All Classes and Interfaces

Default implementation of Pipe that is used as a filter.
Convenient default implementation for filtering Tube.
Partial default implementation of Header.
Partial implementation of InstanceResolver with convenience methods to do the resource injection.
Partial Message implementation.
Partial implementation of InstanceResolver with code to handle multiple instances per server.
Partial default implementation of Pipe.
This abstract policy assertion validator validates assertions by their qualified name.
Tube that does the schema validation.
model of the web service.
Partial server side async transport implementation.
Base class for Tube implementation.
Partial WSWebServiceContext implementation.
Finds request/response wrapper and exception bean memebers.
This class models the Operation Signature as defined by WS-I BP ( 1.2 or 2.0) to use wsa:Action and payload QName to identify the corresponding wsdl operation from a request SOAP Message.
Receives incoming messages from a transport (such as HTTP, JMS, etc) in a transport specific way, and delivers it to WSEndpoint.PipeHead.process(,,
This Policy extension configures the WSDLModel with AddressingFeature when Addressing assertions are present in the PolicyMap.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Generate an addressing policy and updates the PolicyMap if AddressingFeature is enabled.
This class validates the Addressing assertions.
This supplies the prefixes for the namespaces under Addressing domain.
This property set exists so the upper stack can SET addressing info on a PER-REQUEST basis (instead of a per proxy/dispatch basis via OneWayFeature).
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
'Traits' object that absorbs differences of WS-Addressing versions.
A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
Copied from mail.jar.
Exception thrown in case of assertion creation failure.
Wrapper class for possible data that each "assertion" and "assertion parameter content" policy source model node may have attached.
The AssertionSet is a set of assertions.
Provides methods for assertion validation.
Invokes Tubeline asynchronously for the client's async API(for e.g.: Dispatch#invokeAsync} The concrete classes need to call Stub.processAsync(AsyncResponseImpl, Packet, RequestContext, Fiber.CompletionCallback) in run() method.
Asynchronous version of Provider.
Callback interface to signal JAX-WS RI that the processing of an asynchronous request is complete.
This Tube is used to invoke the AsyncProvider endpoints.
Response implementation.
Attachment extended interface exposing custom MIME headers.
MIME header
A set of Attachment on a Message.
Default dumb AttachmentSet implementation backed by ArrayList.
Implementation of AttachmentUnmarshaller that uses loads attachments from AttachmentSet directly.
A non standard class, field, method or Code attribute, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
The Attributes interface is essentially a version of the org.xml.sax.Attributes interface modified to use the JAX-WS QName class.
Utils for HttpURLConnection authentication.
PropertySet that combines properties exposed from multiple PropertySets into one.
A set of "properties" that can be accessed via strongly-typed fields as well as reflexibly through the property name.
Represents a typed property defined on a PropertySet.
Represents the list of strongly-typed known properties (keyed by property names.)
PropertyMapEntry represents a Map.Entry in the PropertyMap with more efficient access.
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
JAXBContext enhanced with JAXB RI specific functionalities.
Parsed binding ID string.
Extension point to plug in additional BindingID parsing logic.
Instances are created by the service, which then sets the handler chain on the binding impl.
Experimental: Identify messages based on the name of the message and the operation that uses this message.
Experimental: This class identifies WSDL scopes.
Using this feature, the application could override the binding used by the runtime(usually determined from WSDL).
Represents the WSEndpoint bound to a particular transport.
Read/write buffer that stores a sequence of bytes.
DataSource backed by a byte buffer.
A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
Interface for tasks that may be cancelled
This class provides abstractio to the the exception class corresponding to the wsdl:fault, such as class MUST have WebFault annotation defined on it.
CheckedException class.
A parser to make a ClassVisitor visit a ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Exception thrown when the constant pool of a class produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java class.
A ClassVisitor that generates a corresponding ClassFile structure, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Performs soap mustUnderstand processing for clients.
Allow the container (primarily Glassfish) to inject their own pipes into the client pipeline.
Tube that does the schema validation on the client side.
Factory for well-known Tube implementations that the TubelineAssembler needs to use to satisfy JAX-WS requirements.
Closeable JAX-WS proxy object.
Encodes a Message (its XML infoset and attachments) to a sequence of bytes.
Factory methods for some of the Codec implementations.
Future implementation that obtains an already available value.
Complex assertion is an abstract class that serves as a base class for any assertion that MAY contain nested policies.
Interface that allows components to hook up with each other.
Extended version of Component.
Allows registration of a Component against the ComponentRegistry implementations of the Container, WSEndpoint, WSService, or Stub.
Targets the object on which the Component will be registered
Registry for component delegates.
Allows registration of multiple Components against the ComponentRegistry implementations of the Container, WSEndpoint, WSService, or Stub.
