR string: add all X,EQ,M, D values. This means the refLen is always a total of the TotalBP-Aligned + Total_Deletions.
SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
SAMAlignmentMetricsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline
samDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Name of the SAM/BAM dir to process.
samDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set SAM/BAM dir to process. Name of the SAM/BAM dir to process.
samDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Set sam directory. Path to a directory containing one or more sam/bam files. To be recognized by this plugin, files must end with .sam or .bam All other files in the directory will be ignored.
samDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Name of the SAM/BAM dir to process.
samDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set SAM/BAM dir to process. Name of the SAM/BAM dir to process.
samDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
samFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Set sam file. Name of singular sam or bam file to process. Does not include path.
samFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
Name of the SAM/BAM file to process.
samFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin
Set SAM/BAM to process. Name of the SAM/BAM file to process.
samFileName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Name of the SAM file to process
samFileName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToHapCountMinimapPlugin
Set SAM file to process. Name of the SAM file to process
SAMMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to extract metrics from SAM file(s) related to alignment quality. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file with one row for each input SAM file, and include: number of mapped and unmapped reads, mean and median alignment edit distances. it also writes one file per input SAM containing the best (lowest) edit distances for each read, separated by new lines
SAMMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Plugin to extract metrics from SAM file(s) related to alignment quality. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file with one row for each input SAM file, and include: number of mapped and unmapped reads, mean and median alignment edit distances. it also writes one file per input SAM containing the best (lowest) edit distances for each read, separated by new lines
SAMMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Plugin to extract metrics from SAM file(s) related to alignment quality. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file with one row for each input SAM file, and include: number of mapped and unmapped reads, mean and median alignment edit distances. it also writes one file per input SAM containing the best (lowest) edit distances for each read, separated by new lines
SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
data class containing summary of alignment statstics for one file: mappedReads: number of mapped reads unmappedReads: number of unmapped reads minEditDistances: list of the lowest edit distance for the alignments of each mapped read Instead of printing the entire editDistances list, toString() calculates and prints mean and median
SAMMetricsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
sampleName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Sample Name to write to the GVCF file
sampleName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Sample Name. Sample Name to write to the GVCF file
SAMToMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Plugin to take mapped reads to the pangenome in a SAM file and prepare and upload the ReadMappings to the DB.
SAMToMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Plugin to take mapped reads to the pangenome in a SAM file and prepare and upload the ReadMappings to the DB.
SAMToMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
Plugin to score a PAF file by different NM(Edit Distance) thresholds.
ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPlugin
Plugin to score a PAF file by different NM(Edit Distance) thresholds.
ScorePafFileByNMThresholdPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ScoreRangesByInclusionCountsPlugin
scoreSamFileCountHapSetHits(samReader, hapIdToRefRangeMap, maxRefRangeError, pairedEnd, outputDebugFile, hapIdToLengthMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to score a sam record. This will output a Map which is the hapId Hit set.
scriptTemplate() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Generated Template Script for future minimap runs. This makes it easier to run minimap on the merged fastq files. Do not specify the script extension(.sh)
scriptTemplate(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Template Script Name. Generated Template Script for future minimap runs. This makes it easier to run minimap on the merged fastq files. Do not specify the script extension(.sh)
searchSeqsInFasta(shortSeqs, fastaFile, outputDir) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies
secondaryMinCoverage() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The minimum allowed Coverage count for determining if a bp is conserved or not for the secondary wiggle Files.
secondaryMinCoverage(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Secondary Minimum Coverage Count. The minimum allowed Coverage count for determining if a bp is conserved or not for the secondary wiggle Files.
SecondaryStats - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SecondaryStats(AS, de, startPosition) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
secondaryWiggleDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Name of the directory containing the wiggle files for determining coverage using the secondary rule.
secondaryWiggleDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Secondary wiggle directory. Name of the directory containing the wiggle files for determining coverage using the secondary rule.
seqErrorRate() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Error rate used to merge alleles call hets versus homozygous
seqErrorRate(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Sequencing error rate. Error rate used to merge alleles call hets versus homozygous
seqHash() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
Sequence hash in md5
seqHash() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
seqLen() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
sequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypePath
Sequence from nodes comprising this path.
sequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
String representation of this nucleotide sequence
sequence() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AnchorDataPHG
sequence - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
sequenceForRegion(startPos, endPos, vcIter, refSequence) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function that generates sequence from vcIter, a list of VariantContexts, for the region from startPos to endPos.
sequenceOutDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Output Directory For storing the sequence files
sequenceOutDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Sequence Output Directory. Output Directory For storing the sequence files
setAlleleDepths(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setAltAllele(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setAS(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
setAsmChrom(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setAsmEnd(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setAsmEndPos(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setAsmStart(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setAsmStartPos(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setAsmStrand(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setChr(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setClient(p) - Method in class
setCount(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
setCurrentEmissionProbabilities(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
setCurrentNode(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
setCurrentRefRangeIndex(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
setDe(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
setEndPos(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setGenotype(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setMinProbability(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEmissionProbability
setMultiset(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdMultiset
setMyPathMethod(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
setMyPathMethod(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
setMyRefSequence(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadAllIntervalsToPHGdbPlugin
setMyTaxaList(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
setMyTaxaList(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin
setNM(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
setNode(anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeTransitionProbability
setNode(node) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
sets the current reference range
setNodePairList(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
setNsToMax(originalDM) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
Function to create a new DistanceMatrix setting NaNs to the maximum value in both its row and column.