A constant whose value is computed at runtime, with a bootstrap method.
This holds generic constants information for the whole JAX-WS SI.
Root of the SPI implemented by the container (such as application server.)
This class determines an instance of Container for the runtime.
This is a simple utility class that adapts SAX events into StAX XMLStreamWriter events, bridging between the two parser technologies.
Content negotiation enum.
A Content-Type transport header that will be returned by MessageContext.writeTo(
A Content-Type transport header that will be returned by Codec.encode(,
This class represents a MIME ContentType value.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Utility class that provides conversion of different XML representations from/to various other formats
CookieManager provides a concrete implementation of CookieHandler, which separates the storage of cookies from the policy surrounding accepting and rejecting cookies.
CookiePolicy implementations decide which cookies should be accepted and which should be rejected.
A CookieStore object represents a storage for cookie.
Databinding is the entry point for all the WebService Databinding functionality.
Databinding is the entry point for all the WebService databinding runtime functionality.
Databinding.Builder, created from the DatabindingFactory, is used to configure how a Databinding instance is to be built from this builder.
DatabindingConfig contains the initial states for Databinding.
Signals an error in Databinding.
DatabindingFactory is the entry point of all the WebService Databinding APIs.
WsFactory is the entry point of all the ws-databinding APIs.
WsRuntimeImpl is the databinding processor built on SEIModel
DatabindingProviderImpl is the default JAXWS implementation of DatabindingProvider
DataSource impl using a DataHandler
This default implementation runs the policy validators on the server side and selects a policy alternative on the client side.
Proxy transport Tube and Pipe that lazily determines the actual transport pipe by looking at Packet.endpointAddress.
Parses sun-jaxws.xml into WSEndpoint.
Parses sun-jaxws.xml
Creates a new "Adapter".
Creates a new "Adapter".
DeserializationException represents an exception that occurred while deserializing a Java value from XML.
Exception that demands a specific fault message to be sent back.
The DispatchImpl abstract class provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operation using XML constructs, JAXB objects or SOAPMessage.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
PropertySet that combines properties exposed from multiple PropertySets into one.
Resolves relative references among SDDocuments.
Resolves relative references among the metadata(WSDL, schema) documents.
Header implementation for a DOM.
Message backed by a DOM Element that represents the payload.
Create an XMLStreamReader on top of a DOM tree.
Namespace declarations on one element.
Default ValidationErrorHandler that just rethrows SAXException in case of errors.
Location that returns no info.
Pipe that dumps messages that pass through.
Contains static methods for policy alternative selection.
The class serves as a policy map mutator that allows for replacement of current effective policies stored in the policy map with new effective policy provided by the mutator user.
Message that has no body.
File holding all encoding constants
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Represents the endpoint address URI.
Reads a request Message, disassembles it, and moves obtained Java values to the expected places.
Reads an Attachment into a Java parameter.
Reads the whole payload into a single JAXB bean.
EndpointArgumentsBuilder that is a composition of multiple EndpointArgumentsBuilders.
Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, and processes all such wrapped parts.
Reads a header into a JAXB object.
EndpointArgumentsBuilder that sets the VM uninitialized value to the type.
Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, and processes all such wrapped parts.
Implemented by Codecs that want to have access to WSEndpoint object.
Tubes that implement this interface will receive notification of the WSEndpoint holding the tubeline after successful endpoint creation.
Store the parameters that were passed into the original WSEndpoint instance upon creation.
Entry point to the JAX-WS RI server-side runtime.
Implements Endpoint.
Implements WebServiceContext's MessageContext on top of Packet.
Implementations of this class can contribute properties associated with an Endpoint.
Builds a JAXB object that represents the payload.
Used to create a payload JAXB object just by taking one of the parameters.
Used to create a payload JAXB object by wrapping multiple parameters into one "wrapper bean".
Used to create a payload JAXB object by wrapping multiple parameters into a WrapperComposite.
Moves a Java value unmarshalled from a response message to the right place.
Collection of Fibers.
The EnvelopeStyle annotation is used to specify the message envelope style(s) for a web service endpoint implementation class.
Represents additional data to be added to EPRs created from StatefulWebServiceManager (for advanced users).
This class acts as a filter for the Extension elements in the wsa:EndpointReference in the wsdl.
listen to static errors found during building a the WSDL Model.
This class represents an Exception that needs to be marshalled with a specific protocol wire format.
Type of java exception as defined by JAXWS 2.0 JSR 224.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
Unmarshal external policy attachments.
WebServiceFeature allowing to define either on server or client side external xml descriptors replacing/supplementing WS metadata provided by class annotations.
Metadata Reader able to read from either class annotations or external metadata files or combine both, depending on configuration provided in xml file itself.
A codec for encoding/decoding XML infosets to/from fast infoset documents.
Enable or disable Fast Infoset on a Web service.
A configurator provider for FastInfoset policy assertions.
MIME types for Infosets encoded as fast infoset documents.
A stream SOAP codec for handling SOAP message infosets to fast infoset documents.
SOAP Fault message.
This annotation should be used on a constructor of classes extending WebServiceFeature other than Spec defined features, to help JAX-WS runtime recognize feature extensions.
Experimental: Utility methods that operate on WebServiceFeatureLists.
Validates a list of WebServiceFeature instances when they are added to the client or service binding.
This annotation should be used on classes that extend WebServiceFeature in order to specify the type of FeatureListValidator bean that will be invoked when instances of the WebServiceFeature class are included in the list of features that are added to a client or service binding.
FeatureReader<T extends>
Parses a XML fragment and is expected to return a corresponding WebServiceFeature.
User-level thread. Represents the execution of one request/response processing.
Callback to be invoked when a Fiber finishes execution.
Interception for Fiber context switch.
Abstraction of the execution that happens inside the interceptor.
Factory for (@link FiberContextSwitchInterceptor} instances
FieldGetter gets the value of a field from an instance.
A visitor to visit a Java field.
A FilterMessageImpl contains some other Message, which it uses as its basic source of message data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
This class has HA information
A reference to a field or a method.
Used to hold a list of handlers and a set of roles from an annotated endpoint.
Used by client and server side to create handler information from annotated class.
This class holds the handler information and roles on the Binding (mutable info in the binding).
Exception thrown by handler-related code.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
A XMLStreamWriter doesn't expose any method to give encoding.
A SOAP header.
A list of Headers on a Message.
Factory methods for various Header implementations.
HTTP request and response headers are represented by this class which implements the interface Map<String, List<String>>.
HTTP request and response headers are represented by this class which implements the interface Map< String,List<String>>.
Singleton high-availability provider for Metro
Enumeration of supported backing store factory types
Adapter that receives messages in HTTP.
List of HttpAdapters created together.
A proxy's HTTP configuration (e.g cookie handling) can be configured using this feature.
An HttpCookie object represents an http cookie, which carries state information between server and user agent.
Light-weight http server transport for WSEndpoint.
Hides HttpContext so that EndpointImpl may load even without HttpContext.
Intercepts GET HTTP requests to process the requests.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Instance resolver that ties a service instance per HttpSession.
Designates a service class that should be tied to HttpSession scope.
WebServiceFeature for HttpSessionScope.
Tube that sends a request to a remote HTTP server.
A list of InaccessibleWSDLException wrapped in one exception.
Encapsulates which field/method the injection is done, and performs the injection.
Low level representation of an XML or SOAP message as an InputStream.
Determines the instance that serves the given request packet.
Meta annotation for selecting instance resolver.
This exception captures SOAP Fault information when a WS-Addressing 1.0 Message Addressing Property is invalid and cannot be processed.
Hides the detail of calling into application endpoint implementation.
Hides the detail of calling into application implementations.
Interface for determining Invoker for a given request
Base class for InvokerTube restored to allow for containers to specify alternate implementations of SEI-based invoking.
On the client or service-requestor side, a JavaCallInfo object represents a method call on the service proxy to be serialized as a SOAP request message to be sent to the service.
On the client or service-requestor side, a JavaCallInfo object represents a method call on the service proxy to be serialized as a SOAP request message to be sent to the service.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
Abstracts the annotated Method of a SEI.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Build this runtime model using java SEI and annotations
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Factory to create JAXBContext.
The JAXBDispatch class provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operation using JAXB objects.
Message backed by a JAXB bean; this implementation is used when client uses Dispatch mechanism in JAXB/MESSAGE mode; difference from JAXBMessage is that jaxbObject holds whole SOAP message including SOAP envelope; it's the client who is responsible for preparing message content.
Header whose physical data representation is a JAXB bean.
Message backed by a JAXB bean.
Represents a WebServiceException with localizable message.
sun-jaxws.xml deployment probe.
Keeps track of webservice start and end for sun-jaxws.xml deployments.
A position in the bytecode of a method.
The lazy provider is intended to defer Gmbal API calls until there is a JMX connection.
Default interface for all object that want to be notified about scope change.
Possible scopes (environments) in which the provider (and object associated with it) could be in.
Interface for all object that want to be notified about scope change, introducing required methods.
Interface used for distinguishing between a registration of a WSEndpointImpl rather than of other classes.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
WebServiceException with source location informaiton.
Policy extensions may implement this provider interface in order to change the name of logging subsystem used by the core Policy module.
The client-side ManagedClient policy assertion.