setNumReads(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setPositionToRefAndAltIdsMap(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PositionToRefAndAltHaplotypes
setPreviousNodePairList(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbability
setRefAllele(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setRefEndPos(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setRefStartPos(position) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setScore(score) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setStartPos(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
setStartPositions(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
setStateProbability(probTrueState) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
setStrand(strand) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.PairedSimilarFragment
setTotalAlignedBps(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalD(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalEQ(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalHClip(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalI(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalNM(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalReadBps(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalSClip(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setTotalX(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
setupChromLengthLookup() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Simple method to setup the chromosome length lookup map to be used for the GenomeSequence methods
setupIndelVariants(coordinates, refSequence, asmSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to fill in the unmapped regions coming from nucmer. This method will create multi-bp indels between the mapped regions which can then be added to the SNP list for processing into Variants.
setupMinimapRun(minimapLocation, referenceFile, firstFastq, secondFastq, maxSecondary, fParameter) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function that sets up the paired or single end minimap commands and builds the SamReader
setupWholeGenomeIndexMap() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
Method to setup the RangeMap containing the start and End position of each chromosome in order Uses a new collect method which collects the stream into a RangeMap.
setVariant(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
SFTPConnection - Class in
Simple SFTPConnection class wrapper. This allows you to see what files are at the remote directory and to download and upload files to the remote server.
SFTPConnection() - Constructor for class
Simple SFTPConnection class wrapper. This allows you to see what files are at the remote directory and to download and upload files to the remote server.
ShellScript_createLoadHaplotypes - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Takes a list of fasta file, creates a chell script to load them.
SimulatedReadsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SimulatedReadsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
simulatePairedEndReadsForTaxon(taxonName, myGraph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
simulateSingleReadsForTaxon(taxonName, myGraph) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SimulatedReadsPlugin
SingleHapMapping - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SingleHapMapping(readName, hapIdSet) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
size() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
skipLiquibaseCheck() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Should the liquibase check be skipped? Do not set to true if running inside a Docker. Then, only set to true if the PHG DB version is known to match the software version.
skipLiquibaseCheck(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.ImputePipelinePlugin
Set Skip Liquibase Check. Should the liquibase check be skipped? Do not set to true if running inside a Docker. Then, only set to true if the PHG DB version is known to match the software version.
skipLiquibaseCheck() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Should the liquibase check be skipped? Do not set to true if running inside a Docker. Then, only set to true if the PHG DB version is known to match the software version.
skipLiquibaseCheck(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Skip Liquibase Check. Should the liquibase check be skipped? Do not set to true if running inside a Docker. Then, only set to true if the PHG DB version is known to match the software version.
smallSeqBaseDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
smallSeqBaseRemoteGvcfDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
SmallSeqPaths - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq
snpPositions(nodes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphToGenotypeTable
snpPositions(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
Return sorted set of positions that are variant (SNP) positions in given graph.
snpPositions(graph, referenceRanges) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
Return sorted set of positions that are variant (SNP) positions in given graph.
SNPToReadMappingPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SNPToReadMappingPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
SNPToReadMappingPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
SNPToReadMappingPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
sortListCreatehash() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
spansSingleRefRange(currentMapping, hapIdToRangeMap) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
Function to check to see if the reads only hit one reference range
SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
Plugin to split each contig in an assembly fasta into chunks. By Default 20kbp chunks are created. Any contig less than 20kbp will be unchanged and written to the file denoted by outputFile.
SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Plugin to split each contig in an assembly fasta into chunks. By Default 20kbp chunks are created. Any contig less than 20kbp will be unchanged and written to the file denoted by outputFile.
SplitASMContigsByLengthPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
splitCigar(cigarString) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
splitConsensusNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
split consensus nodes into one node per taxon.
splitConsensusNodes(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Split Nodes. split consensus nodes into one node per taxon.
splitConsensusTaxa(tList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
SplitFastaByChromPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Splits fasta by chromosome. IT assumes the id line has a chromosome of the form >1, >chr1 or >chromosome1 ALl of the above forms (case insensitive) will be written with an id line of just the number, e.g. >1 or >2 The "name" parameter is used as the basis of the name. To this name will be appended the "chr" and chrom number and .fa. For example: If the user gives "w22" as the name, the code will write files: w22chr1.fa, w22chr2.fa, etc. The isGca parameter: The assemblies starting with GCA have long text in the idLIne, with the chromosome stuck in the middle. This plugin will correctly parse these lines. OTher weird id lines are not supported and may need to be corrected manually before running through this plugin. Seems each set of assemblies that arrives has a different signature for the idline. So I keep customizing. Consider this code to the "base" plugin. On each run, if the idlines don't adhere to chr/chromosome/X or GCA, then user should run an altered version of this, or fix the idlines first.
SplitFastaByChromPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
SplitFastaByChromPlugin(parentFrame) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
SplitFastaByChromPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.SplitFastaByChromPlugin
splitGenicReferenceRanges(inputBed, idMap, vcfdir, refGenome, minCoverage, windowSize, nThreads, resultFile, mxDiv, minLength, maxClusters) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to split genic ranges based on haplotype number. As a by-product it prints a file with both the original and new ranges along with their haplotype numbers. The result only contains the original intergenic ranges and the new, subdivided genic ranges.inputBed is a list of the input range start position, end position, and type, where type is genic or intergenic. vcfdir is a directory containing the gVCF files that will be used to cluster haplotypes and calculate haplotype number. It is expected that these gVCF files will be used as the source of haplotypes to build a PHG database. Because haplotype clustering is compute intensive the method is multithreaded.
splitGenomePath(genomePath) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.VariantUtils
This method takes a STring of the form and returns a tuple with Tuple.x=server and Tuple.y=path.
splitIntergenicRegionsMiddleStart(chrom, start, end, maximumIntergenicGapSize, idMap, minCovCount, windowSize, maximumSearchWindow, secondaryIdMap, secondaryIdMapMinCovCount) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function to split up the intergenic regions starting from the middle bp and walking out until we hit the boundaries of the region.
SplitKeyFilePlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SplitKeyFilePlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
SplitKeyFilePlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SplitKeyFilePlugin
SplitKeyFilePluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
SplitMafftRun - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.multiSequenceAlignment
Simple utility to create a multithreaded script to run multiple anchors through MAFFT at a single time. This helps when running on cbsu as we can then make use of all the cores. Creates a single master script and a set of subscripts which will all run on a single thread. TODO This should be refractored to be able to run using CMD line calls from java Created by zrm22 on 6/7/17.
splitNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
If splitTaxa is true, then each taxon will be assigned its own node in the graph prior to path finding.
splitNodes(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Split Taxa. If splitTaxa is true, then each taxon will be assigned its own node in the graph prior to path finding.
splitOverlappingCoordsEntries(sortedList, snpList, splitByRef) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
Splits overlapping entries, The mummer4 coords file entries will have these tab-delimited columns: S1 E1 S2 E2 Len1 Len2 %ID refID asmID The files processed were sorted by ref-coordinates via the show-coords -r param, so S1/E1 is ref coords and S2/E2 are the assembly coordinates. When 2 entries are found to overlap, the first entry keeps its coordinates. The second will be truncated by the amount of the overlap. It is understood this may not be completely accurate as the position of indels is not considered.
splitRefRange(variantContexts, anchorMapping, refSequence) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyProcessingUtils
Method to split up the reference range by anchor mappings. Basically this method will take the variant contexts and the anchor coordinates. If a variant context is a reference block which is spanning the start or end of the anchor(should happen frequently if anchor ends are truly conserved), we need to break up the variant context into two adjacent reference blocks with the end point being the start or end of one of the variants. This will allow for easy querying of the list of Variants when attempting to load into the db.
splitRegionFromMiddle(start, end, conservedSites, minLength) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function that splits a region in the middle, if that site is conserved and if the both subregions are at least minLength long. Each new subregion is split in the middle again until no subregions can be split.
splitSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Maximum number of bps in an assembly chunk.
splitSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.SplitASMContigsByLengthPlugin
Set Split Size. Maximum number of bps in an assembly chunk.
splitTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
split consensus nodes into one node per taxon.
splitTaxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Split Taxa. split consensus nodes into one node per taxon.
splitTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
splitTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Split Prob. When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
splitTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
When splitTaxa is true, the transition probability for moving between nodes of the same taxon will be set to this number.
splitTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin
Set Split Probability. When splitTaxa is true, the transition probability for moving between nodes of the same taxon will be set to this number.
splitTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
splitTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Split Prob. When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
splitTransitionProb() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
splitTransitionProb(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Split Prob. When the consensus nodes are split by taxa, this is the transition probability for moving from a node to the next node of the same taxon. It equals 1 minus the probability of a recombination between adjacent nodes.
SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering
SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.SplitVCFIntoIntervalsPlugin
splitW22GenomeGetChrom10() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
start() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
start() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
Start position of reference range, inclusive
start() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
startNodes() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns list of HaplotypeNodes that start graph.
startNodes(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
startPos - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.RefRangeVectors
startProbabilities(numberOfNodes) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
startProbabilities(nodeList) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FindBestDiploidPathKt
storeReadMappingsInDB(multisets, fileGroupName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
subsetGraph(graph, taxa) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Create graph that's a subset of the given graph which contains only nodes from the taxa list.
sumPerChromGFFBasePairs(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Calculates the number of BPs for each contig/chromosome in the GFF file Overlapping positions are only counted once.
sumPerChromNonGFFBasePairs(gffSet) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Calculates the number of BPs for each contig/chromosome that were not present in the GFF file. For example: If the chromosome is of length 2000, and there are only 850 total base pairs for that chromosome in the GFF, then the non-represented number is 1150
SyntenicAnchors - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes
Class originally written by Baoxing Song for post-processing minimap2 alignments. It takes an input a file created by aligning with minimap2 and this command: /home/lcj34/minimap2/minimap2 -A 1 -B 1 -O 1 -E 1 -a -t 80 /workdir/lcj34/assemblies_by_chrom/p39/p39chr7.fa /workdir/lcj34/assemblies_by_chrom/b73/b73chr7anchors.fa > b37anchorsMap.sam The resulting .sam file (b37anchorsMap.sam in above query) is split to get 3 fields via grep: - refStart - asmStart - ms (DP score of the max scoring segment in the minimap alignment) longest path algorithm from here: The code currently has methods to run with mummer 4 coords file entries. The "score" from mummer alignments is (%id * alignment len)/100. Method getPairedSimilarFragmentsFromMummer() is written so this code may be applied to mummer4 alignment results. Similar methods may be added to create lists of PairedSimilarFragments from other aligners.


tagCountsByTaxaFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
File holding the tag counts for each taxa
tagCountsByTaxaFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
Set Tag Count By Taxa File. File holding the tag counts for each taxa
tagNodePairCounts(tagTaxaFile, graph, outputFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphUtils
tagToHapIdMapFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
tagToHapIdMapFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertRampSeqTagsToMapPlugin
Set Hap Id Mapping File. tagToHapIDMappingFile
target() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Name of target in mummer query, this is usually the reference
target(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerAnalysisMetricsPlugin
Set Target name. Name of target in mummer query, this is usually the reference
targetName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The name of the taxon to which the path will be compared.
targetName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Taxon name. The name of the taxon to which the path will be compared.
targetTaxon(taxonName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
targetTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
The taxon that will be used to evaluate the node list returned.
targetTaxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Target. The taxon that will be used to evaluate the node list returned.
targetTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
The taxon that will be used to evaluate the node list returned.
targetTaxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Target. The taxon that will be used to evaluate the node list returned.
targetTaxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Taxon which we think this path is from
targetTaxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
Set Target Taxon. Taxon which we think this path is from
taxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
List of taxa for which paths will be pulled from the database. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz).
taxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Taxa. List of taxa for which paths will be pulled from the database. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz).
taxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.PathToGFFPlugin
Set Taxa. Converts taxa to taxaList when the taxa comes in as a string String should be a comma-separated list of taxa, no spaces!
taxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
Comma separated list of taxa. Taxa names must match the names exsiting in the PHG database
taxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddTaxaToTaxaGroupPlugin
Set Taxa List. Comma separated list of taxa. Taxa names must match the names exsiting in the PHG database
taxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Optional list of taxa whose paths will be deleted from the db paths table. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). Either keyFile or taxa must be specified, but not both
taxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_updateDelete.DeletePathsPlugin
Set Taxa. Optional list of taxa whose paths will be deleted from the db paths table. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). Either keyFile or taxa must be specified, but not both
taxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
Optional list of taxa to include. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
taxa(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ImportDiploidPathPlugin
Set Taxa. Optional list of taxa to include. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
taxa - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
taxaFilter(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Taxa. A list of taxa to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaFilterList(taxaNames) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
taxaFilterList(listOfTaxa) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
taxaFilterString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaFilterString(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Taxa. A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaFilterString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaFilterString(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathToTextPlugin
Set Taxa. A comma delimited list of taxa (no spaces allowed) to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaFilterString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
A list of taxa to include in graph. Only nodes containing these taxa will be included in the graph. If no taxa list is supplied, then all taxa in the full graph will be used.
taxaInGraph() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Return all taxa represented in this graph.
taxaInNodes(nodes) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
taxaInRange(range) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns taxa represented by given reference range.
taxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
Only gametes from these taxa will be added to the graph. If null, then all gametes will be added for the path method.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.AddPathsToGraphPlugin
Set Path Taxa List. Only gametes from these taxa will be added to the graph. If null, then all gametes will be added for the path method.
taxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Optional list of taxa to include.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Taxa List.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.FilterGraphPlugin
Set Taxa List. Optional list of taxa to include. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
taxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Optional list of taxa to include. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
Set Taxa. Optional list of taxa to include. This can be a comma separated list of taxa (no spaces unless surrounded by quotes), file (.txt) with list of taxa names to include, or a taxa list file (.json or .json.gz). By default, all taxa will be included.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraphBuilderPlugin
taxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
List of taxa used when the consensus sequence was created or a single taxon.
taxaList() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Taxa List
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
Set Taxa List.
taxaList(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GetHapIdsForTaxonPlugin
taxaList - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
taxaListMap(database) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
Retrieves all groups of taxa.
taxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Name of taxon whose variant contexts should be pulled.
taxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ExportVCForTaxonMethodPlugin
Set Taxon. Name of taxon whose variant contexts should be pulled.
taxon() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Name to be assigned for the taxon
taxon(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Set Taxon Name. Name to be assigned for the taxon
taxonName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
The name of the taxon for which the path is requested.
taxonName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
Set Taxon name. The name of the taxon for which the path is requested.
tempFileDir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
tempFileDirDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
testChrMatch() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
testChromLength(genome) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
testDataFrame() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
A test function to verify that DataFrameVectors works correctly for R
testMafftfromJava() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
testMatrix() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods
A test function to verify that MatrixWithNames works correctly for R
testObjectAssignment() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
TestPHGStuff - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
testPythonLD(seq1, seq2, mode, task) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
testSortedRange() - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.TestPHGStuff
threadsPerRun() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Number of threads to use for each assembly processed. This value plus the value for numRuns should be determined based on system available threads and memory.
threadsPerRun(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin
Set Threads Per Run. Number of threads to use for each assembly processed. This value plus the value for numRuns should be determined based on system available threads and memory.
toLong() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ASMVariantInfo
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.BuildGraphFromPathsPlugin.RefrangeInfo
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeEdge
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypePath
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeSequence
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Method
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRange
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RPHGMethodsKotlin.HaplotypeSequences
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.GeneGFFData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.ReadMappingDBRecord
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestAlignmentGroup
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingInput
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin.PathFindingResult
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingInput
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidPathPlugin.PathFindingResult
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FilterBAMAndGetStatsPlugin.RefRangeStats
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMaps
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdSetCount
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapIdStats
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KeyFileUniqueRecord
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerToRefRangeIdToPurgeArray
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin.ReadMappingResult
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ReadMappingKeyFileParsed
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.RefRangeWrapper
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin.AlignmentSummary
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SecondaryStats
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SingleHapMapping
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileInput
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ProfileMxdivPlugin.ProfileResult
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionHaplotypeCount
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils.RegionInputData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.SAMAlignmentMetricsPlugin.ReadNameData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.InputChannelData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHaplotypesMultiThreadPlugin.ResultChannelData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyMAFFromAnchorWavePlugin.InputChannelData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.RefRangeData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.GVCFBedfileMetricPlugin.ChromosomeGVCFRecord
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AlignmentBlock
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.AssemblyVariantInfo
toString() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin.MAFRecord
toStringLong() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.KmerMap
totalNumberTaxa() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Returns total number of taxa represented by this graph
toTextFile(filename) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.RMethods.DataFrameVectors
transitionProbability(from, to) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.DiploidTransitionProbabilityWithInbreeding
transitionProbabilitySameTaxon(p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ConvertReadsToPathUsingHMM
tree(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.CreateGraphUtils
tree(chr) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeGraph
Creates a sorted (on keys ReferenceRanges) map to list of HaplotypeNodes for given chromosome.
TrimGenotypeTableAnchors - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.trimAnchors
Simple class holding utilities to trim a genotype table by identity and coverage thresholds TODO needs to be refractored and have a standardized api Created by zrm22 on 7/6/17.
tryAdvance(action) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
trySplit() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphSpliterator
trySplitRegion(inputChannel, resultChannel, refGenome, conservedSites, mxDiv, minLength, maxClusters, p) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangeUtils
Function that, when possible, splits a range into subranges at conserved sites based on the number of haplotype clusters.
twoGvcfs() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
The input maf was created from a diploid alignment and should be used to create two separate gVCF files.
twoGvcfs(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
Set Two Gvcfs. The input maf was created from a diploid alignment and should be used to create two separate gVCF files.
twoOutputFiles() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MAFToGVCFPlugin
type() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Return information for only this type of file: options are GVCF or FASTA. If this parameter is not present all data will be returned
type(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RetrieveGenomeFileDataPlugin
Set Type. Return information for only this type of file: options are GVCF or FASTA. If this parameter is not present all data will be returned


unwrapRefRanges(map) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.GraphIdMapsKt
Simple helper method to unwrap the Wrapped ReferenceRanges into a real ReferenceRange instance
UpdateData(id, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.CreateASMCoordsUpdateFilesPlugin.UpdateData
updateDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.FastqToMappingPlugin
Set Update D B. If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MultisampleBAMToMappingPlugin
Set Update D B. If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMToMappingPlugin
Set Update D B. If set to true, the read mappings will be written to the db. Otherwise nothing will be written.
updateReadMappingHash() - Method in interface net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGDataWriter
This prompts a call to private method loadReadMappingHash() to update this hash table
updateReadMappingHash() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.PHGdbAccess
uploadFile(localFilePath, remoteFilePath, fileName) - Method in class
Function to upload a single file from the local directory to the remote directory. This will close the sftp connection after the file is done uploading.
upperPoissonBound() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Upper Poisson Bound used for filtering.
upperPoissonBound(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gvcfFiltering.FilterGVCFPlugin
Set Upper Poisson Bound. Upper Poisson Bound used for filtering.
useBackwardForward() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Use the Backward-Forward algorithm instead of the Viterbi algorithm for the HMM.
useBackwardForward(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.BestHaplotypePathPlugin
Set Usebf. Use the Backward-Forward algorithm instead of the Viterbi algorithm for the HMM.
useBackwardForward() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Use the Backward-Forward algorithm instead of the Viterbi algorithm for the HMM.
useBackwardForward(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Set Usebf. Use the Backward-Forward algorithm instead of the Viterbi algorithm for the HMM.
useDepthForCalls() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Boolean flag to have the clustering algorithm use depth information instead of allele counts
useDepthForCalls(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Use Depth For Calls. Boolean flag to have the clustering algorithm use depth information instead of allele counts
useOriginalReadNames() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Use the original ReadNames instead of a running count
useOriginalReadNames(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.MergeFastqPlugin
Set Use Original Read Names. Use the original ReadNames instead of a running count
userid() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Userid for database
userid(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.CountNsInRawHapSequencesPlugin
Set Userid. Userid for database
userid() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Userid for database
userid(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.RampSeqContigToGenomeIntervalPlugin
Set Userid. Userid for database
userRegionsGroupName() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Name to give group of reference intervals provided in the user intervals file. This is used if there is no name column in the provided file.
userRegionsGroupName(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Set User Regions Group Name. Name to give group of reference intervals provided in the user intervals file. This is used if there is no name column in the provided file.
useSecondaryForIntergenic() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Flag for using the secondary Coverage set when finding intergenic breakpoints
useSecondaryForIntergenic(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Use Secondary For Intergenic. Flag for using the secondary Coverage set when finding intergenic breakpoints


Variant - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
The Variant class is used to store records from the variants table in the PHG database.