Interface to create a new WSEndpoint wrapper.
The server-side ManagedService policy assertion.
Return the implementation class name along with all parameters for the implementation.
The nested parameters that may be set as part of an implementation element.
Base class for the #ManagedClientAssertion and #ManagedServiceAssertion.
To be able to distinguish between explicit settings and no setting.
Instantiates a PolicyAssertion of type ManagedServiceAssertion or ManagedClientAssertion.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Validate the ManagedService and ManagedClient policy assertions.
Provide the default prefix for the configuration management namespace.
A MappingInfo object is the collection of all the properties of the mapping between a JAVA contract class (SEI) and it's corresponding WSDL artifacts (wsdl:portType and wsdl:binding).
This feature represents the use of WS-Addressing with either the SOAP 1.1/HTTP or SOAP 1.2/HTTP binding.
Property to determine if the incoming messsages should be checked for conformance with MemberSubmission version of WS-Addressing.
Constants for Member Submission WS-Addressing version
Addressing Feature representing MemberSubmission Version.
Member Submission WS-Addressing Runtime WSDL parser extension
Data model for Member Submission WS-Addressing specification.
Constants that represents four message exchange patterns.
Represents a SOAP message.
MessageContext represents a container of a SOAP message and all the properties including the transport headers.
The MessageContextFactory implements as a factory of Packet and public facade of Codec(s).
This is used to represent Message creation exception when a Codec trying to create a Message.
Dispatch implementation for Message.
Puts a non-payload message parameter to Message.
Adds a parameter as an MIME attachment to Message.
Adds a parameter as an header.
The MessageHandler class extends Handler to provide typesafety for the message context parameter and add a method to obtain access to the headers that may be processed by the handler.
The MessageHandlerContext interface extends MessageContext to provide easy access to the contained message.
Interface representing all the headers of a Message
In order for the Message to get properties from the Packet ...
Factory methods for various Message implementations.
The class represents a MessageContext(Properties) and also allows the Message to be modified.
A Message implementation may implement this interface as an alternative way to write the message into the OutputStream.
Filter suppressing sending binary data to the underlying stream.
Resolves metadata such as WSDL/schema.
Extension point for resolving metadata using wsimport.
WSDL, schema document metadata utility class.
Handles an invocation of a method.
Exception thrown when the Code attribute of a method produced by a ClassWriter is too large.
A visitor to visit a Java method.
The root element in Metro configuration file.
This interface is used to get the file name used for the metro configuration file.
TODO: Write some description here ...
TODO: Write some description here ...
Entity resolver that works on MEX Metadata
Codecs that uses the MIME multipart as the underlying format.
Parses Mime multipart message into primary part and attachment parts.
Implementation of StreamingDataHandler to access MIME attachments efficiently.
This exception signals that a particular WS-Addressing header is missing in a SOAP message.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
The general representation of a single node within a PolicySourceModel instance.
Policy source model node type enumeration
This class provides a method for translating a PolicySourceModel structure to a normalized Policy expression.
Represents an object scoped to the current "module" (like a JavaEE web appliation).
A visitor to visit a Java module.
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
Utility class used as a JEP 238 multi release jar versioned class.
Mtom message Codec.
Generate an MTOM policy if MTOM was enabled.
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
Encapsulate Namespace logic for use by SAX drivers.
A special policy implementation that assures that only no or single policy alternative is possible within this type of policy.
Indicates what shall happen after Tube.processRequest(Packet) or Tube.processResponse(Packet) returns.
InputStream that cannot be closed.
OutputStream that cannot be closed.
Delivers response messages targeted at non-anonymous endpoint addresses
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
Mini-marshaller/unmarshaller that is specialized for a particular element name and a type.
Unsupported RI extension to work around an issue in WSIT.
The JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
This class abstracts the process of identifying the wsdl operation from a SOAP Message request.
Used to represent outbound header created from XMLStreamBuffer.
Represents a container of a Message.
Dispatch implementation for Packet.
Runtime Parameter that abstracts the annotated java parameter

A parameter may be bound to a header, a body, or an attachment.
Denotes the binding of a parameter.
Represents 4 kinds of binding.
runtime Parameter that abstracts the annotated java parameter
TODO: made public just for now
Parses the SOAP message in order to get QName of a payload element.
Message backed by Source as payload
Message backed by XMLStreamReader as payload
Use Tube.
Tube that invokes Pipe.
Clones the whole pipeline.
Creates a pipeline.
A policy represents normalized policy as a wrapper of available policy alternatives represented by child AssertionSets.
Base class for any policy assertion implementations.
The interface defines contract for custom (domain specific) policy assertion factories.