Variant(variantId, chrom, pos, ref, alt) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.Variant
variantContexts() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
variantContexts(infos) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathsToVCFPlugin
Creates list of VariantContexts for a reference range.
VariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, varLong) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
VariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, varLong, asmChr, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
VariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, alleleDepths) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
VariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, alleleDepths, asmChr, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
VariantInfo(chr, startPos, endPos, genotype, refAllele, altAllele, isVariant, alleleDepths, varLong, asmChr, asmStart, asmEnd, asmStrand) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode.VariantInfo
variantInfo - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.HaplotypesDataVectors
VariantInfoConsensus(startPos, endPos, genotype, variant) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.RunHapConsensusPipelinePlugin.VariantInfoConsensus
variantInfos() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.HaplotypeNode
These correspond to the VariantContext but holds less information for memory efficiency. For reference blocks, isVariant will be false and refAllele may equal "REF" rather than the actual allele for the first base pair of the block. For that reason, converting VariantInfo to VariantContext will require a copy of the reference genome sequence to get the actual refAllele values.
VariantLoadingUtilsKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
VariantMappingData - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
Class created to store Variant mapping data for populating the variants PHG table. It implements Comparable to enable sorting an unordered list of variants by chrom/position
VariantMappingData(pos, refAlleleID, altAlleleID, refDepth, altDepth, isRef, refLen, indel, otherData) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VariantMappingData
variantsInOrder(variants) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.ConsensusProcessingUtils
VariantsProcessingUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
This class contains methods to aid in processing a VariantContext list into the PHG db variants, alleles, and haplotypes tables
VariantUtils - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
vcfDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
vcf directory. Directory containing one or more gvcf files to process It is assumed that files end with .gvcf or .gvcf.gz (if gzipped) All other files in this directory will be ignored.
vcfDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Set vcf directory. vcf directory. Directory containing one or more gvcf files to process It is assumed that files end with .gvcf or .gvcf.gz (if gzipped) All other files in this directory will be ignored.
vcfDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Input genotypes to generate haplotypes from. Usually best to use all available samples from a species. Accepts all file types supported by TASSEL5.
vcfDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.FindHaplotypeClustersPlugin
Set Target directory. Input genotypes to generate haplotypes from. Usually best to use all available samples from a species. Accepts all file types supported by TASSEL5.
vcfDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Directory ofGVCF files.
vcfDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
Set VCF Dir. Directory ofGVCF files.
vcfDirectory() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The directory containing all the gvcf files to be used for haplotype clustering for splitting genic reference ranges. All files ending in vcf.gz will be used. Files are expected to be bgzipped and indexed.
vcfDirectory(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Vcfdir. The directory containing all the gvcf files to be used for haplotype clustering for splitting genic reference ranges. All files ending in vcf.gz will be used. Files are expected to be bgzipped and indexed.
vcfDummy - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
vcfDummyDocker - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
VCFFile - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading
vcfFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Name of the VCF file which holds the initial mappings to a single reference.
vcfFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.IndexHaplotypesBySNPPlugin
Set VCF File. Name of the VCF file which holds the initial mappings to a single reference.
vcfFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
A single .gvcf file (optionally gzipped) to process. Do not include file path, file is assumed to reside within vcfDir
vcfFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
Set vcf file A single .gvcf file (optionally gzipped) to process. Do not include file path, file is assumed to reside within vcfDir
vCFFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Normalized VCF file which needs to be corrected
vCFFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Set Normalized VCF File. Normalized VCF file which needs to be corrected
vcfFile - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.SmallSeqPaths
vCFFileCorrected() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Corrected RefBlock VCF file
vCFFileCorrected(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.ResizeRefBlockPlugin
Set Output VCF File. Corrected RefBlock VCF file
vcfFileReader(vcfFile, readerReturned) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.VCFFile
Gets a VCFFileReader for the given file. If the file is already open, it will return the existing reader. readerReturned is used to return it to the cache for use by other threads.
VCFMetricsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
This plugin calculates metrics for gvcf files generated from MAFToVCFPlugin. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file, with one row for the full-gvcf summary, and subsequent rows for each chromosome. Metrics include: Number of SNPs, insertions and deletions Number of bases inserted and deleted Total bases Percentage of bases aligned relative to reference - reference blocks and snps are considered to be "aligned" Percentage of bases covered relative to reference - reference, SNPs, and indels are considered to be "covered" (Unmapped ranges are not considered to be "covered") Percentage of reference length inserted and deleted indel sizes mean, quartiles, and largest insertion and deletion sizes mean, quartiles, and largest
VCFMetricsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
This plugin calculates metrics for gvcf files generated from MAFToVCFPlugin. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file, with one row for the full-gvcf summary, and subsequent rows for each chromosome. Metrics include: Number of SNPs, insertions and deletions Number of bases inserted and deleted Total bases Percentage of bases aligned relative to reference - reference blocks and snps are considered to be "aligned" Percentage of bases covered relative to reference - reference, SNPs, and indels are considered to be "covered" (Unmapped ranges are not considered to be "covered") Percentage of reference length inserted and deleted indel sizes mean, quartiles, and largest insertion and deletion sizes mean, quartiles, and largest
VCFMetricsPlugin() - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
This plugin calculates metrics for gvcf files generated from MAFToVCFPlugin. Summary statistics are written to a tab-delimited file, with one row for the full-gvcf summary, and subsequent rows for each chromosome. Metrics include: Number of SNPs, insertions and deletions Number of bases inserted and deleted Total bases Percentage of bases aligned relative to reference - reference blocks and snps are considered to be "aligned" Percentage of bases covered relative to reference - reference, SNPs, and indels are considered to be "covered" (Unmapped ranges are not considered to be "covered") Percentage of reference length inserted and deleted indel sizes mean, quartiles, and largest insertion and deletion sizes mean, quartiles, and largest
VCFMetricsPlugin.IndelDistributions - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Data class containing summary information about indel distribution (number of insertions/deletions, average sizes, etc.) toString() is overridden in order to make printing to tab-delimited summary file easier
VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Data class containing summary statistics for a particular file or contig/chromosome
VCFMetricsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
VCFSummary(name, numSNPs, numIndels, basesAligned, basesInserted, basesDeleted, basesGapped, totalBases, indelSizes) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin.VCFSummary
Data class containing summary statistics for a particular file or contig/chromosome
verifyAndMergeIntervalRanges(anchorFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
verifyIntervalRanges(anchorFile) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.DBLoadingUtils
verifyNoDuplicatesInKeyFile(keyFileRecords) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.Minimap2Utils
verify that there are no duplicate entries in the key file. This is just to let the user know if there is a duplicate.
VerifyPathsPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
VerifyPathsPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VerifyPathsPlugin
VerifyPathsPluginKt - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
verifyRanges(rangeFile, phg) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.AddRefRangeGroupPlugin
verifySNPEntries(deltaSNPs, coordsFile, chrom) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.MummerScriptProcessing
This method takes a list of Mummer SNP file entries and verifies the SNP positions are represented in the filtered/overlap-merged coords file. Additional filtering is performed to remove SNPs that occurred in overlapped coordinates entries, resulting in duplicate SNPs with differing assembly positions for the same reference position. A list of "represented" SNPs is returned. NOTE: Snp entries must be added in order.
view(graph) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.CreateStreamGraph
view(graph, paths) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.CreateStreamGraph
viewFiles(remoteFilePath) - Method in class
Function to list all of the file names on the remote server This will simply return the file names not the full paths. We assume that the client already knows of the path to download the files.
ViewGraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui
This plugin uses Graph Stream to visually display a PHG graph. It has controls to navigate through the Reference Ranges and show labels on the nodes.
ViewGraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.gui.ViewGraphPlugin
ViterbiForDiploidPath - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling
Calculates the most probable state sequence given a set of observations using the Viterbi algorithm described in Rabiner (1989) Proceedings of the IEEE 77(2):257-286
ViterbiForDiploidPath(numberOfObservations, myTransitionMatrix, probObservationGivenState, pTrue) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.ViterbiForDiploidPath
Calculates the most probable state sequence given a set of observations using the Viterbi algorithm described in Rabiner (1989) Proceedings of the IEEE 77(2):257-286


weightedMax(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
weightedSum(state, anchor) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.ReferenceRangeEmissionProbability
wgsDepth() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Depth for WGS
wgsDepth(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.smallseq.CreateSmallGenomesPlugin
Set WGS Depth. Depth for WGS
wGSKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Keyfile used to specify the inputs to the DB. Must have columns sample_name, files, type, chrPhased, genePhased, phasingConf and gvcfServerPath. Optionally you can have sample_description, assemblyServerPath, assemblyLocalPath. Ordering of the columns does not matter. sample_name is the name of the taxon you are uploading. files is a comma-separated list of file names(without path) providing the names of the GVCF files to be uploaded. If there are multiple files, gamete_ids will be assigned in order. type is the type of the files. To use this for this Plugin GVCF needs to be specified.chrPhased and genePhased must be either 'true' or 'false' and represent if the chromosome or the genes are phased or not phasingConf must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the confidence in the phasing. sample_description to provide a short description of the sample name to be uploaded. If this column is not specified an empty description will be used. optional: assemblyServerPath is an external server and path where the genome fasta file for this assembly may be found. Server and path should be separated by a semi-colon.It should be directory and file optional: assemblyLocalPath is the path plus filename to the assembly genome fasta file that can be accessed from this program. This file is used to create am MD5 hash for the genome_file_data table.
wGSKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.LoadHaplotypesFromGVCFPlugin
Set Wgs Key File. Keyfile used to specify the inputs to the DB. Must have columns sample_name, files, type, chrPhased, genePhased, phasingConf and gvcfServerPath. Optionally you can have sample_description, assemblyServerPath, assemblyLocalPath. Ordering of the columns does not matter. sample_name is the name of the taxon you are uploading. files is a comma-separated list of file names(without path) providing the names of the GVCF files to be uploaded. If there are multiple files, gamete_ids will be assigned in order. type is the type of the files. To use this for this Plugin GVCF needs to be specified.chrPhased and genePhased must be either 'true' or 'false' and represent if the chromosome or the genes are phased or not phasingConf must be a number between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the confidence in the phasing. sample_description to provide a short description of the sample name to be uploaded. If this column is not specified an empty description will be used. optional: assemblyServerPath is an external server and path where the genome fasta file for this assembly may be found. Server and path should be separated by a semi-colon.It should be directory and file optional: assemblyLocalPath is the path plus filename to the assembly genome fasta file that can be accessed from this program. This file is used to create am MD5 hash for the genome_file_data table.
wgsKeyFile() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Key File for WGS haplotypes.
wgsKeyFile(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Wgs Key File. Key File for WGS haplotypes.
wgsMethod() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Method name for the WGS Based haplotypes being uploaded.
wgsMethod(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.PopulatePHGDBPipelinePlugin
Set Wgs Method Name. Method name for the WGS Based haplotypes being uploaded.
wholeGenomeIndexMap - Variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.fastaExtraction.GVCFSequence
wiggleDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Name of the directory containing the wiggle files for determining coverage.
wiggleDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Wiggle directory. Name of the directory containing the wiggle files for determining coverage.
windowSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Window size to add to the extendedBedFile
windowSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateIntervalBedFilesPlugin
Set Window Size. Window size to add to the extendedBedFile
windowSize() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
The size of the number of bps which must flank the current site in both directions. A window of 2 * windowSize +1 must be conserved.
windowSize(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.CreateRefRangesPlugin
Set Window Size. The size of the number of bps which must flank the current site in both directions. A window of 2 * windowSize +1 must be conserved.
workdir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.QualityReportAnchorsToHaplotypes
workdir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.ContrastHaplotypeAndAssemblySequence
workdir - Static variable in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipelineTests.EvaluateHaplotypeFastaInKnownIBDRegions
workingDir() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Root directory to write out directory structure.
workingDir(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.pipeline.MakeDefaultDirectoryPlugin
Set Working Dir. Root directory to write out directory structure.
writeDataToFile(results, assemblyIDLine, seqLen, writer) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.FindRampSeqContigsInAssemblies
writeEditDistancesToFile(distances, fileName) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SAMMetricsPlugin
Writes list of ints (edit distances) to a file. Each int gets its own line
writeFasta(graph, filename) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.GraphIO
Writes given graph to fasta format. The information line for each sequence is the haplotypes.haplotypes_id
writeFasta(paths, filenameBase) - Static method in class
Writes the given paths to FASTA format. Multiple files written will include the taxon name and haplotype number. Include the method used to generate the paths in the filenameBase if desired. Each sequence is for a chromosome.
writeFasta(taxon, path, filenameBase, haplotypeNum) - Static method in class
Writes the given path to FASTA format. filename will include the taxon name and haplotype number. Include the method used to generate the paths in the filenameBase if desired. Each sequence is for a chromosome.
WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteFastaFromGraphPlugin
writeGffFile(outputFile, features, comments, regions) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.annotations.GFFUtilsKt
Using htsjdk classes, writeGffFile will separately write comments, sequenceRegions, and features. The list of comments (List) and regions (Set) are optional The list of features (Set) is required.
WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin - Class in net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api
Plugin to write a GFA 1.0 file and CSV haplotype node annotations. Takes a graph and a file base path as input. Writes gfa and csv files to the output path.
WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin(parentFrame, isInteractive) - Constructor for class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.api.WriteGraphAsGFAPlugin
Plugin to write a GFA 1.0 file and CSV haplotype node annotations. Takes a graph and a file base path as input. Writes gfa and csv files to the output path.
writeGraphInfoAllChr(outbase, pathids, graph, inclusionExclusionCounts, target) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
writeGraphInfoFilesForChr(outbase, path, graph, readMap, chr, target) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
writeGraphInfoFilesForChr(outbase, pathids, graph, inclusionMap, exclusionMap, chr, target) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.PathToIgraphPlugin
writeIndelsToFile(summary, writer) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
write the lengths of indels to file. Deletions represented as negative numbers, insertions positive
writeIntervalsFile(intervalsFile, allRangesMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.db_loading.CreateValidIntervalsFilePlugin
Write the user file - it should have user defined and non user-included intervals interspersed This is the order for writing to the db.
writeKeyFileIfRequested(taxaGroupPairs) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.SNPToReadMappingPlugin
writeMetricsFile(taxonNameList, refRangeMap, rangesForGamete, outputFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyHapMetricPlugin
writeOutFileForMethods(gameteIdToLineNames, refRangeMap, rangesForGamete, methodIdToNameMap, outputFile) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.processAssemblyGenomes.AssemblyConsensusMetricPlugin
writePathInformation(outFilename, nodeList, filteredGraph, readMap) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCountBestPathPlugin
Method is used to write diagnostic information about a path to a file. Information about each node on the path is written to a text file. Where a node in the path does not contain the target taxon, information is written for both that node and the node containing the target taxon from the same range.
writeSummaryToFile(summary, writer) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.VCFMetricsPlugin
given a vcfsummary object, calculate and write stats to file (see class description for list of stats)
writeToDB() - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Should the resulting path be written to the PHG DB? Specify the database connection parameters using -configParameters.
writeToDB(value) - Method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapcollapse.CentroidPathFromGraphPlugin
Set Write To D B. Should the resulting path be written to the PHG DB? Specify the database connection parameters using -configParameters.
writeVariantContextsToVCF(variantContextList, exportVCFFileName, referenceFileName, taxa) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
writeVariantContextsToVCF(variantContextList, exportVCFFileName, referenceFileName, taxonName) - Static method in class net.maizegenetics.pangenome.hapCalling.HapCallingUtils
Method to write the list of VariantContexts out to a vcf file. If the referenceFileName is not null, it will also index the file on the fly. TODO when we convert TASSEL's VCF reader to use htsjdk, rework this method into ExportUtils TODO use an optional for the referenceFileName
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