Commonly used constants by the policy implementations
This is a base exception class and thrown when there is an error in the policy processing
The service provider implementing this interface will be discovered and called to configure wsdl model based on PolicyMap bound to it.
The instance of this class is intended to provide policy intersection mechanism.
This is a helper class that provides some convenience methods wrapped around the standard Logger interface.
A PolicyMap holds all policies for a scope.
The service provider implementing this interface will be discovered and called to extend created PolicyMap instance with additional policy bindings.
The class provides methods to extend policy map content with new policies
This class provides implementation of PolicyMapKey interface to be used in connection with PolicyMap.
Computes a PolicyMapKey instance for a given WsdlBindingSubject.
The class serves as a base for specific policy map mutator implementations.
Utility methods that operate on a PolicyMap.
Merge policies and return the effective policy.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Translate a policy into a PolicySourceModel.
Allows derived classes to pass their own implementation of PolicySourceModelCreator into the PolicyModelGenerator instance.
Abstract class defines interface for policy model marshaller implementations that are specific to underlying persistence layer.
This class provides a method for translating a PolicySourceModel structure to a normalized Policy expression.
Abstract class defines interface for policy model unmarshaller implementations that are specific to underlying persistence layer.
PolicyResolver will be used to resolve the PolicyMap created by configuration understood by JAX-WS.
PolicyResolverFactory provides a way to override Effective Policy Resolution for a Service or Client.
This class is a root of unmarshaled policy source structure.
A PolicySubject is an entity (e.g., a port, operation, binding, service) with which a policy can be associated.
This is a wrapper class for various utilities that may be reused within Policy API implementation.
Text utilities wrapper.
Marshals the contents of a policy map to WSDL.
Marker interface for WSDLParserExtension implementations that can replace the default implementation
This class parses the Policy Attachments in the WSDL and creates a PolicyMap thaty captures the policies configured on different PolicySubjects in the wsdl.
General-purpose object pool.
JAXB Marshaller pool.
Tube pool.
JAXB Marshaller pool.
Resolves port address for an endpoint.
Information about a port.
Implementation of the PortInfo interface.
Interface for prefix factories.
A prefix factory that caches the prefixes it creates.
Maps an XML prefix to a namespace.
Header that represents <wsa:ProblemAction>
Accesses a particular property of a bean.
This is the Gtter of a bean property.
A set of "properties" that can be accessed via strongly-typed fields as well as reflexibly through the property name.
Marks a field on PropertySet as a property of MessageContext.
This is the Setter of a bean property.
Implementation of Message backed by Source where the Source represents the complete message such as a SOAP envelope.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Keeps the runtime information like Service.Mode and erasure of Provider class about Provider endpoint.
The entry point to the JAX-WS RI from the JAX-WS API.
This Tube is used to invoke the Provider and AsyncProvider endpoints.
Factory for Provider invoker tubes that know how to handle specific types of Providers (i.e.,
Map keyed by QName.
Reads a input stream completely and creates a new stream by keeping some data in memory and the rest on the file system.
Used to indicate that PropertySet.put(String, Object) failed because a property is read-only.
Allows to trigger a reconfiguration action on an object.
A visitor to visit a record component.
WS-Addressing <RelatesTo$gt; header.
Request context implementation.
Represents a functionality of the container to inject resources to application service endpoint object (usually but not necessarily as per JavaEE spec.)
Used to locate resources for jax-ws extensions.
Used to locate resources for DeploymentDescriptorParser.
Used to locate resources for DeploymentDescriptorParser.
Reads a response Message, disassembles it, and moves obtained Java values to the expected places.
Reads an Attachment into a Java parameter.
Reads the whole payload into a single JAXB bean.
ResponseBuilder that is a composition of multiple ResponseBuilders.
Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, and processes all such wrapped parts.
Reads a header into a JAXB object.
ResponseBuilder that sets the VM uninitialized value to the type.
Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, and processes all such wrapped parts.
Implements "response context" on top of Packet.
Receives ResponseContext at the end of the message invocation.
Sniffs the root element name and its attributes from SAX events.
Codec that works only on the root part of the MIME/multipart.
Creates a runtime model of a SEI (portClass).
RuntimeModelerException represents an exception that occurred while serializing a Java value as XML.
Obtains the version number of the JAX-WS runtime.
Parses WSDL and builds WSDLModel.
Factory SPI for SAAJ implementations
Header for SOAPHeaderElement.
Message implementation backed by SOAPMessage.
AttachmentSet for SAAJ.
SaajStaxWriter builds a SAAJ SOAPMessage by using XMLStreamWriter interface.
Holds details of element that needs to be deferred in order to manage namespace assignments correctly.
Provides methods to unmarshal policies from a XMLStreamReader safely
Validates all request and response messages payload(SOAP:Body) for a WebService against the XML schema.
WebServiceFeature for schema validation.
Represents an individual document that forms a ServiceDefinition.
SDDocument that represents an XML Schema.
SDDocument that represents a WSDL.
Provides a way to filter SDDocument infoset while writing it.
SDDocument implmentation.
Resolves a systemId to SDDocument
SPI that provides the source of SDDocument.
This pipe is used to invoke SEI based endpoints.
Represents abstraction of SEI.
PortInfo that has SEIModel.
Stub that handles method invocations through a strongly-typed endpoint interface.
Client side feature to enable or disable the selection of the optimal encoding by the client when sending outbound messages.
A configurator provider for FastInfoset policy assertions.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Configures various aspects of serialization like encoding
SerializationException represents an exception that occurred while serializing a Java value as XML.
WebServiceFeature for configuration serialization.
HttpAdapter for Endpoint API.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Allow the container (primarily Glassfish) to inject their own pipes into the pipeline.
Tube that does the schema validation on the server side.
Represents the exception that has occurred on the server side.
Represents the SOAPFaultException that has occurred on the server side.
Factory for well-known server Tube implementations that the TubelineAssembler needs to use to satisfy JAX-WS requirements.
ServiceArtifactSchemaGenerator generates XML schema for service artifacts including the wrapper types of document-literal stype operation and exceptions.
Error thrown when something goes wrong while looking up service providers.
Root of the unparsed WSDL and other resources referenced from it.
ServiceDefinition implementation.
Abstraction over WSDL and Schema metadata
A simple service-provider lookup mechanism.
Interception point for inner working of WSService.
Marker interface for WebServiceFeature derived classes that when instances are specified in the feature list to a service delegate must be added to the feature list of any Stubs created by that delegate.
HttpAdapter for servlets.
List (and a factory) of ServletAdapter.
WSHTTPConnection implemented for HttpServlet.
WebModule that is a servlet container.
ResourceLoader backed by ServletContext.
A parser for signature literals, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS), to visit them with a SignatureVisitor.
A visitor to visit a generic signature.
A SignatureVisitor that generates signature literals, as defined in the Java Virtual Machine Specification (JVMS).
Simple assertion is an abstract class that serves as a base class for any assertion that MAY NOT contain nested policies.
InstanceResolver that always returns a single instance.
Models soap:binding in a WSDL document or a SOAPBinding annotation.
SOAP binding Codec that can handle MTOM, SwA, and SOAP messages encoded using XML or Fast Infoset.
A wsdl:opeartion binding object that represents soap:binding.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
The SoapBodyStyle represents the possible choices of the mapping styles between the SOAP body of a wsdl:operation input/output messages and JAVA method parameters and return/output values.
Base class that represents SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 fault.
Implementation of SOAPMessageContext.
The SOAPMessageDispatch class provides support for the dynamic invocation of a service endpoint operation using the SOAPMessage class.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Creates SOAP specific RuntimeModel
Version of SOAP (1.1 and 1.2).
This class is a root of unmarshalled policy source structure.
Default Pipeline assembler for JAX-WS client and server side runtimes.
Default Pipeline assembler for JAX-WS client and server side runtimes.
Designates a stateful WebService.
Designates a stateful WebService.
InstanceResolver that looks at JAX-WS cookie header to determine the instance to which a message will be routed.
Stateful web service support in the JAX-WS RI.
Used by StatefulWebServiceManager.setTimeout(long, Callback) to determine what to do when the time out is reached.
A JAXP Result implementation that produces a result on the specified XMLStreamWriter or XMLEventWriter.
A JAXP Source implementation that wraps the specified XMLStreamReader or XMLEventReader for use by applications that expect a Source.
Provides a way to tell the runtime about stickiness of requests.
Attachment created from raw bytes.
Decodes SOAPEnvelope read from an InputStream into a Message instance.
Header whose physical data representation is an XMLStreamBuffer.
Keep the information about an attribute on the header element.
StreamHeader for SOAP 1.1.
StreamHeader for SOAP 1.2.
This feature represents the use of StreamingAttachment attachments with a web service.
Proxy needs to be created with this feature to configure StreamingAttachment attachments behaviour.
Implementation of StreamingDataHandler to access MIME attachments efficiently.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Message implementation backed by XMLStreamReader.
Reads events from XMLStreamReader and constructs a Message for SOAP envelope.
A stream SOAP codec.
JavaMail's data content handler for text/plain -->String
Header that has a single text value in it (IOW, of the form <foo>text</foo>.)
Base class for stubs, which accept method invocations from client applications and pass the message to a Tube for processing.
MethodHandler that handles synchronous method invocations.
Factory methods of various stubs.
Suppresses automatic generation of WS-Addressing headers in request messages.
Codec that uses MIME/multipart as the base format.
This tube is used to invoke the Provider endpoints.
Feature used to request starting a fiber synchronous to the calling thread but allowing it to later switch to run asynchronously to that thread.
Complete infoset about a start tag.
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
ContainerResolver based on ThreadLocal.
When using Dispatch<Packet> and the invocation completes with a Throwable, it is useful to be able to inspect the Packet in addition to the Throwable as the Packet contains meta-data about the request and/or response.
When using Dispatch<Packet> and the invocation completes with a Throwable, it is useful to be able to inspect the Packet in addition to the Throwable as the Packet contains meta-data about the request and/or response.
Wrapper over XMLStreamReader.
This class mainly performs the following two tasks: Takes a Message that represents a request, and extracts the arguments (and updates Holders.) Accepts return value and Holder arguments for a Java method, and creates JAXBMessage that represents a response message.
Represents a transport back-channel.
Factory for transport pipes that enables transport pluggability.
Factory for transport tubes that enables transport pluggability.
Use provided by metro-wsit instead.
Abstraction of the intermediate layers in the processing chain and transport.
Clones the whole pipeline.
Java class for tubeFactoryCType complex type.
Java class for tubeFactoryListCType complex type.
Creates a tubeline.
A base tubeline assembly context class providing common methods for both client and server assembly context classes.
Decorate Tubes during tubeline assembly
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Java class for tubelineDefinitionCType complex type.
WebServiceFeature for the Tubeline WebServiceFeature
Java class for tubelineMappingCType complex type.
Java class for tubelinesConfigCType complex type.
A Java field or method type.
A reference to a JAXB-bound type.
The path to a type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within an enclosing type.
A reference to a type appearing in a class, field or method declaration, or on an instruction.
Codec throws this exception when it doesn't understand request message's Content-Type
This feature instructs that the specified JAXBContextFactory be used for performing data-binding for the SEI.
A WebServiceFeature that instructs the JAX-WS runtime to use a specific JAXBContextFactory instance of creating JAXBContext.
Utility code for the Message implementation.
UtilException represents an exception that occurred while one of the util classes is operating.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
An ErrorHandler to receive errors encountered during the Validator.validate(javax.xml.transform.Source) method invocation.
Provides methods for assertion validation.
TubeFactory implementation creating one of the standard JAX-WS RI tubes
Gets a value from an object that represents a parameter passed as a method argument.
Moves a Java value unmarshalled from a response message to the right place.
ValueSetterFactory is used to create ValueSetter.
Represents the version information.
This is used to represent SOAP VersionMismatchFault.
Provides some version utilities.
Constants for W3C WS-Addressing version
Constants for W3C Addressing Metadata specification
This extension class generates wsam:Action values for input, output and faults in the generated wsdl.
W3C WS-Addressing Runtime WSDL parser extension that parses WS-Addressing Metadata wsdl extensibility elements This mainly reads wsam:Action element on input/output/fault messages in wsdl.
W3C WS-Addressing Runtime WSDL parser extension
Module that is an HTTP container.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This object is set to Packet.webServiceContextDelegate to serve WebServiceContext methods for a Packet.
Factory methods to get web service features from the corresponding feature annotations
Represents a list of WebServiceFeatures that has bunch of utility methods pertaining to web service features.
Runtime Wrapper and exception bean generator implementation.
WrapperBridge handles RPC-Literal body and Document-Literal wrappers without static wrapper classes.
A JAXB Bean that works like a DOM.
ParameterImpl that represents a wrapper, which is a parameter that consists of multiple nested ParameterImpls within, which together form a body part.
WsaClientTube appears in the Tubeline only if addressing is enabled.
Provides access to the Addressing headers.
Handles WS-Addressing for the server.
JAX-WS implementation of Binding.
BindingProvider with JAX-WS RI's extension methods.
Provides objects for use as WSDL 1.0/1.1 policy subjects.
For message subjects, this needs to be set to one of the values INPUT, OUTPUT or FAULT.
Identifies the scope to which this subject belongs.
Abstracts wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault
Abstracts wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation.
Implementation of WSDLBoundOperation
WSDLPortType bound with a specific binding.
Implementation of WSDLBoundPortType
Interface defining WSDL-related constants.
Enumeration that tells a wsdl:part that can be defined either using a type attribute or an element attribute.
Replacement for WSDLPortProperties for when elements from the WSDL are known, but the full WSDL is not available.
Interface that represents WSDL concepts that can have extensions.
Represents a WSDL extensibility element or attribute.
Abstracts wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault
WSDLObject that can have features associated with it.
WSDLGenerator is used to generate the WSDL representation of the service endpoint interface of the parent Databinding object.
Class used to generate WSDLs from a SEIModel.
This is a callback interface used to extend the WSDLGenerator.
WSDLGeneatorContext provides a context for the WSDLGeneratorExtension and is used in WSDLGeneratorExtension.start(WSDLGenExtnContext).
WSDLGenInfo provides the WSDL generation options
Abstraction of wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input
Used to locate WSDL documents; particularly useful for J2EE deployment archives
Abstraction of wsdl:message.
Provides abstraction for wsdl:message
Provides abstraction of wsdl:definitions.
Main purpose of this class is to parsing of a WSDL and get the WSDLModel from it.
Implementation of WSDLModel
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Marker interface serves as base interface for the wsdl model
Provides abstraction of wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation.
Extensions if this class will be used for dispatching the request message to the correct endpoint method by identifying the wsdl operation associated with the request.
Implementaiton of WSDLOperation
WSDLOperationMapping represents the mapping between a WSDL operation and a JavaMethod.
Abstraction of wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output
Extends the WSDL parsing process.
Provides contextual information for WSDLParserExtensions.
Abstracts wsdl:part after applying binding information from wsdl:binding.
Abstracts wsdl:part descriptor that is defined using element or type attribute.
Implementation of WSDLPart
Patches WSDL with the correct endpoint address and the relative paths to other documents.
Abstracts wsdl:service/wsdl:port
Implementation of WSDLPort
Properties exposed from WSDLPort for MessageContext.
Abstraction of wsdl:portType.
Provides implementation of
Properties exposed from WSDLPort for MessageContext.
WSDLResolver is used by WSDLGenerator while generating WSDL and its associated documents.
Abstracts wsdl:service.
Implementation of WSDLService
Root object that hosts the Packet processing code at the server.
Callback to notify that jax-ws runtime has finished execution of a request submitted via schedule().
Represents a resource local to a thread.
WSEndpoint implementation.
ManagedObjectManager proxy class for WSEndpointImpl instances that could be used when Gmbal API calls need to be deferred.
Internal representation of the EPR.
Represents an extensibility element inside an EndpointReference
Implementation backed by XMLStreamBuffer
Read-only list of WebServiceFeatures.
The view of an HTTP exchange from the point of view of JAX-WS.
JAX-WS RI's extension to PortInfo.
JAX-WS implementation of ServiceDelegate.
Typed parameter bag used by WSService.create(URL, QName, InitParams)
Service objects provide the client view of a Web service.
The JAX-WS dispatcher servlet.
Parses sun-jaxws.xml and sets up HttpAdapters for all deployed endpoints.
Called by WSServlet to choose HttpAdapter and sends a request to it.
Called by WSSPIServlet to choose EndpointAdapter and sends a request to it.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
Parses sun-jaxws.xml and sets up EndpointAdapters for all deployed endpoints.
The JAX-WS dispatcher servlet.
WebServiceContext that exposes JAX-WS RI specific additions.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
The XMLBridge is a Glassfish JAXWS side of Glassfish JAXB Bridge.
JAF data handler for XML content
Resolves a reference to XMLStreamReader.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
XML (infoset) over HTTP binding Codec.
Access a Message as a DataSource.
Don't know about this content.
Data represented as a multi-part MIME message.
Defines string formatting method for each constant in the resource file
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
Unmarshal XML policy expressions.
XMLReaderException represents an exception that occurred while reading an XML document.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
XMLStream ReaderException represents an exception that occurred while reading an XML document.
Factory for XMLStreamReader.
Default XMLStreamReaderFactory implementation that can work with any XMLInputFactory.
Similar to XMLStreamReaderFactory.Default but doesn't do any synchronization.
Interface that can be implemented by XMLStreamReader to be notified when it's recycled.
Handles Woodstox's XIF, but sets properties to do the string interning, sets various limits, ...
XMLStreamReader that delegates to another XMLStreamReader.
Low level representation of an XML or SOAP message as an XMLStreamReader.
XMLStreamReaderUtil provides some utility methods intended to be used in conjunction with a StAX XMLStreamReader.
AttributesImpl class copied from old StAXReader.
XMLWriterException represents an exception that occurred while writing an XML document.
Factory for XMLStreamWriter.
Default XMLStreamWriterFactory implementation that can work with any XMLOutputFactory.
For XMLOutputFactory is thread safe.
Interface that can be implemented by XMLStreamWriter to be notified when it's recycled.
XMLStreamWriterFactory implementation for Sun's StaX implementation.
XMLStreamWriter that delegates to another XMLStreamWriter.
XMLStreamWriterUtil provides some utility methods intended to be used in conjunction with a StAX XMLStreamWriter.
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation
This file was generated by JAXB-RI v2.2.6 and afterwards modified to implement appropriate Annotation